Boggarts and Hogsmeade

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It's fall now and today I have Defense Against the Dark Arts with Lupin and tomorrow is the trip to Hogsmeade which I'm excited for. Tommy said he'd bring me on a date to the Three Broomsticks and buy me sweets at Honeydukes. 
For Lupin's class today, he said he had something special planned for us. 

Once I got ready for the day, I ate breakfast with Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Tommy. Once that was finished, I went to choir class and Muggle Studies. We then went to lunch and then Defense Against the Dark Arts with Lupin. 
When we got to the classroom, the desks and the tables were gone and there was an open space. Lupin was a lot more interactive and knowledgeable than Quirrell and Lockheart combined! Though he was somewhat strict with some things, he was also very kind. 

The class stood in front of a wardrobe that rocked back and forth violently. 
"Intriguing, isn't it?" asked Lupin. "Would anyone like to venture a guess... as to what is inside?"
"That's a boggart, that is," Dean Thomas spoke up. 
"Very good, Mr. Thomas. Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?" Lupin questioned. 
"No one knows," Hermione spoke up. She had just appeared beside Ron. 
"When did she get here?" Ron mumbled to Harry. 
"Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. That's what makes them so..." Hermione trailed. 
"So terrifying, yes, yes, yes..." 
I rose my hand. 
"Yes, Ms. Blackbird."
"Sir, what if the only thing one fears is fear itself or even just the boggart itself. Then could they see a boggart's real shape?" I asked. 
"Well to answer the second part of the question, since no one knows what a boggart looks like, they can't be truly afraid of it. And I haven't heard of someone who feared only fear that has encountered a boggart. Those were great questions, Ms. Blackbird. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please. After me. Riddikulus!"
"Riddikulus!" the class repeated. 
"Very good. A little louder and very clear. Listen: Riddikulus!" 
"Riddikulus!" the class said louder. 
"This class is ridiculous," said Malfoy. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Malfoy is ridiculous if anything else. 
"Very good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Neville, would you join me, please?" Lupin asked Neville. 
Neville  looked around nervously. 
"Come on, don't be shy. Come on. Come on," Lupin said. Neville meekly stepped forward. 
"Hello. Neville, what frightens you most of all?" Lupin asked. 
Neville mumbled something inaudible. 
"Sorry?" Lupin asked.
"Professor Snape," Neville spoke up. Everyone giggled while I kept a straight face. Snape was my uncle and I did agree he was a bit intimidating especially to someone as innocent as Neville.
"Professor Snape. Yes, frightens all," Lupin slightly chuckled. "And I believe You live with your grandmother."
"Yes. But,  I don't want that boggart to turn into her, either," Neville said. Everyone burst into laughter again. 
"No... it won't. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes, very clearly, in your mind," Lupin instructed Neville.
"She carries a red handbag..." Neville trailed. 
"We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it. Now, when I open that wardrobe... here's what I want you to do. Excuse me."
Professor Lupin then whispered something in Neville's ear. Neville looked at Lupin as if he grew a second head. 
"Can you do that?" Lupin asked as the wardrobe continued to rock back and forth. 
"Yes. Wand at the ready," Lupin instructed. Neville and Lupin both took out their wand. 
"One, two, three."
Lupin unlocked the wardrobe using a nonverbal spell and a hand crept out and Snape appeared as the door opened at its fullest. Snape made direct eye contact with Neville. I could tell Neville was uneasy. 
"Think, Neville, think," I heard Lupin say to Neville as the boggart of snape approached Neville. 
"Riddikulus!" Neville exclaimed. And snape's clothes changed into old woman's clothing. 
We all burst into laughter.
"Wonderful, Neville, wonderful! Incredible! Okay... to the back, Neville. Everyone, form a line!" We all formed in a line. I was before Harry and after Parvati. The line was pushed forward by one of the Slytherins in the back.
"Form a line! I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most... and turn it into something funny. Next! Ron!" Lupin instructed as he turned on some jazz music on a phonograph.

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