A Very Numb Winter

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I felt the pounding in my head as soon as I woke up. I let my eyes focus and took in my surroundings. I was in the hospital wing. It was empty and it was dark outside. I don't even remember how I ended up here in the first place. All I know is that my head hurt like hell. 
"Ms. Blackbird. You're awake," came the voice of madam Pomfrey. 
"What happened?" I asked. 
Madam Pomfrey's expression turned sullen. 
"There was an accident, Ms. Blackbird. On the quidditch field." 
"I don't remember anything. What accident?" I asked.
"A bludger went rogue. Struck Tommy Newton across the neck..."

Everything started to flood back to me. I remembered everything now. I remembered the day being rainy. I remembered Harry falling off of his broom. I remembered Hufflepuff winning the match. I remember going down to congratulate the team. And the last thing I remember...was Tommy yelling and pushing me out of the way. 

"No..." I cupped my hands over my mouth and started to cry. 
"I'm so sorry, dear." Madam Pomfrey said. "Do you need anything?" she asked. I shook my head. 
"Okay. I have some food in case you get hungry. Rest well, Ms. Blackbird."
Madam Pomfrey left the room. I couldn't believe this happened. Why did it? And why Tommy?

I didn't sleep a wink that night. I spent the whole night crying my eyes out, trying to take in everything that had just happened. Trying to think why and how. I remembered the bludger was traveling at faster speed than it was meant to. As if it was tampered by someone. But, who would do such an awful thing? It couldn't have been a student. Or any of the professors. They were all off the grounds by the time I went down the field. And I know it wasn't any of the other players on the team. The pieces of the puzzle are completely scattered and none of them fit. 

Early the next day, I got up and went downstairs towards the dungeons. I entered the common room and towards my room. Shadow meowed at me. Her meow sounded sad and gloomy. She knew something was wrong. I slumped down on my bed and covered myself with the blankets. I needed time to grieve. 

*time skip*

I stayed in bed the rest of the weekend. No food, no water, no sleep. Only my thoughts. 
Early Monday morning I got myself out of bed and put on my robes. I headed to breakfast and tried to eat. I only got a few nibbles of toast and a couple sips of pumpkin juice before I started getting a sick feeling in my stomach. 

I got up and left the Great Hall before it started to fill with students, but just as I was about to, my path was suddenly blocked. Professor McGonagall was standing above me. 
"Ms. Blackbird. Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you in his office," she said, a very glum look upon her face. 
"Yes, professor," I replied. I followed her up the stairs, to the office. She said the password and the griffin started turning up in the staircase. I entered the corridor and started walking up the staircase. I was now face to face with the door and before I could knock, it opened. 
"Ah, Ms. Blackbird,  you're right on time. Come in, come in," came Dumbledore's voice. I entered the office and saw him pacing in front of his desk. Fawkes was on his perch, grooming himself. 
"You wanted to see me, professor?" I asked, as I approached him. 
"Yes, Ms. Blackbird. Indeed I did. I asked for you regarding Mr. Newton." 
"I was afraid that was the reason," I said as my face fell. 
"I've already been told by the other players on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team that a rogue bludger had caused his death. But, I wanted to ask you if you saw anything or anyone strange wandering around the grounds right before the accident."
"No, sir. Everyone had just cleared out before the accident happened. It was just me and the Hufflepuff quidditch team. There was something strange about the bludger, though. A normal bludger travels 27 to 60 miles. This one had to be traveling 100 at least, which is more than it should've traveled. I think someone or something tampered with it, sir," I said. Dumbledore nodded his head. 
"I see. I was told it was going faster than usual. Now was the bludger after you or Tommy?" Dumbledore asked. 
"Tommy did push me out of the way, which caused the accident. I believe it was after me sir and Tommy pushed me away," I replied. 
"And has anyone tried to kill you before, intentionally on your own?" Dumbledore. 
"Usually, it would only be if I was getting into trouble with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Other than that, I'd usually only get teased and bullied by some of the other Slytherins. Like that incident in Hogsmeade..." I trailed. 
"I shall question them immediately. Thank you, Ms. Blackbird. You are dismissed," Professor Dumbledore said with a nod of his head. I nodded back and turned to leave the office. 
"Oh, and Ms. Blackbird?" said Dumbledore. I turned around and faced him. 
"You're not the only one grieving over his death. He had some very good friends that could use your sympathy as well."
He was right...there was Stephan, Siggy, Ki, Will, Cedric, and Deedee. And they've known him longer than I have. What was I doing locking myself away instead of spending time with them, grieving with them instead of isolating myself. Why didn't I tell myself I wasn't the only one upset about this?
"Yes, sir," I said. And with that I left the office. 

Death Eaten: Draco Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now