The Firebolt

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My mood has been a lot better these past few weeks. But, I did hear some news about Professor Lupin. After this year he would no longer be teaching at Hogwarts because it became public about him being a werewolf. And as a small contribution from a student to a professor who was actually good at his job, I decided I'd help Lupin pack. 

While I was helping him pack up his office, Harry came to join us. 
"Hello, Harry," Professor Lupin greeted as he turned around from the bookshelf. 
"I saw you coming," Professor Lupin said as he pointed to the Maurader's Map. I know about this map because I knew the twins and my brother have been using it since their first year. Harry gave Lupin a worried look. 
"I've looked worse, believe me," Lupin reassured. 
"You've been sacked?" Harry questioned. 
"No. Lupin replied. 
"He resigned, Harry. He thinks it would be safer if he didn't teach classes," I explained. 
"Ms. Blackbird is right, Harry. It seemd that somebody let it slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want...well, someone like me teaching their children," Lupin explained further.
"--Which I think is complete and utter bullsh--"
"Language, Ms. Blackbird," Lupin warned. 
"Sorry, sir," I said as I backed down. 
"But, Dumbledore--" said Harry. 
"Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf," Lupin said as he packed another briefcase. "Besides. People like me are...well, let's just say that I'm used to it by now." 
Lupin pointed his want at another suitcase which packed itself and locked itself. 
"Why do you two look so miserable?" Lupin asked Harry and I who were wearing the same expression side by side. 
"None of it made any difference," Harry said, glumly. 
"Yeah, Pettigrew escaped and we're losing the best Proffesor we've ever had," I said, sadly. 
"Didn't make any difference?" asked Lupin. "Harry, Y/N, it made all the difference in the world. You helped uncover the truth! You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate," said Lupin. 
"It's not saving if he still has to hide from the world. No one will believe us as long as Pettigrew is still out there," I explained. 
"Regardless, Y/N. It made a great deal of difference," Lupin said. I sighed as Lupin picked up one of his suitcases and carried it towards the rest of his luggage. 
"If I am proud of is of how much you have learned this year," Lupin said as he grabbed his coat. "Now since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you," Lupin said as he gestured to Harry and the map. 
"So, now I'll say goodbye, Harry and Y/N. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime," he told us. "Until then...mischief managed."
He pointed his wand at the map and the map folded itself back together and the writing on it disappeared. I giggled. "The irony in that is too great," I said. I then went to hug Professor Lupin. 
"Thank you, Professor. For everything," I said. Lupin chuckled. 
"You really are the soft Slytherin," he said. I released the embrace and shrugged. Lupin gave us one last smile before he took his cane and walked out the door. Harry and I exchanged looks and
walked to the doorway.
"Harry, your map," I said as I went back to pick it up. 
"Thanks," Harry said with a small smile. 
"Sure thing. But, you have no choice but to share that with me. The Weasley twins owe me," I said with a sly grin. 
"How did you know about--"
"I've known the twins for too long. Plus. They're my brother's best friends," I said matter-of-factly. 
"Oh. Right," Harry said as he pursed his lips. 
"Let's go join the others in the Great Hall," I said as I took Harry's hand. 

We walked out of the classroom and down the hall towards the Great Hall. The headless horsemen were riding their horses out of the Great Hall. We heard Ron's voice. 
"Stand back, I said! Or l'll take it upstairs if you don't settle," Ron threatened as Harry and I entered the great hall. 
"Harry!" Neville greeted as he and Seamus came running towards us. "Wherever did you get it?" he asked.
"Can I have a go, Harry?" Seamus asked, excitedly. "After you of course?" 
"What on Earth are you all talking about?" I asked as we came closer to Ron and the others at the Gryffindor table. 
"Quiet. Let the man through," said Ron as we approached him. "I didn't mean to open it, Harry. It was badly wrapped. They made me do it," Ron pointed at the twins and Ethan. 
"Did not," the twins and Ethan said in unison. I smirked and rolled my eyes before I looked down at the table. The twins and Harry unwrapped it. Holy mother of Merlin...
"It's a Firebolt," said Fred. 
"It's the fastest broom in the world," said Neville. 
"For me?" Harry asked excitedly. "But who sent it?" 
"No one knows," said Ron. 
"This came with it," Hermione said as she held up a very familiar Hippogriff feather. I smiled and took the feather out of Hermione's hand. 

The next thing I knew, we were all following Harry out into the courtyard. We ran past Draco, who was with Goyle, Crabbe, Nott and Parkinson. What the hell was he doing with her? I thought they were no longer so I was told. I tried my best to ignore it as I joined the other students in watching Harry mount his broom. He took off with major speed. Harry yelled and I'm pretty sure we all got whiplash from just watching him. 

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. 
"Isn't that cool?" came a voice. I turned around and saw that it was Fred. 
"Yeah. Very cool," I replied. 
"It's good seeing you in a cheery mood, I must say," said Fred. 
"Thanks," I said with a small blush. 
"Blackbird!" came another voice. I turned around to see Malfoy. He made a gesture with his his hand, calling me over. 
"You're not actually thinking about going over there are you?" asked Fred. 
"I'll be fine. If I need backup, you'll know," I said as I broke away from Fred and walked towards the group. I made sure not to make eye contact with Parkinson. 
"What do you want?" I growled. 
"Someone is going to apologize," Draco said as he pushed Parkinson in front of me. I didn't make eye contact with her. Instead I looked right at Draco. 
"Don't force an apology if the person doesn't mean it. And besides, I don't want anyone's apologies. Besides, why are you trying to make someone apologize if it doesn't affect you directly?" I asked, cocking my brow. 
"Because, Blackbird. You deserve an apology from this git. I'm trying to do you a favor," Draco said with a sneer. 
"Draco, if you're really interested in having anyone apologize to me, maybe you should apologize," I hissed. 
"Apologize for what?" asked Draco. "I'm not the one who tried killing in Hogsmeade," he said. 
"As fair of a point that is, you still spent your first three years of Hogwarts being a total git to me and my friends," I said crossing my arms. 
"This isn't about your friends, Blackbird. It's about the fact that Parkinson almost killed you!"
"And why is that so important to you?!" I yelled. Draco fell silent as I felt a group form behind me. He then put on a brave face. 
"Who said I care? I don't care at all! In fact I could care less if you died that day!" he yelled. 
"Then why even bother taking me to the hospital wing that day, huh? Why didn't you just leave me there to die like you should've!" I yelled. 
"Honestly, he should've," I heard Parkinson mutter. I felt someone's footsteps rush over as if to charge at her but, it vanished as if that person was stopped. I turned around to see Fred and Ethan being held back by George and Lee. 
"Shut up, Parkinson. No one said you can talk," Draco hissed. I rolled my eyes. 
"I'm so done with this conversation," I said as I turned around and pushed past the my friends. I started to run away from the courtyard and towards the Quidditch Pitch. I went to the tents and changed into my uniform. I pulled my hair out of my face and grabbed my broom from the broom storage. I grabbed a quaffle and went out onto the Quidditch pitch. I flew off and started to make goals into the hoops. I made it about ten times before a voice came over on the intercom. 
"And it's another ten points to Y/N Blackbird!" I looked up at the proffessors box to see all of my friends there. I smiled warmly and flew towards it. Fred was the one on the intercom.
"Have you all been watching me this whole time?" I asked.  
"Well, duh. We weren't going to let you be alone after that horrid interaction," Fred replied. I scoffed and looked down. I looked back up. 
"Well, I guess this can't be a real Quidditch game without two full teams now, could it?" I asked with a smirk. 
"I call team Y/N!" the twins yelled in unison.
"Well go and get your brooms then," I said. Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Ethan, Will, Deedee, Angeline Johnson, Katie Bell, Dylan, Siggie, Pavarti and Padma Patil left the stand. 
When they came back with their brooms, Fred and George were my beaters. Will, Deedee, and Dylan were my chasers and Siggie was my seeker. On Harry's team was himself as seeker, Ron as keeper, Ginny, Angelina, and Katie Bell as Chasers and Padma and Pavarti were beaters. The irony that the two pairs of twins wee beaters were ironically hilarious to me. 
I had to admit, I had some very cool friends and the game was tied until Harry caught the snitch. Even though he caught the snitch, my team still won because we scored more points. 
I loved having friends like them by my side. And I hoped I would forever. 

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