The Unforgivable Curses

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After blacking out, the next thing I remember is seeing a graveyard and two figures standing in front of one figure that was holding what seemed to be a baby. I then saw a dark green light shoot from the figure holding the baby and hitting one of the other figures. That was it. The next thing I know I'm sitting up in my bed when I don't remember getting there at all. 
"What am I...when did this..." I stammered as I looked around my dorm. I looked down at myself, I was still in uniform. I checked my watch, I only had fifteen minutes before class started so I quickly got up and fixed my shirt, tie, robe and put on my shoes that I didn't remember taking off. 
I fixed my hair just enough so it was presentable for class then left my dorm. I had Defense Against the Dark Arts as my first class this year so left the Dungeons and went straight upstairs to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. When I got there, practically everyone was already at their seats. 
"Psst. Blackbird!" A voice whispered. I looked to see Malfoy. He made a small gesture for me to take the empty seat next to him. I looked around and there were no other empty seats so I shrugged and sat next to him. Then it hit me about last night. 
"Hey, do mind telling me what happened last night?" I whispered. 
"You literally fell asleep standing up. Were my lessons that boring to you, Blackbird?" Malfoy asked with a smirk. 
"They might have been. How did I get to my dorm last night? No one except me or a Professor can access it," I explained. 
"Easy. I carried you back and used your hand to open the door," Draco bluntly replied. 
"Of course," I said sarcastically before Professor Moody entered the classroom and started talking. 
"Alastor Moody," Professor Moody introduced before he started to write his name on the chalkboard. "Ex-Auror. Ministry malcontent and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" 
Nobody spoke. I stared at him and tried to access his mind because I sensed something off with him. It was inaccessible. It makes sense because he's an Auror but there's some behaviors in him that I didn't recognize from the last time I remembered seeing him. 
"When it comes to the Dark-Arts I believe in a practical approach. But, first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?" asked Moody. 
"Three, sir," Hermione answered. 
"And they are so named?" asked Moody. 
"Because they are unforgivable," Hermione replied. 
"--That's putting it easy," I interjected. "The unforgivable curses if used can--"
"--Earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct," Professor Moody as he wrote "3 Unforgivable Curses on the board. 
"Yes, that. But I was going to say that using any of these curses will not only cause grief but, it can cause mental, physical and emotional destruction and sir...technically there are four unforgivable curses, one of them just isn't a spell," I said as I crossed my arms. Professor Moody turned from the black board to me. 
"Yes, you are technically correct, Ms. Blackbird. And I'm sure you know all about the fourth curse, don't you? Mind sharing with the class?" asked Professor Moody. 
"Yes. I do mind," I said as I crossed my arms. "It's nobody's concern what the fourth one is because it's so rare that no one knows how to cast it upon someone. The curse hasn't been cast upon a victim since the 1930s and nobody knows how or what it is except very few and it's not one that you should really discuss in a classroom," I said, venom spitting out of me with every word that I said. Professor Moody glared at me. 
"It is true that the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I saw different. You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared," Professor Moody spat as he turned around and faced the blackboard. "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan," Professor Moody called out. I looked across and saw Seamus sticking a piece of gum under the desk. 
"No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head," I heard Seamus mutter. Professor Moody turned around and threw a piece of paper at Seamus. "And hear across classrooms!" he yelled. Everyone ducked out of the way as the piece of paper landed behind Seamus and bounced off of a Ravenclaw girl's desk. 
"So, which curse shall we see, first?" Professor Moody asked. "Technically you're seeing one as we speak. But, first--Weasley!" 
"--Yes?" Ron whimpered. 
"Stand," Professor Moody demanded. Ron stood. Who the hell did this man think he is?
"Give us a curse," Moody told Ron. 
"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius Curse," Ron stuttered. 
"Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that," Professor moody nodded. "Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why," Professor Moody said before he turned away from Ron. Professor Moody approached a desk full of insects and took out a Paraphrynus mexicanus or the easier name to pronounce, a Mexican Tailless Whip-Scorpion. 
"Engorgio," Professor Moody whispered. The scorpion grew bigger. "Imperio."
He then used his wand to guide the Scorpion. It first landed on Dean's notebook, then on Crabbe's head. As funny as I thought the look on his face as, using the Imperius curse on a lethal creature was dangerous. 
"Don't worry. It's completely harmless," Professor Moody said over the laughter. He then moved the scorpion to Padma Patil's hand who was sitting with her sister right in front of Malfoy and I. I glared as the scorpion moved from Padma's hand to Ron's head. "If she bites, she's lethal," Professor Moody said with a very psychotic laughter. Malfoy was laughing hard. I turned and glared at him. 
"What are you laughing at?" Professor Moody asked before placing the Scorpion on Draco's nose. 
"Get off! Get off!" Draco yelled as he turned to me. I rolled my eyes and simply took the scorpion off of his nose, placing it in my hands. 
"She's a talented one, isn't she?" Professor Moody asked. I wasn't sure if he was talking about me or the scorpion. "What should I have her do next?" Jump out the window?" Professor Moody asked as the scorpion flew out of my hands and hit a magnifying glass near the window closest to me. "Drown herself?" he asked as he moved the scorpion over a bucket of water. I glared at him as he led the scorpion back to his hand. He looked back to the class and everyone tensed up. 
"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse," Proffessor Moody explained. "But, here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars?" he asked. "Another, another," Professor Moody said. Many students raised their hands but, Moody was looking right at Neville who started to slowly raise his hand. Moody called on him before he even fully raised his hand. 
"Longbottom, is it?" asked Moody. "Up."
Neville slowly and nervously stood up. I tensed up because I could sense how uncomfortable he was and because his mind was easily accessible, I knew exactly what curse he was thinking about and why he was thinking it. "Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology."
Neville nodded nervously. "There's the...the Cruciatus Curse," Neville stuttered. 
"Correct, correct! Come, come!" Professor Moody said enthusiastically as he gestured Neville to the front of the classroom. "Particularly nasty. The torture curse...Crucio!" 
The scorpion started to whimper and flinch in pain. I balled my fists up so tightly as I saw the scarred look on Neville's face. I stood up and screamed at him. 
"Stop it, you son of a bitch! Stop torturing them!" I screamed. As if coming out of a trance, he stopped and took the scorpion back on his hand then walked towards me. I put my brace face on as he placed the scorpion on the desk in front of me. "Perhaps you could give us one of the last Unforgivable Curses, Ms. Blackbird."
I glared at him and shook my head before taking the scorpion in my hand. 
"No? Avada Kedavra!"
A green light shot from Moody's wand hitting the scorpion. I gasped as the scorpion now lay limp in my hands. "The killing curse. Only one person is known to have survived it. And he is sitting in this room."
Professor Moody then walked to Harry. Moody licked the side of his mouth making a small his sound before taking out his flask and drinking from it. He shivered making a disgusted face. 
"Since Ms. Blackbird isn't going to share the technical last curse, I will. The Death Curse. Though it may sound similar to the killing curse, it does not kill it's victim, no. Instead it's a curse that enters the victims minds and finds it's targets through the victims loved ones. It's almost as if death himself has possessed your mind and takes the life of those you love," Moody explained. I glared daggers at Moody. He was supposed to keep this matter private and here he was invading it. In the corner of my eye I saw Hermione raise her hand. 
"Ms. Granger." Professor Moody called. 
"Sir, how can one receive or get rid of this curse?" she asked. 
"Only a powerful and dark wizard can place this curse. The last wizard known to have placed it upon a victim was Gellert Grindelwald in the 1930s. His victim being a young teenage girl..."
Moody's eyes landed on me and I looked away. Before anything else could happen, the bell rang, dismissing the students. I was the first one to bolt out of the classroom. I hated climbing down all those stairs.

Next class was transfiguration and we were supposed to learn how to turn an toad into a sponge. I made sure to sit along during class but I felt eyes staring at me. 
"Today we will be learning the spell, Spongify. First we will practice with cauldrons before we practice on toads," McGonagall explained. "Now read Chapter 1 Section 4 of your books please." 
In all honesty, I couldn't even focus. I was too busy listening to the rain outside. I loved the rain...
"Ms. Blackbird, please get on task," McGonagall said, breaking my thoughts. I flinched and started to skim the book. I honestly wasn't interested in learning Spongify, my mind was wandered somewhere else. I raised my hand. 
"Yes, Ms. Blackbird?" asked McGonagall. 
"May I use the loo?" I ask. 
"Yes. Be quick," McGonagall said briskly. I stood up and left. I went outside the building and stared at the rain. I sighed and laid my head against the pillar as I watched the rain. I then thought to myself "Why not become part of it?"
I smirked to myself and started to take off my robe, then my sweater. I smiled and giggled as I stepped out in the rain. Feeling the rain on my skin felt so good. It made me feel free from everything. I felt happy for once. I fingered through my wet hair and giggled. I spun and laughed. I got dizzy and fell to the ground, I laid down and stared up at the sky. 
"--Oy, what are you doing out there?" came a voice. I sat up and looked in the direction the voice came from. I saw Ethan, Fred and George. It was typical for them to be skipping class. 
"Boys! Come join me!" I yelled. 
"Okay!" the twins said in unison. They took off their robes and sweaters and came to join me. 
"Ethan! Come on, bruv!" I yelled, gesturing him over. Ethan hesitated but, then smiled. He took off his robe and sweater and came to join us. We all laid down and just felt the rain as it hit our skin. 
"This feels amazing," said George. 
"I am definitely not showering today," said Fred. I giggled. 
"This is the first time we've seen you smile or laugh in a long time," said Ethan. I looked at him and smiled. "The rain puts me in a good mood," I replied. 
"Hey, Y/N, I can see your bra through your shirt," Fred remarked. I smacked his arm. 
"Does this mean we have the old Y/N back?" asked Fred. 
"Only until the rain stops," I replied. 
"--What are you four doing out of class?" came a voice. We sat up and saw Hagrid. 
"Oh, we're just enjoying the rain, sir," said Ethan. 
"Yer can enjoy it la'er. Please go back to class so yer don't get caught by a professor that will give yer detention," Hagrid told us. I sighed and Fred and Ethan helped me up. We grabbed dried our clothes using a drying charm that dried everything but our hair and put our sweaters and robes back on. 
"It was good to see you laugh and smile, sis," Ethan said before him and the Weasley twins left. 
"See you, Y/N," the twins said in unison.
"Bye," I said before I headed back to class. When I got back to Transfiguration, McGonagall immediately made a comment. 
"Did you fall in, Ms. Blackbird?" McGonagall asked as she pointed to my still wet hair. Some giggles broke out amongst the class. I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh. 
"Sure, Professor," I said before returning to my seat. 

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