Summer 4 and The Curse

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When this summer started, I did not expect it to be this stressful. As soon as I got off the train at Hogwarts, my parents had very glum looks on their faces. 
"Mum, dad. What's wrong?" I asked as Ethan and I approached them. The two of them exchanged looks. 
"We canceled the summer tour," Dad told us. 
"What? Why?" I asked. 
"We have a bigger issue on our hands. It's matter," mother replied. 
"What's happened?" asked Ethan. 
"We'll tell you when we get home," mother said. Ethan and I took our parents' hands and they led us to the floo network. 
We came home and got cleaned up for supper where Hoggle was setting the table. 
"Thank you, Hoggle. You may rest now," mother said as we all sat at the dinner table. 
"Thank you, mistress," Hoggle said with a bow before leaving the room. We all began eating. 
"Mother, father. You must tell us what is going on," Ethan said, not touching a thing on his plate. Mother sighed. 
"You remember your grandmother on my side of the family, correct?" mother asked. Ethan and I nodded. "Grandmother Zoey? Of course. She's legendary," I said as I took some of the pasta we were having for dinner into my mouth. 
"Yes, well...there's something that Grandmother Zoey never told us..." mother trailed. Ethan and I scrunched our faces. 
"Years ago...when your grandmother took part in the war against Grindelwald...a curse was placed upon her," mother explained. 
"A curse?" asked Ethan. 
"What kind of curse?" I asked. 
"A death curse," mother replied. 
"What the hell does that mean?" asked Ethan. 
"Well, your father and I found out about it when he and I were having tea with your great grandfather Scammander and...he told us," mother explained further. 
"I'm sorry...he knew this for how long and didn't even bother to tell any of us?" I asked, angrily. 
"He's old, Y/N. It's not his fault," mother defended. 
"Yeah, and I'm sure it isn't grandmother Zoey's fault either for not telling her own daughter about it before she died!" I yelled. 
"She died before she even had the chance to explain it to Amos and I," 
"You were my age when she died! I'm sure that gave her plenty of time," I yelled. 
"Y/N, lower your voice in the house, please," father pleaded. 
"Your great grandfather explained the curse to us. It passes from one generation to the next. It past from her to me without my knowledge and it passed to one of you," mother explained. 
"What the hell does that mean for us then?" asked Ethan.
"It brings death to those you love. For no given reason at all," mother explained. I slumped in my seat. 
"So, this curse is the reason Henry and Athena died?" I asked. 
"That's what we believe," mother replied. I then thought back...Tommy...
"Mum...I think I have the curse," I said. Mum, Dad, and Ethan looked at me. "Tommy was killed because of a rogue bludger. Bludgers don't go rogue unless it's been jynxed and no one was on that field except for me and the Hufflepuff Quidditch team," I explained. 
"Bloody hell, she's right, mum. She could be carrying this curse," Ethan said in agreement to my statement.
"Is there any way to be rid of this curse? For good?" I stressed. 
"We don't know, Y/N. The only way it can remove itself from its host is if the host has an heir to pass it to," Mother replied. 
"Okay, I'm not going to get myself knocked up to remove a curse. That's just wrong," I said as I stood up from my chair. 
"Where are you going?" mother asked as I left towards the living room. 
"I'm going to get some answers," I replied as I grabbed my robe and headed towards our floo network. 
I spoke my great grandfather Scammander's address and disappeared in green smoke. I appeared in my great grandfather's lounge, 
"Great grandfather!" I called as I brushed the soot off my robe. 
"Great grandfather!" I called again. 
"He's down in his briefcase," came a voice. It was Great Grandfather's assistant, Bunty. 
"Thank you, Bunty," I said before going to my great grandfather's office where his briefcase would be. I went to his office and saw the briefcase, open on the ground. I got in and stepped in. 
"Great grandfather!" I called as I started to go down the stairs. "Great grandfather!" I called again. I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw great grandfather Scammander in the shed where he stores all of the food for his creatures. 
"Great grandfather," I said, out of breath. The old man turned and faced me. 
"Ah, great grandaughter, Y/N. What brings you here?" asked Great Grandfather. 
"I'm here to talk about the Death Curse," I replied. 
"Your parents told you about that?" he asked. I nodded. 
"We had to know because...I'm carrying the curse, sir," I replied. Great grandfather Scammander looked at me, glumly. 
"I am so sorry, child. I am afraid if you have come to me in hopes to find a cure, you're out of luck," he said. 
"I don't need luck, great grandfather. I need you to tell me the whole story of my grand mother, Zoey. She's the link to the source and she's no longer alive. So, that leaves you to tell her story," I said. 
Grandfather sighed. "Grab a Puff Skin and take a seat. This will take a while," Great Grandfather told me. I went over to the Puff Skin corral and picked one up. I took a seat on the ground and Great Grandfather Scammander pulled up a stool. 
"Your grandmother was much like you. You were her age when I first met her and the Goldsteins. She helped me when my animals got set loose in New York. Then again when Grindelwald escaped prison. The day that Gridelwald recruited some witches and wizards, including your great aunt, Grindelwald saw something in your grandmother and urged her to join him. Your grandmother fought back and out of spite, Grindelwald placed the curse on her. Your grandmother had no idea she had the curse until after she married your grandfather. He passed away from a mysterious death not long after your mother was born. When he died, black birds were everywhere around her there was a mark on the back of her neck that resembled a skull. It was small and not noticeable until it would glow whenever a loved one would die mysteriously."
I rubbed the back of my neck. 
"Do you think?" I asked as I turned around and lifted my hair out of the way. 
"Oh,'s there alright," Great grandfather said. I shiver went down my spine as I turned back around. 
"Please tell me you're joking," I stressed. 
"See for yourself," Great grandfather said as he held up two mirrors. One was pointed at the back of my head and I was given the other one. I could barely see it because it was well hidden in the hair on my neck. 
"No..." I trailed. 
"I'm so sorry, my child," great grandfather told me, sadly. 
"I can't be cursed! It's not fair! I have so many friends and family. I can't watch them all die!" I exclaimed as I held my puff skin tighter. 
"The curse moves at a slow pace, Y/N. That should give you time to do some reading and research, you might find something that can help you," Great grandfather told me. 
"Could you help me? Please? You know more about this than anyone I know," I pleaded. Great Grandfather Scammander gave me a small smile. 
"I shall try my best, child."
I stood up and hugged him. "Thank you," I said. "When shall we start?" I asked. 
"Tomorrow. Meet me in Diagon Alley and we shall search the bookstore there," Great grandfather Scammander said. 

Death Eaten: Draco Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now