Chapter 13: Father and Son

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I leave P'Off, because I know he is not be really busy. He is just annoyed by what happened earlier. So all I did was go home and organized the food that I bought earlier. I also plan to cook for Pops because he likes my dishes but for him my mother still seems to cook well. It's so sad that my mother died early.

She died when she gave birth to Pim. Of course it hurts for me to lose my mother  that early, especially Pim nor she didn't even got a chance to see our mother in person and only saw her in the photos to know and memorized her face.

I finished cooking and since it was my day off.I cleaned my whole unit. I finished around 3 in the afternoon. I was so tired sitting on my sofa.

Later on my phone rang. I saw Pops name so I answered it right away.

"Sawasdee Krap Pops, why did you call me?". I asked.

"Hello son, I know your free today that's why I call you. I want you to meet me at my office. We have something to talked about son." He said.

"Okay Pops, I will. Just wait for 20 minutes. And Pops I cooked your favorite dish. I will give you some." I said.

"Okay son, drive safe." Pops said ang hang up the phone.

I immediately got up from my seat and got dressed to look good in front of my Pops. I came to our company and all the empoy I met bowed at me. Of course I am the CEO and the son of the owner's company, it is normal for them to respect me.

I stopped at Pops' office and knocked. I heard Pops respond so I turned the door knob and entered.

"Seat son." Pops said and I sat infront of him.

"Here's your food Pops. I hope you will love it." I saida nd smile at him wide.

"Son I want you to tell me what happened a feelw months ago, I know that something is going on with you and Mr. Jumpol. And I want to know it not as your boss but as your father. You're my son, you should open to me to lessen the tense or pain you are feeling." He said.

"I know that Mr. Jumpol, Tay, Mew and Gulf went in your unit. And they left with Mr. Jumpol with you, because he is drunk. I sent someone to spy on you, so don't you wonder why I know this. My spy heard your argument, of course I did not immediately believe of what he reported to me so I called you today to explain to me, because it keep recalling in my mind and bothering me. I will do everything to understand you, because you are my son and I love you son. I don't want you to be hurt. Just tell Pops the truth okay?." He added.

I stand up and hug him tightly. I sobbed at him. At last he confront me to tell him of what I feeling now. I still hugging Pops when I started to tell him the story.

"Do you remember Pops on my 27th birthday. I was very happy, we drank and we had fun. In the evening I got drunk and fell asleep immediately. I dreamed of weird things. I dreamed as if I was watching myself talking to a man. We are on the beach Pops. I was leaning on his chest and he is hugging me. Pops you know that it's my first time dreaming like that, but I started to dream of it again and again. And lately I started hearing conversations and I all remember that. Especially when I dreamed I was in the office, it was as if the man was jealous of my dream. He entered my office and grabbed me with a kiss. I don't know Pops but when I saw I responded to his kiss, It felt so good. I know I was just watching myself and that man kiss but I was happy as if I was the person that man was kissing." I explained.

"Did you recognize the face of the man you are talking about?." Pops asked.

"No Pops, because I can only see vaguely. But I know his aura, he's attitude, how he dress up. Everything Pops I know everything about him except for his voice. I didn't know his voice that much." I answered.

"But you didn't answer my question son, why did Mr. jumpol and you got an argument." Pops said.

"Didn't I tell you Pops that I know everything about the man in my dream. I saw all of that in P'Off, I don't know but he really has it all Pops. Then that night I invited P'Tay to my unit, I didn't really know that he was coming too. It's just P'Tay invited him. He got drunk so P'Tay left him with me because he could no longer drive. He was sleeping Pops and I had just finished cleaning my unit and finished taking a bath when I heard him whispering. Pops he knows me, he's dreaming about me too, but Pops he lied to me. He knew about me. I've been looking for him for a year to ask if he also dreams like me but he kept that Pops a secret from me. I could not control my own emotions on that night Pops. I slapped him and shouted at him, but he didn't say anything nor hurt me physically on that night. I just went to him but he doesn't seem to really care about me Pops. It hurts Pops. I love him but Pops it hurts me by loving him." I explained and sob again.

"I know the right time will come and you will be able to answer the questions you are asking to yourself right now. Maybe he has a reason, give him time first. If you really love him wait for him. Take care of yourself, just in case he comes back, you will both be fine and face your future together. I am here for you son, I am your father so if there is a problem or difficulty so just talk to me. I know your situation is difficult now but you can handle it because I am here and your sister are here right?." Pops explained.

"Thank you so much Pops, I love you." I said and hugged him again and kiss his cheeks.

"That's nothing son, I'm your father and that's my responsibility to you. And by the way don't surrender that easily to him okay? I really feel that he loves you. Just wait for him son." Pops said and hugged me again.

"And son, I'm happy for you that you found the man that you love." Pops said with a wide smile.

"Thank you Pops." I said and stand up.

"Thank you for the time son. Drive safe." Pops said.

"No, thank you for your time and understanding Pops I really really appreciate it. And yes Pops I'll drive safely. I love you." I said and leave.

After having a conversation with Pops, I decided to buy a cup of coffee. I was waiting for my order when I saw P'Off enter the same coffee shop. He was with Nirin.

He is carrying him and talking cute to him. I didn't realize that I was staring to him that long. I'm just wondering if I get pregnant for his child will he feel the same thing that I actually seeing now to him? I came back to reality when my order arrived at my table.

"Thank you." I said to the waiter.


I went to the coffee shop with Nirin because she want to be with me for a day. And I can't ignore her because she keeps acting cute in front of me so yeah, I agree.

"Thank you." Gun said.

I immediately turned around when I heard that voice. I looked for him and our eyes met. He looked away and hurried to leave but I grabbed his wrist and he looked at me with shock.

"What's mine is mine." I said and let his wrist go.

He is stunned of what I said and when he came back in reality he leave the coffee shop immediately.

I just laugh and adore his reaction.

"If you keep acting like that, I don't know what will happen if I can't control myself and decided to break my plan and never ever let you go." I whispered and smirked.

Chapter 13, done! Next chapter is on going. The climax is coming!!! See you the next chapter!!!

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