Summer 3 & The Leaky Couldron

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I had a lot of fun this summer.  My family went on a tour with my dad and I got to perform with him, which was awesome. And there's something else too that happened...

Tommy and I are now in a relationship! In second year we got really close after meeting in first year. He's just so sweet and he understands me as a person, even if I am a Slytherin. We're only in a hugging stage right now, but I wonder how far this year will take us. This is after all my first relationship and I don't want to screw anything up because Tommy is a sweet guy and I wouldn't want anything to happen.

I also grew a bit too. The shape of my face matured, I'm a little taller, body parts changed as well...

So, today we have to to go Diagon Alley to pick up books and such for my third year. Third year is big for me because I get to go to Hogsmeade and I finally get to hang out with Tommy, the twins, and my other friends in the upper years more.

My mom was dropping my brother and I off at the Leaky Cauldron because she was going o be joining my dad for another tour. They were going to be gone for three months! But, they promised they'd be back by Christmas, so that's good. 

I was also really excited to take more classes as well. I wanted to take Care of Magical Creatures Divination, and choir especially. I was really interested in knowing what would happen in the future, being a musician, and becoming a magizoologist. I wanted to be like both of my parents combined. 

I wrote everyone this summer as much as I could, but only when I was home, which was only about a week per month, so I only spent about 27 days at home in total. Luckily the owls were fast enough to pass letters back and fourth within less than twenty-four hours. I rarely got letters from any of the Weaselys because they were in Egypt visiting Bill. 

Ethan and I were now in Diagon Alley for school shopping. We were going to spend the night in a room there, then go to platform with the Weasleys. 

"We better be heading back to the Leaky Cauldron, the Weasley's will be there soon," I said after we left Flourish and Blotts. "Yeah, we're done shopping anyway." Ethan agreed as we started heading back in the direction of the Leaky Cauldron.  

We were greeted by Tom, the hunchback, who had told us the Weasley's were now checked in. 
We entered the motel and we were immediately greeated by a clan of gingers. 
"Y/N! Ethan! It's good to see you dears," Mrs. Weasley told us, engulfing us both into a hug
"You too, Mrs. Weasley,"  I said, breaking the embrace. 
"Y/N, Ethan!" the twins said in perfect unison.
"Hello twins," Ethan and I said in unison. We all exchanged looks and laughed. 
"Y/N!" came three other voices. I looked to see Ron, Hermione, and Harry. I smiled and ran over to them. 

Merlin, they grew! Ron was taller, and had a cut his boy bob. Hermione's hair was a little shorter, but her figure matured a lot like mine. Harry's Hair was shorter as well and he was taller, his face matured as well. Ron was carrying Scabbers and Hermione was carrying a ginger cat. 
"Oh, who's this?" I go to pet Hermione's cat. "This is Crookshanks. Handsome, isn't he?" Hermione asked.
"Yes. Very," I replied. Ron scoffed. Hermione and I looked over to Ron. Hermione and Ron then started an argument, so I pulled Harry aside and talked to him.
"How was your summer, Harry?" I asked. "Could've been better," he shrugged. "What happened?" I asked.
"I blew up my aunt..."
I snorted. "You what?" I said, trying to hide the fact that I was trying really hard not to laugh. "I got mad at her and she literally blew up like the girl in the book, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" 
Me, being Hermione's true friend and knowing a lot about Muggles, I immediately got the reference. "Oh, yeah. Violet. Yeah, I get it. Did she turn blue?" I asked.
"No. Kinda wish she did, though," Harry said. Then we both burst out laughing. 

We then all then gathered around the big table and a newspaper was passed out. It wasn't the one with the Weasley's in Egypt, but the one about Sirius Black. He somehow escaped Azkaban. 
I barely heard about him a week before coming here, but I was told he betrayed Harry's Parents and sold them to Voldemort. I'm afraid he's after Harry now. So, I can tell for sure this won't be a normal year at Hogwarts, once again. 


I was in the living room of my manor. My father giving me a talk I regret hearing. 
"You know, Draco I've been thinking. In order to keep the Malfoy name in power, I'm thinking since you are my only heir, you marry into the one of the richest wizarding families."
"What? Why? An arranged marriage?" I snapped. "No, not arranged. But, I want you to woo her. Don't worry. You won't have to deal with her for too long. Us knowing about their family curse, she should be dead right after the birth of her firstborn,"
"What family are you talking about, father? Is the Greengrasses?" I asked.
"I thought about that. No. Not enough money," My father replied.
"Who then?" I asked.
"Y/N Blackbird."
Bloody hell...

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