The Full Moon and the Dementors

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"Sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit," Sirius told Ron as we walked down the flights of stairs. 
"A bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off!" Ron whined. 
"I was going for the rat," Sirius defended. "Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with. But the fleas, they're murder," Sirius commented. I smirked as we exited the Whomping Willow, that was now a lot calmer as if someone had charmed it.
Harry and Sirius set Ron down on the ground. 
"Okay," said Harry as he set Ron down and Sirius walked away. 
" You better go," said Ron. 
"No. Don't worry, okay? It's fine. I'll stay," Harry insisted. 
" You go, we'll stay," Hermione said gesturing to her and I before cocking her head towards Sirius.
"You okay?" Harry asked Ron. 
"I'm fine. Go," Ron insisted. I sat by Ron and Hermione on the grass and sighed, hugging my knees to my chest. 
" That looks really painful," Hermione winced as she looked at Ron's injured leg. 
"So painful. They might chop it," Ron said. I snickered and rolled my eyes. 
" I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat," Hermione reassured. 
"It's too late. It's ruined," Ron stressed. 
"Oh pipe down, Ron. It's just a dog bite," I interjected. 
"He could've had rabies!" Ron argued. 
"A grown man with rabies? Riigghhttt," I said. A moment later, Lupin and Pettigrew came up from the trunk of the Willow. 
"Turn me into a maggot! Turn me into a flobberworm! Anything but the dementors!" Pettigrew pleaded before Lupin pushed him to the ground. Pettigrew turned to Ron. 
"Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them give me to the dementors, will you? I was your rat!"
He then turned to Hermione and I. "Sweet girls! Clever girls! Surely you won't let them..."
"-- Get away from them!" Professor Lupin snapped as he grabbed Pettigrew's arm and led him away from us.  The two were a few feet away from each other. Lupin was pointing his wand at Pettigrew. I looked up at the clouds and saw that the moon was peaking. 
"Oh no!" I exclaimed as I stood up. Hermione stood up as well and yelled "Harry!" before pointing at the moon that was peaking out even more. Professor Lupin looked up at the moon. You could hear his heart pulsating and his face drooped and his eyes changed from blue to green. 
"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asked as he approached his transforming friend. He tried holding him up to keep him from slouching over. Lupin was yelling in pain. 
"You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! Here! This flesh is only flesh!" Sirius yelled at Lupin as Hermione and Harry helped Ron up. Harry pulled me closer to him before he saw Pettigrew pick up Lupin's wand, which he had dropped. Harry outstretched his arm. "Expelliarmus!"
The wand flew out of Pettigrew's hand and landed in mine. I stored it in my jacket pocket for safe keeping. Pettigrew smirked and waved at us before transforming back into his rat form and scurried away. Harry tried to go after him but, I stopped him. 
"Harry!" I yelled as I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt. 
The four of us continued to watch Lupin's transformation as Sirius tried to keep him calm. Lupin's clothes ripped off of him. 
"Run! Run!" Sirius yelled at us. But, none of us moved. It felt like having sleep paralysis, except you weren't asleep. Lupin's face changed as did the rest of his body. He threw Sirius over the slope and hunched over. Lupin was now a werewolf. 
"Come on," Harry said as he started to retreat slowly with Ron at his shoulder. 
"Wait. Wait," Hermions said, stopping him. 
"Hermione! Bad idea. Bad idea," Ron pleaded as Hermions started to slowly walk forward towards Professor Lupin. 
"Are you mad?" I whisper-yelled. 
"Professor?" Hermione questioned as she approached the whining Lupin. He looked up and stared at him.
"Proffesor Lupin?" she questioned again. Lupin howled, which caused Hermione to step back towards us. 
Harry huddled all four of us together. I was huddled into him on his left side, Ron was on his Right and Hermione was huddled into Ron. 
"Nice doggy. Nice doggy!" Ron whimpered as Lupin was treading towards us. 
Just then, Professor Snape came out of the Womping Willow and in front of us. 
"There you are, Potter," he snapped. Lupin growled and Snape turned around. He wrapped his arms around us, protectively, facing Lupin. Lupin clawed at Snape, which made me and Hermione scream. He landed right by Hermione. He tried clawing us again but was attacked by another dog. It was Sirius!
We all stood up again and Snape went back to having his arms around us protectively and faced outwards. Sirius and Lupin started to charge at each other and attacked one another. Lupin threw Sirius and tried to come attack us again but Sirius distracted him and got him to chase him away, out of our sight. 
"Sirius!" Harry yelled as he let go of Ron and I and started to run towards where Lupin and Sirius had vanished. 
"Come back here, Potter!" Snape yelled as he continued to hold Hermione, Ron, and I. He stopped at the edge of the slope before running again.
"Harry, no!" I yelled as I broke free and started to run after him. 
"Niece, get back here!" Snape yelled. I ignored him and continued to run after Harry. 
I ran over the slope and saw Harry throw a rock at Lupin. 
"Harry, are you mad--" I said as I approached him but Lupin was coming straight towards us. Harry grabbed my arm and we started to retreat backwards. 
"Awoooo!" came a voice. Was that Hermione? I asked myself. Lupin froze and turned his head towards the sound. Lupin retreated towards the noise but where he was running to was not where Hermione was so that was a relief. 
"Y/N, look!" Harry said as he pointed to the bushes. I saw a glimpse of Sirius in his animagus form then his human form before he disappeared again. Harry ran after him and I followed in pursuit. 

The two of us rand down towards the lake where Sirius laying down right at the bottom. I caught up with Harry and the two of us approached him. 
"Sirius!" Harry yelled as he turned Sirius over on his back. I crouched down beside them. He was badly injured. 
"No. Sirius!" Harry yelled. I looked at the water, which started to frost over. 
"Harry, look!" I yelled pointing at the lake. I heard a gasp and a yell. Sirius was awake. But, he was looking up. Up at dementors! They found us! They were swarming us like they were birds and we were the prey. 
One of the dementors swooped down and started to suck out Sirius' soul as it flew by. Harry and I stood up. 
"Expecto Patronum!" we yelled. White lights illuminated from our wands. We did our best to shield the dementors away but it was hard to focus on our happy memories for a long amount of time. The lights on our wands went out and a Dementor attacked Harry. 
"Harry!" I  yelled as Harry screamed and collapsed on the ground. 
"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled but, this time it didn't work. Instead a dementor attacked me and it felt cold and painful. I screamed as I collapsed to the ground in pain. Dementors continued to attack us until a small white light illuminated out of Sirius's mouth. It was his soul. But an even brighter light illuminated from across the lake. looked like a stag. Behind the stag, I could barely make out the figure behind the stag. The stag glowed brighter and brighter until the light spread like a sonic boom, which caused the dementors to fly away from us. 
The patronus's glow started to dim and I could almost make out the figure who conjured it but, my mind didn't allow me to witness this for more than a few seconds because I started to lose consciousness and I was soon laying down on my back, my eyes closed and seeing nothing but black. 

Death Eaten: Draco Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now