Diagon Alley 2

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Your letter had arrived the same day you would go to Diagon Alley. You glanced at your book lists and noticed almost all except one was by Gilderoy Lockheart. You roll your eyes. "Oh great. This guy." you mutter. Your family hated him. His father had met him in person and he found him just too perky and too proud of his work. 
"Mum! Remember Lockheart?" you called from the dining room. "Oh, that crook? Yeah." your mother replied from her office. "Yeah. He's teaching at Hogwarts this year..." you reply. You could almost hear your mother roll her eyes and you were sure half of London could hear your mother groan. "Good Luck with that." your mother said. "Gee thanks, mum." you say sarcastically.
"-Ready to go, mistress Y/N?" your house elf, Hoggle asked. "Yes. Just waiting on my mum and brother. Thanks, Hoggle." you say. Your house elf bowed to you and dismissed himself.

Your mum and brother were ready about five minutes later. "We're gonna use floo powder today." your mum informed. 
You put on your slytherin cloak, Ethan put on his Gryffindor cloak, and your mum put on a blue cloak. You went first. You stepped into the fireplace, took a scoop of floo powder, cleared your throat and clearly said "Diagon Alley!"
You threw the powder to the ground and green flames erupted and you vanished in the flames. 

You landed gracefully on your feet in the fireplace of Diagon Alley. It wasn't long until Ethan and your mother appeared. "Flourish and Blotts is our first stop." your mother replied. 
You walked over to the shop, which was flooded with people. "What's going on?" you asked.
You saw a poster on the window and saw that Gilderoy Lockheart was here. You groan. "Mum. Lockhearts in the shop." you groan. "Oh, well. In that case," your mum said, getting out a few sacks of money. "Good luck." she throws you and Ethan a few of the bags. You exchanged looks with Ethan, rolled your eyes and shrugged.

You enter the shop to see the Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione. "Hi guys!" you wave. "Y/N!" they say in unison. You go over to them and hug them. "Harry, I wrote several letters to you. Why haven't you responded?" you asked as you furrowed your eyebrows. "Oh, uhh. I didn't get them..." Harry responded vaguely. 
"-Is mistress Y/N and young master Ethan finding everything?" you house elf Hoggle asked. 
"Yes thank you, Hoggle." you reply.
"You have a houself , Y/N?" Hermione asked. "Yes. He's like my best friend." you reply. "Oh." Hermione replied. 

"Look! It's him!" Mrs. Weasley replied. Lockheart had just appeared at the front of the shop. His blonde hair, that exaggerated smile. You almost threw up.
"Mum fancies him." Ron said to Harry. Mrs. Weasley elbowed Ron, making you giggle. A photographer made his way to the front and took a picture. Something caught his eye. "It can't be Harry Potter?" Lockheart said as his eyes glued to Harry. 
The photographer seized Harry and dragged him to the front with Lockheart. "Nice big smile, Harry. Together,you and I rate the front page."
The camera flashed. " Ladies and gentlemen! What anextraordinary moment this is!When young Harry here stepped intoFlourish and Blotts this morningto purchase my autobiography,Magical Me -- "
People applauded. Your eyes catch Hermione who had a dreamy smile on her face. Oh god. She isn't falling for his bullcrap, is he?
"--which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventhweek atop The Daily Prophet'sBestseller List -- he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leavingwith my entire collected works!Free of charge!"
People applauded as Lockheart dropped a big pile of books in Harry's arms. 

Harry, mortified, walked back to the group. "Harry give those to me." Mrs. Weasley said. "I'll go get them signed."
Harry gladly handed the books to Mrs. Weasly and she stumbled her way to the front.

You and Ethan had just purchased your books. "Ugh. That man makes me sick." you say. "Why? He's amazing!" Hermione said. You say nothing. Just then, you heart footsteps and see blode hair.  It was Malfoy.
"Bet you loved that, didn't you,Potter?" he snaps. His voice was a little deeper and he got  a little taller. "Famous Harry Potter.Can't even go into a bookshopwithout making the front page."
You roll your eyes. 
"Leave him alone!" Ginny speaks up.
"Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!" Draco snickers. Then, a cane with a silver snake at the top tapped Draco's shoulder and nudged him over to the side. You see a mop of bleach blone hair just like Draco's, but longer
"Now, now, Draco. Play nicely." said the man. His eyes landed on Harry. "Mr. Potter. Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me."
He pulled harry towards and pushed his bangs out of the way to reveal his scar.
"Your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."
"Voldemort killed my parents." Harry said, stepping away from Lucius. "He was nothing more than a murderer
"Hmm. You must be very brave, to mention his name...or very foolish." Lucius said
"Fear of a name only increase fear of the thing itself." Hermione said, glaring at Lucius. Lucius turned to face Hermione,
"And you must be... Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you, and your parents. Muggles, aren't they?"
You see Hermione's parents talking with Mr. Weasley.
"And you..." Lucius said looking to you and. "You must be Mr and Ms. Blackbird. Draco told me about you as well. I already know who your parents are. Famous wizards. Second wealthiest wizarding family in the world. But, Draco told me you,-" he pointed to you "-gave him some trouble during a flying lesson."
"He deserved it for what he said. He insulted my family."
"Oh, yes. He told me about your sibling's passings...I apologize for your loss. But, just because he said these things does not mean you get to lay a hand on my son." Lucius said.
"Maybe if he never have said anything we wouldn't have much a problem." you snap. You look to Draco who was turning red with a frown. Lucius gave you a disgusted look and growled.
His eyes then landed on Ron, Ginny, and the twins.
"Let me see...red hair... vacant expressions... tatty second hand book," he took a book from Ginny's couldron. "You must be the Weasleys."

"Children, it's mad in here! Let's go outside." Mr. Weasley said approaching you and your friends.
"-Well, well, well. Weasley senior." Lucius said.
"Lucius." Mr. Weasley obliged. 
"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it."
Your face grew red with anger. You could almost hate him more than you hated Malfoy.
"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy."
You raised an eyebrow and gave a smug look to the Malfoys. 
"Clearly. Associating with Muggles... and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work."
You went to charge at Lucius, but Hoggle held you back by holding your hand and patting your elbow. 
"See you at school." Draco said. He looked to you and wiggled his eyebrows smugly.

"Does anyone else want to punch both of their faces in?" you ask.
Everyone, but Hermione raised their hands. Even Mr. Weasley raised his.

You come out of the shop and your mother is waiting. She already had all of your stuff. "Ready, children?" your mother asked. "Yeah." you adn your brother said in unison. "Oh, mum! This is Harry and Hermione. My friends." you say introducing your friends.
"Oh, yes. Y/N bragged about you guys over the summer. Good to meet you Harry and Hermione." she smiled. "Ms. Blackbird, it's an honor." Hermione replied with a bright smile. "I hear you're the best magizooologist in your time." 
"Oh yes. Thank you." your mother smiled. "And you Harry. I know about you, so no need to introduce yourself. Y/N told me about you as well."
"Pleasure, Mrs. Blackbird." Harry smiled.
"Hi Mrs. Blackbird." Ron said. "Hello Ron. Good to see you." your mother smiled. "You too Arthur." your mother said. "How's the, uh...shooting going?" Mr. Weasley asked, not really knowing how to word his sentence. "Oh, it's doing great. It premiers December first, so we'll be checking Ethan and Y/N out the day before and send them back the 2nd." 
"Lucky..." Ron muttered.

You hear the door of the book shop open and two muggled (Hermione's parents) come out with a stack of books. "Hermione, are you ready, dear?" Hermione's mother asked. "Yes, mum." Hermione replied. "Oh, who's this?" Hermione's mother asked. "Mum, these are my friends Y/N Blackbird and Harry Potter."
"Good to meet you."
"Pleasure." said Hermione's father. "I'm Monica, and this is Wendell," Hermione's mum said, introducing her and her husband. Harry smiled and nodded. "Good to meet you." you smile.

The group was filled with small talk until Mrs. Weasley stumbled out of the book store with Harry's books. "Alright. Let's go. There's been enought excitement here for now." she said. You noticed she was rather pink. You roll your eyes. You knew she had just encountered Lockheart.
"We should get going too." your mum said.
"Okay. Bye guys! See you at school!" you say, giving Hermione, Harry, and Ron a quick hug. "Did you forget we were here, Y/N?" the twins said in perfect unison. "Oh...yup!" you chuckle and pull the twins in a hug. "Uh...Fred....you can let go now." you say. Fred lets go. "Okay. See ya!" you say. Ethan high fived the twins and waved. 

But, you didn't notice in the corner of your eye that Draco was staring, not glaring, Staring at you as you left...

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