The Quidditch Cup

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Father wrote to Uncle Snape but, unfortunately he won't be able to give me private lessons until the school year starts. That did make me stress out a little bit but I tried my best not to worry too much about it.
The week before the Quidditch cup, Mom and Dad told us that they had to give up their tickets to the Quidditch due to important business and gave their tickets to Uncle Amos and Cedric instead. 
Cedric and Uncle Amos would be picking us up early the morning of the Quidditch Cup and then we'd be meeting up with the Weasleys to travel by portkey to the Quidditch Cup. I was very excited but a little sad because Mum and Dad weren't coming. But on another good note, Harry and Hermione were coming as well. I have no idea if Ron let a certain piece of information slip into them. But, I really hope that if they did end up finding out that they don't try bombarding me with questions or apologize for my misfortune. 

*Time Skip*

I was softly awoken by Ludo, my Demiguise. He was a great alarm clock because instead of being awoken by a loud ringing, I was awoken by a soft body, patting the side of my face. Ludo loved staying in my room with Shadow and Locket. 
I changed into my clothes, brushed my hair and went downstairs for breakfast.

 I changed into my clothes, brushed my hair and went downstairs for breakfast

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Ethan was downstairs already, eating the breakfast that Hoggle had given him. 
"Good morning, Y/N," Hoggle greeted. 
"Good morning, Hoggle. Breakfast smells delicious," I said, sweetly as I took a seat across from Ethan. 
"Thank you, Y/N. Hoggle appreciates your kind compliments," Hoggle said with a bow. I started to eat my eggs and hash browns that Hoggle made beautifully. 
Right as I finished, the doorbell rang. 
"I'll get it," said Ethan who was already up and finished with his breakfast. I got up and placed my plate in the sink.
"Y/N! Cedric and Uncle Amos are here!" Ethan called from the front hall. 
"Coming!" I said. 
"Don't forget your bags young master and mistress," said Hoggle, who was in the front hall with our bags. 
"Thanks, Hoggle," said Ethan as he took his bag. 
"Thank you, Hoggle. Wish mum and dad well for us," I said as I grabbed my bag. 
"Of course, young mistress. Hoggle will," Hoggle said with a bow as Ethan and I left the Great Hall. 
"Hi Cedric! Hi Uncle Amos," I greeted warmly as I embraced the two. 
"Y/N, my dear. Good to see you," said Uncle Amos. "Have you been well?" he asked. 
"I'm doing alright, thank you for asking," I said with a reassuring smile. 
"That's good to hear, dear. Shall we be off, then?" Uncle Amos asked. 
"We wouldn't want to leave the Weasleys waiting, do we?" I asked with a cheeky smile. 
"Knowing Ron, he'd make them late anyway. He's such a heavy sleeper."
Ethan and Cedric chuckled. 

We started to make our way to the Burrow. It really wasn't that much of a walk but our portkey was located right between my house and the Burrow. Once we got to the Burror, Ethan, Cedric and I went to climb the huge tree right next to us. Uncle Amos waited for the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione down below. After a few minutes we saw them make their way over to us. 
"Arthur!" Uncle Amos greeted. Mr. Weasley threw his hand up in a wave. 
"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start," Mr. Weasley said as he turned around and gestured to Ron, who yawned. Called it. 
"This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry," Mr. Weasley introduced as Cedric jumped down. 
"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" 
"Yes, sir," Cedric said as he shook Mr. Weasleys hand. Ethan and I exchanged looks, nodded and jumped down in unison. 
"Wouldn't forget us now, would you?" I asked with a cheeky smile. 
"Ah, Y/N and Ethan! I was wondering where you two were," Mr. Weasley said as he shook Ethan's hand and embraced me. 
"This way," Amos said as he started leading us back the direction we came. 
"Heyo, you two," the twins greeted. 
"Hello Fred," I said. 
"Hello George," Ethan greeted. 
"Y/N!" Hermione greeted. 
"Hermione!" I said with a smile before turning to Ron. 
"Hi Ron," I said. Ron gave me a sleepy smile before we continued on. 
"--Y/N!" came another voice. I turned around to see Harry jogging up to us. 
"Hi, Harry," I greeted with a smile. 
"Haven't heard from you all summer. Are you alright?" he asked. 
"Oh--pfft--yeah, I was just busy," I replied. 
"Really? With what?" asked Harry. 
"Yeah, we heard your father's tour was cancelled due to a family emergency," said Hermione. 
"Ah, yes well. It's nothing you should concern yourselves with. Everything's fine," I reassured with a small smile before we continued on. I looked to Ron who looked as if he wanted to tell the two of them the truth but I shot him a look of warning before turning around. 

We followed Uncle Amos up the hill and towards a manky boot. 
"Yes, it's just over there," Amos said as Ginny and I raced up to the top of the hill where the boot was. 
"Shall we?" asked Mr. Weasley. 
"Oh, yeah," Amos replied. 
"We don't want to be late," said Mr. Weasley. 
"Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position," said Uncle Amos. 
"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" I heard Harry ask. 
"-That isn't just any manky old boot, mate" said Fred. 
"It's a Portkey," George finished. 
"Time to go!" Mr. Weasley said. I grabbed a piece of the boot between Fred and Ethan. 
"What's a portkey?" Harry asked as the rest of the group grabbed the boot. 
"Ready! After three. One, two..."
"Harry!" Mr. Weasley yelled. And right when Uncle Amos said three, Harry grabbed the boot and we all started to spin. We all screamed in either surprise or terror. 
"Let go, kids!" yelled Uncle Amos. 
"What?" Hermione yelled. I Ethan, Cedric and I exchanged smirks. 
"Let go!" Amos yelled again. 
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the twins went flying as they let got of the Portkey. 
Ethan, Cedric, Uncle Amos, Mr. Weasley and I floated down angelically. We saw the others laying on the ground. 
"I'll bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Mr. Weasley asked happily as we landed swiftly on the ground. Ethan and I helped the twins up. I then went to help Ginny and Hermione up. 
"You shouldn't have fallen for that," I said with a laugh. 
"Yeah, I'm surprised the twins didn't catch on," Ethan said with a smirk. He earned a smack on the head from both Fred and George. We started up the hill and when we got to the top, we were overcome by tents, wizards and witches waving flags of their favorite teams and wizards flying on their brooms above us. 
"Go on, look at that," Amos said in awe as we took in our surroundings. 
"Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World cup," Mr. Weasley announced. This wasn't my first Quidditch world cup that I've attended. I went to one when I was very young when Henry and Athena were still alive. We saw France against America. It was so cool. This time we were going to be seeing the Irish against the Bulgarians and I was all for the Irish. 
We started walking our way through the crowds. 
"Stay together! Keep up girls!" Mr. Weasley called after Hermione, Ginny and I who were becoming distracted by everything around us. Some flyers came our way so we had to duck. 
"Parting of the ways, I think, old chap," Amos said. 
"See you at the match," said Mr. Weasley. 
"See you," Amos said as the two shook hands. 
"See you later, Cedric!" said Fred as Cedric was called by his father. 
"So, will you be sticking with us?" asked Fred to Ethan and I. 
"Duh. Cedric and Uncle Amos have their own tent and mother and father assigned you for us to stay with. They were just helping out with transportation," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. 
"Are you being serious, or..."
"I'm being a little sarcastic. We are staying in a tent for you but, Uncle Amos and Cedric just took mother and father's tickets because they couldn't come for some reason," I explained. 
"Oh, okay. Brilliant," Fred said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
"Ah," said Mr. Weasley as we reached an incredible small tent. "Home sweet home."
Mr. Weasley held the front of the tent open for us. Fred, George, Ethan and I went first. It was a Sturgis Podmore, which pretty much meant it was much bigger on the inside than the outside.
"Excellent, excellent," Mr. Weasley said as I made my way to the bunks. 
"Girls, choose a bunk and unpack," Mr. Weasley told Hermione and Ginny who were having a pillow fight. I grabbed a pillow and joined in. 
"Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry," Mr. Weasley scolded at Ron. 
"Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron," The twins said in unison. 
"Feet off the table!"Mr. Weasley scolded at the twins. 
"Feet of the table!" the twins repeated as they took their legs of the table for a split second before putting them back on the table. 
I unpacked my things and got the bottom bunk that I was to share with Ethan. 
We spent the early afternoon getting some merchandise from our favorite teams. I got an Irish scarf and so did Hermione. The twins had everything that was Irish merch on them, even face paint. 

Once the sun started to set, we made our way towards the stadium and went to get to our seats. 
"Blimy, Dad. How far up are we?" Ron stressed as we continued our way up the flight of stairs.
"--Well, put it this way," came a voice. Oh no...I turned and looked to see Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Both in black suits. "If it'll be the first to know."
"Jokes, on you, Malfoy. I love the rain," I interjected. 
"I did not ask your opinion, Ms. Blackbird, though rain will do you a bit of good. Especially after tonight," Mr. Malfoy said with a sly smile. I glared at him. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
"Father and I are in the ministers box," said Draco. I looked down and took in his features. He looked as if he had grown almost a whole foot since we last encountered and his hair was slicked to the side instead of the back like a vampire. But, then what do I care, right?
"By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself," Draco boasted. 
"Don't boast, Draco," Mr. Malfoy scolded as he poked Draco's stomach with the cane. What the hell. "There's no need with these people."
"You're right, Mr. Malfoy. There is no need with us. I'm sure we can tell who the more courteous  wizards are just by using our common sense," I sneered. I went to turned away but, I felt a cane against my hand. 
"Do enjoy yourself, won't you?" said Mr. Malfoy. "While you can."
"I don't like the way you said that Mr. Malfoy. Now piss off and go have your fun with the minister," I hissed before pulling away from Lucius's grasp. Fred grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away. 
"He's just an old git, ignore him," Fred told me. 
"I don't like the way he said that, Fred. Now I'm worried something bad will happen," I said as we continued our way up the stares. 

Draco Malfoy's POV

Holy mother of Merlin. Y/N Blackbird really just stood up against my father like that. I mean, it was kind of amusing but, it made father angry and I did not like when father was angry. It led to very unnecessary actions. 
"You know, Draco. I don't really think I want this Blackbird girl part of the family bloodline. Maybe we should consider the Greengrasses or the Parkinsons," father said as we followed the stairwell that led to the minister's box.
"Pansy and I are no longer on speaking terms, sir. And she won't be at Hogwarts for a couple years because her family transferred her to Beauxbatons until her sixth year for behavioral matters," I explained. 
"And the Greengrasses?" Lucius asked. "Daphne and I aren't close at all and Astoria will only be a second year this year. There's no use," I said. 
"You're giving me no choice, are you Draco?" he asked. "If you want Blackbird so badly then try harder. She obviously think no more of you then she for the last three years. That means wipe that stupid sneer off your pathetic face and put on a charming smile. Charm her, seduce you if you have to," father told me in a disappointed tone. I hated it when he called me pathetic...
"She's really stubborn, father. I don't know how I'll manage," I said as we got closer to the minister's box.
"Her life is about the change for the worse, Draco. She's going to need someone like you to understand the misfortunes in life," father told me as we reached the minister's box. "Now keep quiet and don't say another word while we're here," father told me before greeting the minister. I frowned and kept my head down. I really think father is going a little too far with this...


"Come on up. Take your seats," Mr. Weasley said as we reached the topmost floor of the stadium. "I told you these seats would be worth waiting for."
"Come on!" Fred laughed. Just the, the Irish came whizzing over our heard. 
"It's the Irish! There's Troy!" said Fred. 
"And Mullet!" said George.
"And Moran!" said Fred as the Irish players flew up, releasing fireworks that formed into a dancing leprechaun. People started cheering for Island. I laughed and smiled. 
"Here come the Bulgarians!" George yelled as the Bulgarian Quidditch players flew threw the leprechaun, creating red fireworks.  
Victor Krum, who was the Seeker for the Bulgarian team did a quick handstand on his broom. Ha, I can do that. 
"Who's that?" asked Ginny who gestured to Krum. 
"That, sis, is the best Seeker in the entire world," George pointed. 
A large portrait of Krum appeared on a huge section of the stadium. The portraut of Krum then flew and spread among the rest of the stadium and a huge red and black flag with his name on it appeared. 
"Krum!" Harry and George said in unison. The portrait of Krum moved its head as Krum himself flew out in the middle of the stadium and pumped his fist up into the air, hyping the crowd up. 
"Good evening," came Minister Fudge's voice. "As Minister for Magic it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!" 
We all cheered as the match started. 


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