Chapter 38: Forgiveness

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I am so happy that my relationship with Papii is now back of what really kind our relationship we had since the start. I am so glad that I have Papii in my side, because he is always here for me trying to understand and forgive. Even though there are so many trials and unexpected things that happens that almost lead us to break up, but he just gave us and we both gave us some time to find and fix ourselves.

I have learned so many things in life because of the man I am with today. I don't know what I did or what I sacrificed in my past lives to be blessed by this kind of man. But I am very grateful because without Papii, I don't know if I would still be standing where I am today if it wasn't for him.

After our conversation earlier I was happy because we had forgiven each other even though we knew we were innocent. The last thing we will do is forget. Forget all those events and start a new life. New life with each other full of love and understanding for each other.

Papii is driving now because we are going to Pops' house. He also said that he wanted to apologize for the fear and nervousness he caused to Pim and Pops when I disappeared and suddenly came back with some wounds and traumatic memories. I smiled at the man next to me now and held his hand. He turned to me and smiled.

"I love you so much Gun I hope you feel and always remember that."he said and smiled at me again.

He grabbed my hand tightly and kissed it, then his eyes returned to the road. I smiled shyly because I can really feel that I am like a red -faced tomato now because of his words.

When I cried so much earlier, I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep


I was driving quietly when I noticed that Gun was asleep. I smiled because he looked like an angel sent here to earth to fix and cheer up my chaotic and scary life.

I immediately remembered my life before Gun came into my life. Before, I used to feel only anger and hatred. I was not very friendly with people and I never smiled at my employees and mens before. They were all afraid to talk to me, to work with me or even look into my eyes, they couldn't do it. Maybe I was like that because of what happened to my father. I didn't know the truth then and I was blinded by anger because I knew it wasn't true that my father just died like that.

But all of that changed when Gun came into my my life. I was dreaming before, but for me that dream will remain just a dream so I don't a fuck about that. But when I saw him I suddenly compared him to all my dreams. That's where I started to change, he didn't change me but I wanted to change myself because of him and for him.

Ever since he came into my life it seems to have taken that direction. The emotions I was feeling changed and I started to feel happiness and contention in my life. Gun has been a big contributor to my life and I am very grateful for that.

20 minutes later we arrived at their family home. I got out of the car and headed across it to wake Gun up. I noticed he was in a deep sleep but I still tried to wake him up.

"Love? Wake up love, we're here." I said softly to him.

He groaned but he didn't wake up and turned away from me. I touched his face and patted it gently but he held my hand and hugged it.

"Papii ..." He murmured.

I smiled and approached him.

"All right, I won't wake you up Love. Sleep well... I love you..." I whispered to him and slowly lifted him up.

I picked him up like a bridal style and took the bag he was carrying. I went straight to their gate and rang the doorbell. I rang the doorbell three times and a startled Pim greeted me followed by their father who seemed to be asking who had repeatedly rang the doorbell earlier who had now frozen. I smiled at the two of them.

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