The Great Hall 2

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The train made came to a halt and you, Hermione, Ginny, Tommy, and the others exited train. 
"Do you see them?" Hermione asked. You looked around. "No. Not anywhere." you say unsteadily. 
"-Firs' years! This way to the boats!" came  a familiar voice. "Hagrid!" you exclaimed. 
"Y/N, ma girl. Good ter see yer," Hagrid said as a smile spread across his bearded face. You made your way up to him, Ginny and Hermione following. "Good to see you too, Hagrid." you say. "How's Fluffy?" he asked in a somewhat secretive tone. "He's doing well. He's a lot more domestic now compared to last year." you say. "Good ta hear." 
"-Say, Hagrid. Have you seen Harry and Ron anywhere?" Hermione asked. 
Hagrid scrunched his face. "Afraid I haven't."
You, Hermione, and Ginny exchanged uneasy looks. 
"Don't worry. They'll turn up. Come with me Ms. Weasley." Hagrid said once all the first years got in a line beside Hagrid. "Hopefully. See ya Hagrid. Good luck, Ginny." you say as you give Hagrid and Ginny a hug.

You found Tommy and the others and got inside of a carriage. The ride to the castle was filled with chatter that mostly came from Tommy and his friends. You and Hermione kept your looks of worry.

Once you made your way to the castle, you went to your table and sat by Will and Deedee. 
"Hey, Blackbird." came a squawking voice. You look to see Pansy. "Where are your boyfriends Potter and Weasley? Did they ditch you because they finally caught on that you're stupid and ugly?"
Giggles from the second and some third years (minus Deedee and Will) echoed around the table. You only laughed. "Wow, Pansy. What a come back. If I'm stupid and ugly, then you must be a troll. No IQ at all and super ugly."
Remarks and laughs echoed the table coming from more of the upperclassmen. Pansy gave you and angry look and you wiggled your eyebrows. 
"Good one, Y/N." Deedee chuckled. "Thanks." you reply. 

The first year entered the hall and you see Ginny. You wave to her and give her a thumbs up. She smiles shyly and nods as she walked with the other first years.

The sorting was short. Ginny was sorted into Gryffindor along with this other boy names Colin Creevey along with several others as well. Of course you got some new kids as well. Who sat with their friends who also got into Slytherin as well. 

The food appeared at the table. You glance at the Gryffindor table and still notice the absence of Ron and Harry. You didn't touch your food. 
"What's wrong, Y/N?" Deedee asked. "They're still missing." you say uneasily, still unable to take your eyes of the Gryffindor table. "They'll turn up." Will said. You sigh. "I better hope so."

"-Hey, isn't that Y/N Blackbird?" you hear the echoed whispers of some of the first years. You turn to them and grin. "Yes I am."
"Wicked!" the first years echoed. 

The meal was over and you still didn't touch your food. You followed a prefect to the Slytherin Common room. As you were walking, you could've sworn you saw a boy with glasses and a mop of red hair. Your face softened with relief as you continued walking. 
You seemed to space out as someone tripped you, making you fall to the floor. "Watch where your going, Blackbird." came the familiar voice of Malfoy. "Piss off, Malfoy," you say as Will and Deedee helped you up. "Just ignore that brat." Will said. "Yeah. He's nothing." Deedee agreed. You dusted yourself off. "Thanks guys." you said with a huff(lepuff).

You reached the common room. "Hey, Y/N. Wanna hang with us for a while until curfew?" Deedee asked. "Oh. No thanks. Maybe tomorrow. I'm really exhausted," you say with a yawn while outstretching your arms. "Okay. Goodnight." Deedee said. "Night." said Will. You waved a goodnight and headed down to your room. 

You opened the door with ease and your room looked just the same. Shadow was snoozing on your bed. Locket peaked out of your pocket and you held your hand out to him to crawl on. He crawled onto your hand and you outstretched your hand you your bed and he climbed on top of Shadow and started to snooze. 

You change into your pajamas, brush your teeth, and tuck into bed, hopeful that you see Harry and Ron in class.

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