Hogwarts Express

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You are now all packed up for the most important year of your life. 
"Y/N? Are you ready, dear?" your mother asks from downstairs. 
"Yes, mum!" you reply as you grab your trunk.
"-Oh, let Hoggle carry this for his mistress," Hoggle said with a snap of his fingers, levitating the trunk and carrying it downstairs. You grab your cat, Shadow and head down stairs.
"Hey father, can we do it the cool way this year?" Ethan asked. "It is tradition, you know."
"Well, I don't see why not," your father replied.

You grew excited. You were going to the muggle world. You adored it. You found the muggle ways somewhat interesting. Whenever you'd invite the Weasley's over for dinner, Mr. Weasley would always talk about the things he knew about muggles, which really seemed to interest you.

You take a bus to the muggle world and go to King's Cross Station. It was 10:30. Your parents wanted to get there early. 
"Alright. Here we are." your father said as you stood in front of platforms nine and ten. "Ethan, would you like to show Y/N how it's done?" your mother asked Ethan. "My pleasure." Ethan says. He then runs his trolley through the platform and disappears. "Wow, cool!" you exclaim. 
You turn to your dad. "Can you do it with me?" 
"Of course, darling," your father replies as he takes your hand and runs into the platform with you. 

In the blink of an eye you see the immediate change in setting. The beautiful black and red train with the number 9 3/4 on it. Your mother jogs in behind you with your trunk. "Thanks, mum." you smile. She hands you your trolley that had your trunk, supplies and your cat. 
"All right. Your mum and I have to go to work. Give us great big hugs and we'll be off." you father says. 
You tackle your father with a hug. "Imma miss you, dad." you say, tightening the embrace. "I'll miss you too, sweetheart. Have fun. Write us as soon as you can. Tell us anything and everything. You know we'll listen."
He kisses your cheek and smiles. 
"I love you, dad."
"I love you too, sweetheart."

You turn to your mom. and give her a soft and warm hug. "Say hello to Hagrid for me, will you?" your mum said. 
"I will, mum. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, dear."

There was a chirping coming from the inside of your sweater. "Y/N..." your mom cocked an eyebrow. You give your mum an innocent look. "What?" you ask. She puts her hand out and gives you a look. "But, mum! You know how attached to me he is."
"He'll be fine without you."
"Mum, please."

You sigh and take Lockit out of your sweater pocket. "Go to mum." you say to Locket, your bowtruckle. 
Locket climbs to the end of your hand, but then refuses to go. He starts to back up from your hand, and back into your pocket,
"Oh, fine. But, don't get caught with him." your mom sighes.

Your eyes brighten and you give your mom another hug. "Thanks mum!"
"Yeah, yeah. Go and get on board. Write us a letter as soon as you can. "Okay."
You and Ethan give your last goodbye hugs and kisses and go to the back of the train where the luggage is carried. You give your trunk to one of the conductors and take your cat in your arms. 

You then see the Weasleys come in. "Fred! George!" Ethan waves. The twins wave and you walk up to the Weasleys. "Ready for Hogwarts, Y/N?" Fred asked. "Yep." you reply. "Want to sit with us?" George asked. 
Before you could say yes, you see Mrs. Weasley walk up to you.
"Oh, Y/N, dear! Would you be so kind to sit with Ron on the train? It's his first year too."

You exchange looks with your brother and the twins, who snickered.
"Umm, yeah, sure."
"Oh, great! You kids better be off then," Mrs. Weasley said, giving you a big warm hug.
"Hi, Y/N!" the youngest Weasley, Ginny said. "Hi Ginny!" you waved. "Good luck at Hogwarts." she smiled. "Thanks. I hope to see you over summer." you smile back. 

You then hurry to the train. which was already loaded. The train started moving and you were walking with Ron. "Keep the cat away from Scabbers, will you? I don't want it pouncing on him and hurting him."
"Shadow is a perfect lady. She's extremely relaxed and won't attack any living thing. She's also too lazy to do so."
"Good," Ron hissed as the two of you walked by compartments.
"Every compartment is full." Ron complained. "Come on, I think I found one!" you say. You point to a compartment that only consisted of one boy. Ron comes and opens the compartment.
"Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full." Ron asked.
"No, not at all." the boy said.

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