Saving Sirius Black

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As soon as we saw Dumbledore Fudge and Hagrid go inside, we made a run further into the forest. I had to keep up front and wave the ferrets so that Buckbeak would cooperate with Harry.
We stopped at a corner near the end of the forest, near the Whomping Willow. I threw one of the last two ferrets to Buckbeak. Harry tied the chain to one of the roots sticking out from the ground
"Now what?" asked Harry. 
"We save Sirius," said Hermione as she started to run up the hill.
"How?" asked Harry and I. 
"No idea," Hermione replied. 
We reached the top of the hill and saw a figure approaching the Whomping Willow. 
"-Look, it's Lupin," said Hermione as Lupin cast a spell on the Whomping Willow, which made it freeze in place. He disappeared under it right as another figure came towards it.
"And Snape's coming," said Hermione as Snape disappeared under the Whomping Willow as well. 
"And now we wait," said Harry. Hermione nodded. 
"And now we wait," she said before she sat down on the ground. Harry and I both joined her. 
"Why is it always us four?" I asked. Harry and Hermione broke out in a chuckle. Just then a flock of birds came swooping in behind us. We turned around and saw that Buckbeak was enjoying a late night snack of birds. 
"At least someone's enjoying himself," said Hermione. 
"Yeah," Harry said as I chuckled. "Hey, guys?"
"Yeah?" Hermione and I replied in unison. 
"Before, down by the lake, when l was with Sirius...l did see someone. That someone made the dementors go away," Harry explained. 
"With a Patronus?" asked Hermione. "I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him...only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it," Hermione explained. 
"It was my dad. My dad conjured the Patronus," said Harry. I frowned and said nothing. 
"Harry, but your dad's--"
"Dead. l know. I'm just telling you what l saw," Harry said. He sounded frustrated and upset. After a moment of silence Hermione stood up. 
"Here we come," she said. I saw my past self sitting with Ron and Hermione. 
"You see Sirius talking to me there?" asked Harry as he gestured over to past him and past Sirius. 
"Mmhm," Hermione replied. 
"Yeah," I said. 
"He's asking me to come live with him," said Harry. 
"That's great," I said with a smile. "You could finally get away from the Dursleys."
"Yeah and when we free him I won't have to go back to them. It'll just be me and him," said Harry with a bright smile on his face. "We could live in the country. Someplace you can see the sky. I think he'll like that after all those years in Askaban," Harry said right as the moon came out. We saw ourselves get attacked by Lupin in werewolf form. 
"Let's go," Harry said as he started running down the hill, towards the scene. Hermione and I followed in pursuit. We found a spot to hide in some bushes right in front of where Lupin was going to attack Harry and I. 
"Awoo!" Hermione howled. Harry grabbed her. 
"What are you doing?" Harry hissed. 
"Saving your lives," Hermione replied before she howled again. 
"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically as Lupin turned his attention towards us. "Now he's coming for us."
"Yeah, I didn't think about that. Run!" Hermione yelled. The three of us turned tail and ran. We ran through the trees, up more hills and through more branches. Harry slipped when we went up one of the hills but, Hermione helped him up and continued to run. Hermione grabbed me before I could run anymore and pushed me up against a tree. That's where the three of us stood until Lupin got closer. We slowly made our way around the tree as Lupin started to sniff us out. Lupin howled and it sounded far away enough to where we thought we could sneak away. We back up away from the tree but, we then heard footsteps coming from right behind us. We turned around and Lupin was right in front of us. I whimpered as Harry took me and Hermione in his arms to protect us. 
Hermione screamed as we heard a loud squawk and feathers ruffling. I looked up to see Buckbeak attacking Sirius. Buckbeak eventually scared Lupin off. Buckbeak turned around to face us as if checking that we were okay. 
"That was so scary," Hermione said as she buried her face in Harry's shoulder. I slowly approached Buckbeak. 
"Thank you, handsome boy," I said as I went to pet his beak. 
"Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night," said Harry as he comforted Hermione. 

Suddenly, the wind got colder as did the wind. I looked up and saw Dementors flying right above us. I hurried back to Harry and Hermione.
"Sirius. Come on!" Harry urged as he took both me and Hermione's hand and started running in the direction the Dementors were. 
We ran up another hill and down towards the lake where Harry, Sirius, and I were. The dementors were attacking us. 
"This is horrible," said Hermions as she watched the scene before us. 
"Don't worry. My dad will come. He'll conjure the Patronus," said Harry as a Dementor approached past us and hovered over them. 
"Any minute now," Harry stressed. He then pointed down towards the front of the lake. "Right there. You'll see."
"Harry, listen to me. No one's coming," said Hermione. 
"Don't worry, he will come. He will come," Harry reassured. We watched as another Dementor attacked us. 
"You're dying," said Hermione. "All three of you."
Harry then ran up to that very spot on the lake. It then hit me. 
"Harry!" Hermione yelled. 
"EXPECT PATRONUM!" Harry yelled. Just then a great white light illuminated itself out of Harry's wand. It blew the Dementors away. Harry's Patronus eventually took form of a stag right before the past Harry and I passed out. The light in Harry's wand faded back into the wand. 

The next thing I know we're riding on Buckbeaks back, through the sky. I was in front, Harry in the middle and Hermione in the back. 
"You were right, Hermione," Harry yelled over the sound of the wind as it ruffled our hair. "It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was me! I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew l could do it this time because...well, l had already done it. Does that make sense?" Harry asked with a laugh. 
"No!" Hermione yelled. "But I don't like fly--" Hermione was cut off by her own screams because I pulled Buckbeaks reins, making him fly downwards. Harry yelled with joy as we flew down towards the tower that Dumbledore told us he was held. We all got off and Hermione performed a spell to set Sirius free. 
"Bombarda!" she yelled The gate broke along with some of the stone built around it. Sirius joined us on Buckbeak's back. This time it was Hermione up front, Sirius behind Hermione, me behind Sirius, and Sirius in the back of me. We all held on to each other tightly 

We flew down towards the Courtyard and dismounted Buckbeak. Sirius helped me down and took my hand as we hid in the corridor. 
"I'll be forever grateful for this," said Sirius. "To all three of you."
"I want to go with you," said Harry. 
"One day, perhaps," Sirius reassured. "For some time my life will be too unpredictable. And besides..." Sirius placed his hands on Harry's shoulders. "'re meant to be here."
"--But you're innocent," said Harry. 
"And you know it," Sirius said as he sat Harry down on the bench and knelt in front of it. Hermione went to check to make sure everything was still clear. I wanted to continue watching this heart melting moment but, Hermione took my hand and dragged it away. 
"Give them time to talk alone," she whispered.  
A moment later, Sirius went back and I gave him the reins to Buckbeak as he mounted him.
"Take good care of him, will you? He's a lovable creature," I said. 
"Sara Blackbird's youngest daughter, are you?" he asked. I nodded. "I figured. You look just like her. She was the brightest witch of her age. I'm glad it seems as though the trait passed on to you," he said. I smiled as he took off with Buckbeak. Harry, Hermione and I ran to see him take off from the courtyard. 

The Hogwarts clock tolled. 
"We have to go," Hermione urged before she pulled me and Harry along. We ran across the courtyard towards the Hospital Wing. We got to the Hospital Wing just as Dumbledore closed the doors to the wing. He turned around and wasn't even remotely surprised to see us. 
"Well?" the man asked. 
"He's free. We did it," said Harry. 
"Did what?" asked Dumbledore with a smirk. "Goodnight," he bade us before disappearing down the staircase. 
The three of us then burst through the doors to the hospital wing right as we saw ourselves disappear. We walked right in wearing straight faces. Ron had a frightened look on his face. 
"How did you get there?" he pointed. "When I was talking to you there. And now you're there!" Ron freaked out. 
"What's he talking about, you guys?" asked Hermione. 
"I don't know," Harry replied. 
"Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once?" I asked before the three us burst into a small fit of laughter. 

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