|91| Plan, Seventh Year

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"What kind of plan?" asked Riley suspiciously. "I don't know if I should trust you..."

"Please," begged Lena. "I know it looks weird but I'm not one of them — I never will be! I tried talking Regulus Black out of it but he sounded pretty sure of himself," said the girl. 

"Look," she started. "I was ordered to be a death eater as soon as I turned seventeen — which is only five months away. My father brought me here without any notice and told me via letter the day before. And then when we came by the creepy portkey, we were near this big manor. There were quite a few people having this little meeting," Lena explained. "I asked my dad who they were but — of course — he didn't tell me a damn thing. But he shook hands with them, they told him they missed him and yada yada."

"Tell me the names," said Riley confidently.

"Well — there was Abraxas Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, a woman named Narcissa, Lucius Malfoy, and my father."

"That doesn't sound nice," said Riley. "Thatcher, if you are actually trying to trick me, just know that you are not getting yourself into some sweet business."

"For the last time — I'm not!" said Lena loudly. Riley looked at her. Lena seemed upset, she kept fidgeting with her hands, constantly cracking her knuckles. "Okay, I'll tell you what they were talking about but don't make me regret telling you!"

"Depends on what you'll tell me."

"They said how they wanted to attack the Tonks family, I'm assuming Bellatrix Lestrange is someone's sister in that family... Why would she attack her sister — anyways." She cleared her throat. "They told me to convince you into joining the death eaters because they don't wanna fail You-Know-Who since they were already unsuccessful in killing your — uhm — your family... And then my amazing dad turned to me. I tried to get out of it but — once again — that Lestrange girl started screaming at me and pointed her wand, then I got out of there."

Lena took a deep breath. Riley hadn't noticed that she had stopped inhaling air out of stress. She also took a deep breath and then leaned back onto the table as she closed her eyes. She wanted to believe that Lena was an imposter, but she didn't seem like one. She wanted to wake up and hear Ivy tell her it was all a dream and she was still a muggle. It somehow made sense — but it didn't make her feel any better. 

"And I'm planning to tell my dad that I talked to you and that you said you'd think about it," said Lena. Riley jumped up and glared at Lena in fury.

"Wh — no!" she shouted. "No, you cannot put me in that position, Thatcher! I won't lie for you, and I won't fake becoming one of those fucking murderers!"

"You're not even gonna be interacting with them! I'm gonna be the one talking to them, but I'm not planning to take the dark mark, I'm not insane!"

"Seems like you are!" said Riley. "Do you know what that means?! If you tell them that I'd think about it, they won't let go of me and when I don't take the mark, they'll get angry for the delay and kill me!"

"Exactly! But you won't get killed," said Lena with a smile. Riley wanted to punch the girl in the face. How could she even suggest such a thing? "The delay will give me and you time to protect ourselves. They'll grow weaker as they lose members, and they'll never rise to power! This will make it easier to overthrow them! Ta-da!"

"Absolutely not." Riley stood up. "I'm not going to be involved in this bloody plan."

"If you don't agree on this, they'll not only kill me but kill you for refusing." Lena looked Riley straight in the eye. She had tears in her dark eyes, she stood up, right after Riley and her smile faded. 

Riley gulped and looked at the girl getting teary. She blinked a couple of times and then looked down. She didn't want to make a choice. What would've happened if the girl hadn't told her about any of these in the first place? She wouldn't've known about any of this, she would live her slightly less bad and sad life. 

"Why are you even telling me these?" she asked weakly.

"I don't want people to die!" Lena answered sharply. 

"You think I do?" said Riley. "Are you even aware of what they could do if they found out you were going behind their back?"

"Yes, I am!" Riley sighed, but Lena didn't give up. "Think about it, just think about it."

Riley didn't reply, she took a couple of steps back and then went right out of the library. She reached the Gryffindor common room and walked to the dormitory immediately. She closed the door behind her, almost slammed it. 

 "Woah, calm down," said a voice behind her. Riley turned around to see Lily looking at her with concerned eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Wh — nothing!" said Riley. "I just really think the new girl is a weirdo."

"Why? She seems sweet."

"I dunno, just feels like it," lied Riley. She got into bed and closed the lights along. She couldn't sleep, she kept thinking about what the girl had told her. 

She couldn't connect the dots. First, she had told her that Ralph's father was a death eater out of the blue, claiming to have known why Ralph would be upset. Then immediately told her that her father was indeed a death eater. Along with that, she had told her to fake wanting to join the death eaters to give them all more time to protect themselves.

Riley didn't know why she had to trust this girl, after all, her dad was a death eater. This didn't make it any easier to trust this girl. 

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