End of Year Two

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Ron, Harry, and I were now in Dumbledore's office. We were in big trouble. We broke over a dozen school rules and I am now waiting to be expelled.

"You three realize, of course, that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules?" Dumbledore asked us.
"Yes, sir," the three of us said in unison, dropping our heads.
"And there is sufficient evidence to have you three expelled."
"Yes, sir."
"Therefore, it is only fitting, that you both receive Special Awards for Services to the School."
My face became one of shock as we all looked up and exchanged looks.
"Thanks, sir!" Ron and I said in unison.
"And now, Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger if you would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban? I believe we- we want our gamekeeper back," Dumbledore told us, handing us an envelope with the release papers. We both nodded and left Dumbledore's office while Harry stayed.
On our way out we saw Lucius Malfoy with Dobby, his house elf. I felt bad for that elf. He was such a good elf, yet he was given to a horrible family.
"Poor elf. He deserves better," I said as we turned the corner. "Wouldn't any house elf if it was given to that family?" Ron asked. I nodded in agreement. 

When we got to the owlery, we had no choice but to use Errol, Percy's owl because he was the only vacant owl in the owlery. 

*time skip*

It was supper time,  and we heard Professor Sprout had made a mandrake juice for the petrified so they can get back to their original state. Which mean, Hermione, Colin, Justin, and Sir Nickolas would be back. And Hagrid would be returning from Askaban as well. I was excited. 

Before, going to sit with the Slytherins, Ethan was givine me a whole lecture about how I should've been more careful and blah blah blah. It was annoying, but I knew he only did this because he loved me and cared about me. 

 Once I finally got to the Slytherin table, I sat by Deedee and Will. I was telling the them the story of the Chamber and I could see in the corner of my eye that Draco and his goons were listening in. 
At one point, Will nudged me and pointed to the doorway. Hermione stood there with a big smile on her face, talking to Sir Nickolas. 

I got up and she started to run towards Harry and attacked him with a hug. She was about to hug Ron, but they only hand shook each other. I approached the trio.
"Hermione," I said, with a grin. She turned around and hugged me tightly, we talked over each other, telling each other how much we missed each other.
"Congratulations! I can't believe you solved it!" Hermione told us for she knew we had figured out everything about the chamber.
"Well, we had loads of help from you. We couldn't have done it without you," Harry told her. 
"Thanks," Hermione smiled. 

McGonnagall clicked her cup with her spoon. "Could I have your attention, please?" she asked.
I went and took my spot between Deedee and Will.
"Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified," we all applauded Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout. 
"Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled," Dumbledore explained.
The whole room bursted with cheers. I looked to Hermione who seemed disappointed in the fact that exams had been cancelled. 

Just then, the doors to the Great Hall opened and Hagrid's eight-foot figure appeared and started to walk in.
"Sorry I'm late! The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol," Hagrid explained as he walked down the aisle. I looked over to Ron who looked rather embarrassed and sighed. 
Hagrid made eye contact with me and signaled me over to him. I literally jumped up from my seat and ran up to him, tackling him with a hug. Hagrid has been like part of my family since my mom and dad got married and I really missed him. I practically jumped into his arms and tightened the embrace. 
Once he let me down, we went to the Gryffindor table.
"And I'd just like to say that aif it hadn't been for Y/N, Harry, and Ron, and Hermione, o' course, I woulduh- I'd still be you-know-where, so I- I'd just like to say 'Thanks,'" 
Harry then stood up and said " Well, there's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid," and hugged. Me, being my emotional self started to cry. Dumbledore started to clap, then the other professors started to clap, then me, and other students started to clap as well. Then, all the other students started to stand up and welcome Hagrid back. 

Another year at Hogwarts, and it has been a wild roller coaster ride just like the last one. I wonder what 3rd year will bring for me...

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