The First Task

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That night I went to the Astronomy Tower as told at 8:30. I waited, leaning over the railing. I then heard a clicking noise and turned around. Draco was turning a lever. I then looked up and the whole sky was exposed. I stopped and stared and looked at the sky. Draco stopped turning the lever and then from the corner of my eyes I saw him lay something down. I fixed my eyes to where Draco was. He was placing a blanket down in the center of the floor. I crossed my arms and smirked.
"Did you bring a nice picnic with you?" I asked with a small laugh. 
"Good idea. I'll consider that next time," Draco said in the same tone. He then sat down on the blanket and patted the empty spot next to him. I uncrossed my arms and went to join him. I sat down, straightening my legs out in front of me and placed my hands flatly on my sides. 
"Look, there's my constellation," Draco said as he pointed up at the exposed night sky before us. I looked up and saw the Draco constellation. I smiled. 
"Ah, yes. You were named after it, weren't you?" I asked. 
"My mother loves Astronomy and my father really likes dragons so it worked out," Draco replied. I gave a small smile. 
"But, Draco isn't my favorite constellation. It's nice but it's not very impressive," Draco said. I looked at him. 
"Then what is your favorite constellation?" I asked. 
"Scorpius," Draco replied. 
"That's actually my favorite constellation too!" I said. Draco looked at me in surprise. 
"Really?" Draco asked. 
"Yeah, it's one of the constellations in the sky," I replied. 
"Someone's been paying attention in Astronomy," Draco said, giving me a little nudge. I smiled and looked down. 
"Hey, the stars are up there, not down there," Draco said, grabbing my chin lightly and making me face the sky. 
"Jeez, why so aggressive?" I asked.
"That wasn't aggressive. I could be aggressive if you want," Draco said giving me a little sneer. I punched his shoulder. 
"No thanks, I'm good," I said as Draco winced. I sighed and laid down. I folded my hands behind me head, creating a small cushion for my head. 
"And you say I'm aggressive," Draco muttered as he laid down next to me. I chuckled as he laid down next to me. The two us laid in silence. I was swimming in a whirlpool of thought.
"What's on your mind?" asked Draco. I broke my train of thought and looked at Draco. 
"Oh, nothing I was just thinking...maybe you can try entering my mind again," I said with a shrug.
"Are you sure?" Draco asked. I nodded. 
"Sure, why not?" I asked. I then sat up and crossed my legs and faced him.  Draco sat up and shifted his body to face me. He took out his wand and looked at me. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. 
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm feeling confident this time," I said as I stiffened my posture. 
"Okay..." Draco trailed. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Legillimens!" 
I flinched, but...nothing happened. I opened my eyes and looked at Draco who's jaw was agape. 
"You did it..." he said. 
"Ha!" I squealed in glee. I covered my mouth, realizing I just made a very embarrassing sound. 
"What in Merlin's name was that?" Draco asked. 
"Shut up!" I said as I punched his arm. "I did it! I actually did ti!" I yelled happily. 
"Yeah, you did," Draco said, giving me small smile. 
"Try it again. Try it again," I said, waving my hands at him. 
"Okay, okay," Draco said before he pointed his wand at me again. "Legillimens!"
"Whoo! I learned Occlumency, baby!" I yelled, throwing my fist in the air triumphantly. I looked at Draco, who had a glum look on his face. 
"What's wrong?" I asked. 
"I guess you don't need my help anymore," he said. I gave him a confused look. 
"What?" I asked. 
"You seem to have the hang of it. You don't need me anymore," Draco said. I stared at him for a moment. 
"Well, I might," I said with a shrug. "I still might need you to check in and make sure my occlumency is still working," I said. Draco's expression didn't change.
"Okay, tell me what's really wrong," I told him. He glanced at me then looked away. 
"N-nothing, it's stupid..." Daco muttered. 
"No, tell me. I'm curious," I said as I nudged him. 
"No, it's stupid," Draco scoffed. 
"It's probably not. Just tell me," I urged. 
"Fine! It's just that...I've enjoyed our little times sneaking around, okay?" Draco blurted. I crossed my arms and raised my brow at him. 
"See? It's stupid..." Draco muttered before he crossed his arms and turned away. 
"No, no--I--I enjoyed them too," I admitted, grabbing his shoulder. Draco turned and looked at me. 
"Really?" he asked, giving me a look. 
"'ve been a big help and I guess those ideas you had of distracting me worked, you know? And I was thinking...maybe us sneaking around more will strengthen my occlumency. I'm not saying I no longer need your help. But, I am saying that I would still like your help," I said, giving Draco a small smile. Draco looked back into me and gave me a smile back. 
"I honestly thought you were going to say different just because I know how much you resent me," Draco said with small laugh. 
"Resented," I corrected. "Well, maybe I still resent you just a little but that's only when you have an audience to watch you be a git to someone."
The two of us burst out in chuckles. 
"Yeah, well, you may not understand it but...I feel happier when I tease people. Just because I get a reaction, you know? Not just from that person I'm teasing but those who circle around me and laugh with me, you know?" 
"I guess, I can understand that...why not just make friends that don't follow you, but instead stand with you?" I asked. 
"Well, I think I found one," Draco said as he looked at me. I looked up at him and smiled. 
"His name is Blaise Zabini," he said. My face fell. 
"Oh...good for you," I said bluntly. Draco laughed. 
"What? Did you think I was going to say you? Pfft. Oh, please. You didn't grow on me, did you?" he asked with a smirk. I said nothing. 
"Y/N, I'm kidding. Of course, I mean you. Though, Blaise and I did become friends over summer," Draco said. I punched Draco in the arm again. 
"Ow! Merlin, can you stop punching me?" Draco winced, rubbing his arm. "Didn't realized you cared that much..." he muttered. 
"You made me care!" I exclaimed. "I hope you know how much risk you could be in," I growled. 
"Considering you have almost a million friends, the chance that I get killed is one in a million. And I'll take those odds," Draco said, looking at me with stern eyes. "Not to mention you practically mastered the skill of occlumency in only a few weeks, I'm sure I'll be fine," Dracy said with a shrug. I sighed. 
"We are friends, right?" Draco asked. 
"Right now...only behind closed doors," I told him. "We have reputations to protect."
"You're right...I can't be seen walking the halls with you. At least not on purpose. We'd get scolded by our friends. But, we can still sneak around, right?" Draco asked. I gave him a small smile. 
"Whatever you'd like," I replied. Draco pursed his lips. 
"Give me a straight answer," he replied. 
"Why? Are you homophobic?" I asked. Draco furrowed his eyebrows. 
"What?" he asked. 
"Nothing," I laughed. "Yeah, sure, I'll still sneak around with you."
Draco smiled widely. "Great, because I have something else planned for us. But, that's not until later," Draco said. 
"What would that be?" I asked. 
"I guess you're just going to have to wait and find out," Draco said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and laid back down on the blanket. 
Draco laid back down too and the two of us looked up and just stared at the stars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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