|118| Top Secret

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22nd of August, 1978

Riley tossed a piece of parchment away from the table. The paper mostly consisted of many scribbles and un-readable writings.

A couple of days before, when she was going through her parents' and sister's rooms, she had found an old Potions textbook which Ivy had from her seventh year. Since she couldn't take Potions after the OWL examinations, she decided to take a look at it.

Furthermore, she had taken many notes on the same piece of parchment, trying to create and add new stuff into the textbook.

One of the things she had added was something to heal wounds. Surely, there were already potions for the same purpose, but with this new one, Riley hoped it would try healing wounds for the unknown curses.

She had already made one sample with the ingredients she found in Ivy's room. But she couldn't test it on anyone, so she didn't know if it worked or not.

Most of the people she knew had been starting trainings and jobs. Lily and Dorcas were training to be healers, Peter had just gotten a job at the ministry, James and Sirius were training to be aurors. Marlene didn't have much idea on what to do with her life, Riley knew her parents had suggested her to start a job at the ministry but Marlene had declined it. On the contrary, Mary was now taking some extra muggle classes to start a muggle job, she claimed that the wizarding world wasn't going anywhere better soon. Remus was in a desperate need for a job, but no place hired him because of his condition although his grades from Hogwarts.

Riley also didn't want to work as a ministry worker, she especially didn't want to sit at a desk the whole day. She even considered to become a professional quidditch player to do something worth living. But the idea didn't last long, it faded away in her mind, making less sense to her each second.

Suddenly, a silvery wolf appeared. It was Remus' patronus.

"It's urgent, order meeting now. Strict orders from Dumbledore, he wants you here too," said the patronus, then faded away silently. Riley left everything on the table, then left the house.


Riley arrived at the order's headquarters. She entered the cabin in the forest which expanded.

"Miss Spade, glad to see you," greeted Dumbledore. Riley looked around, Remus, Peter, James, Sirius, and Lily were there. Nobody else seemed to be there except for Moody.

"There seems to be a group of death eaters in a muggle street," said Dumbledore, then showed a map which seemed so dirty, almost picked off the road. He pointed at the street he was talking about. "I want you six to interfere and see what they're about to do before they can execute the plan. Off you go."

He said it so quickly and simply which made Riley a bit uncomfortable. A group of death eaters in a muggle street who were also about to attack people didn't sound so simple to Riley.

"Professor — why us? There are many experienced order members," said Lily rather shyly.

"Miss Evans, consider this as an opportunity to prove yourselves," said Dumbledore calmly. Riley saw Lily nod nervously, then James slowly touching Lily's hand to calm her down. "We have no time to waste, off you go."

All of them rose at once, leaving the cabin without a word. Remus held his hand out for all of them to apparate to the street.


The street was bustling with muggles, it was noon, and people were out on the streets. Riley took a deep breath.

"So, this is all the information he gives us?" said Peter. "Nothing more?"

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