Into the Chamber

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We started towards Lochearts office.
"I can't believe we're doing this. Lockheart's useless!" I exclaimed as we ran.
"Lockhart may be useless, but he's going to try and get into the Chamber. At least we can tell him what we know,"
"Yeah, and have him take all the credit for himself like the fraud he really is?" I said before we entered his office.
"Professor, we have some information for you!" Harry said before stopping in front of Lockheart, who was packing his trunk.
"Are you going somewhere?" Harry snapped.
"Uh, ah- well, yes- um, urgent call- unavoidable- got to go," Locheart said, briskly turning back to his suitcase.
"What about my sister?!" Ron exclaimed worriedly.
"Well, um- as to that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I." Lockheart replied. I was getting angrier by the minute.
"You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! You can't go now!" Ron exclaimed in protest.
" Well- I must say- when I took the job there was nothing in the job description about a..."
"You're running away? After all that stuff you did in your books?" Harry exclaimed, outraged.
"Books can be misleading!" Lockheart defended.
"You wrote them!" Harry exclaimed.
"My dear boy, do use your common sense! My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things! " Lockheart burst out. Ah-ha! I knew it!
"You're a fraud! You've just been taking credit for what other wizards have done!" Harry exclaimed.
"I told you he was nothing but a sleaze," I said.
"Ah, yes, Ms. Blackbird. Very good. I can see your mother told you all about me," Lockheart  glared at me.
"Yeah, she told me a lot of things. Like how you tried to romance her in your third year! Talk about gross," I gagged. "And she knows you took credit for what she did with the abominable snowman! She never forgot even with that memory charm you casted on her!" I exclaimed angrily as I avenged my mother.
" Yes, now you mention it. I'm rather gifted with Memory Charms. Otherwise, you see, all those wizards would have gone blabbing. And I'd never have sold another book. In fact, ah...I'm ah...going to have to do the same to you," Lockheart said, going to point his wand at us, but Ron, Harry, and I already had our wands pointed at him. 

Harry directed him to put his wand down and we lead him the girl's lavatory. We knew we were in the right bathroom because we heard moaning Myrtle. Once we were in view to the ghost girl, she turned around.
" Oh! Who's there? Oh! Hello, Harry! What do you want?" she asked flirtatiously.
"To ask you how you died," Harry replied.
"Oh! It was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in," Myrtle explained.
"Who was it Myrtle?" Harry asked.
"I don't know. I was Distraught! Huhh-huh...But they said something funny, a kind of made up language. And I realized it was a boy speaking, so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away and... I died," Myrtle whimpered. 
"Just like that? How?" Harry asked.
" I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes...over there, by that sink," Myrtle pointed to one of the sinks closest by her.
"Yellow eyes. No doubt that was the basilisk," I whispered to Harry who nodded in reply as he approached the sink. He started scouting over it like he was looking for some sort of entry until he locked eyes with the faucet, unscrewing it and looking on the side of it.
"This is it. This is it, guys. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets," Harry said, backing up.
"Say something. Harry, say something in Parseltongue," said Ron.

"Open," Harry said in parseltongue in which I could understand. A deep rumble fulfilled the bathroom. The top of the sinks opened and the circle of sinks separated and sunk into the ground, revealing a tunnel that dropped.
Lockheart looked down, the sighed. Excellent, Harry. Haa! Good work! Well then, I'll just be, ah... There's no need for me to stay," Lockheart turned to escape, but Harry and I pushed him back and held him hostage right near the drop tunnel.
"Oh, yes there is! You first," Harry said as we faced him towards the tunnel.
"Now, children what good will it do?"Lockheart asked, defenselessly.
"Better you than us," said Ron.
"Um...but...obviously, yes. Sure you don't want to test it first?" Lockheart asked briskly before Harry and I pushed him into the tunnel.
"That felt good," I said, before hearing a crash.
"t's really quite filthy down here," came Lockheart's voice.
"Damn...he's still alive," I muttered glumly.
"All right. Let's go," Harry said as the three of  us started to brace ourselves.
" Oh, Harry?" came Myrtle's voice. The three of us turned around.
"If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet," Myrtle said before giggling. Ron and I exchanged looks.
" Uh...thanks Myrtle," Harry said before the three of us jumped into the tunnel.

It was thrilling and stomach-dropping. While the two boys were screaming their heads off, I was having the time of my life before we slid off the tube and landed in a pile of bones. Once the three of us got up, we went back to pointing our wands at Lockheart.
"Now remember, any sign of movement, close your eyes straightaway," Harry tole us before turning towards one of the tunnels.
Ron and I stayed back because Lockheart hadn't moved a muscle.
"Go on," Ron said. Lockheart ducked his head and followed Harry while Ron and I trailed behind to make sure Lockheart didn't bail.
"This way," said Harry before leading us into another tunnel. Once we entered the tunnel, we saw something remarkable. It was a basilisk skin, stretching over sixty-feet long. 
"What's this?" Ron asked.
"It's the shedding skin of the basilisk," I replied."
"Bloody hell. The basilisk who shed this must be over sixty feet long or more," Ron said, looking at the skin. 
"My assumptions exactly." I said, before Lockheart fainted.
"Heart of a lion, this one," Ron said, before Lockheart got up and took Ron's wand from him. 
"The adventure ends here, children. But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body," Lockheart turned to Harry. "So, you first, Mr. Potter. Say good-bye to your memories."

This fool...he doesn't know Ron's wand is useless...welp. I wanna see how this one plays out. 
"Obliviate!" he exclaimed before a white light, spurted out and back to Lockheart, throwing him back against the rocks, and knocking him to the ground unconscious. 
The chamber started to rumble and rocks started to pour down, caving us in, separating Ron, Lockheart, and I from Harry.  I rock fell on the front of my head, cutting the side of my forehead. I winced as Ron started to call Harry's name.
"Harry! Harry!" Ron exclaimed.
"Ron! Y/N, are you okay?" came Harry's voice.
"We're fine!" I replied, holding my head. I heard a groan from behind me and saw Lockheart. 
Damn, that idiot still isn't dead? 
" Uhh... Hello. Who are you?" he asked.
"Someone smarter than you," I replied sarcastically.
"Really? And uh, who- who am I?" Lockheart asked, blankly. Before I had the chance to reply, Ron exclaimed "Lockhart's memory charm backfired. He hasn't got a clue who he is!" 
"I can tell him exactly who he is," I muttered, glaring at him.
"It's an odd sort of place this, isn't it? Do you live here?" Lockheart asked, handing me a rock
"No," I replied, grabbing the rock and smacking his head to knock him out of consciousness.
"You wait here and try and shift some of this rock so we can get back through. I'll go on and find Ginny!" came Harry's voice.
"Okay!" Ron and I exclaimed in unison.

I turned to Ron and said, "Well, look like we're stuck here a while."
"Let's start digging up the rock," Ron said, starting to move some of the rock out of the way.
When I went to go help, I heard Ron start to mutter to himself.
"I hope she's not dead. Mum's gonna kill me. I hope Harry's okay. I hope we don't starve down here. I hope--"
"-Ron. Ron! RON!" I exclaimed, trying to get his attention. He snapped his head to me. 
"-What?!" he exclaimed.
"Calm the hell down! We're gonna get out of here! Remember last year when we risked our lives to get the stone from Quirell who was trying to steal it? We still made it out alive. And trust me. Harry will find Ginny and she will be okay. Ginny's a tough cookie and she'll get through this just like we all went through it last year," I placed a hand on Ron's shoulder as I said this. His expression softened and he nodded.
"Yeah, you're right, I guess. Let's just move this rock, so we can get out of here."

Ron  and I started to dig through the rocks, hearing screeching noises as we did so, exchanging worried looks every now and then whenever the screeching got louder. 

*time skip*

We got the rock moved at least for Harry and Ginny to get back through. Right on cue, Harry and Ginny came with Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix and Lockheart woke up. 
Ron and Ginny hugged it out while I hugged Harry, then I hugged Ginny. 
"What's Fawkes doing here?" I asked. 
"He saved Harry. It was brilliant," Ginny said.
"-Oh, is this a family reunion?" Lockheart asked. We avoided his question.
"Fawkes is also going to help us out of here," Harry explained.
"That's right! They can carry more than ten times their mass! That's genius!" I snapped my fingers in realization. 

Fawkes lifted Lockheart first, then Ron held on to Lockheart, I held on to Ron, Harry held on to me, and Ginny held on to Ron.
"Amazing! This is just like magic!" Lockheart exclaimed excitedly as we flew out into the night and back on to Hogwarts grounds. 

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