Hogwarts Letter and Going Diagon Alley

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"Mum! Dad!" you scream as you leave your room. You head slide down the stairs on the railing and head to your mom's office. 
"Mum! I got it! I got it!" you scream, waving a letter in your hand. 

Your mother, Sarah Blackbird, a magizoologist, turned to you from her desk and smiled. "That's great, dear!" she put down the Niffler she was tending to and went to hug you. "When can we go to Diagon Alley?" you asked. "As soon as your father comes home." she said. "Okay!" you squeal as you leave your mom's office.

"Ethan!" you scream. You couldn't find your brother anywhere. You checked outside. He was practicing Quidditch. He was a Chaser and he had two of his friends over. Fred and George Weasley. "Ethan!" you yell from the front door. Ethan had just made a ring. "What?" he asked. "I got my letter!" you yell. "Good for you!" he said. "I think yours came too!" you said. "Okay! Give me a few more minutes!" said Ethan as he received a quaffle from George and trying to make the ring while Fred tried to block it.

You go back inside and find your house elf, Hoggle. He was tending to lunch. "Hoggle!" you say, scaring the daylights out of your house elf. 
"Oh! Mistress Y/N. You mustn't scare Hoggle like that when he is making lunch for the masters," Hoggle said, trying to catch his breath from the scare. "Sorry, pal. But, I got my letter to Hogwarts!" you waved your envelope in the air. "Oh, mistress Y/N. Hoggle is so happy for his young mistress!" Hoggle smiled. 
"I'm waiting until Father comes home to open it. He'll be so proud of me!" you smile to your house elf. "I'm sure master will be so proud of young mistress, Y/N."
"Thanks Hoggle," you smile and leave the kitchen.

You go back to your mom's office. "Hey, mum?" you ask. "Yes, dear?" your mom answered. "How is Didymus, my Niffler?" you ask. "He's doing a lot better. His cold is starting to clear up," your mom answered. "Have you seen Ludo anywhere?" you asked. "He's probably by the garden area. it is lunch time for him, you know." 
You went to the garden area of your mom's office. You hear chomping of leaves, but couldn't see it. You see leaves floating up and into someone's mouth. "There you are." you say as you stroke the invisible figure. The figure purred and made himself visible. Your beautiful Demiguise brushed himself against you. You giggle. "You just keep eating your lunch, Ludo. I'm going to go visit Lockit."
You turn from your precious Demiguise and got to  Lockit, your Bowtruckle who was hanging on a vine next to where your Demiguise was having his lunch. "Hey, there, Lockit." you say, putting your hand out for Lockit to crawl on. He climbed on to your hand and to your shoulder. "Let's walk."

You took Lockit from your mom's office and went for a stroll around you house. You were able to make a few laps until-
"-Lunch!" Hoggle called.
You, your brother, your mother, and the Weasley twins came into your manor. 
You went to the dining room where Hoggle had made lunch; Grilled cheese with tomato soup.
"Thanks for the grub, Mrs. Blackbird." the twins say in unison. "Anytime, boys." your mother smiled. "Wow, Y/N. Is that a Bowtruckle?" Fred Weasley asked. 
"Y/N, did you take Lockit from my office?" your mother asked. "Yes, I wanted to take him for a walk." you say innocently. "Go put him back." your mother ordered.

You go and do so and wash your hands before eating. You came back to the table. 
"So, Y/N. Heard you got your letter," Fred said, sipping on his soup. "Yep. I can't wait to get my things. Mum said we're going to Diagon Alley as soon as father gets home," you smile.
"-Which should be in a few moments. He got off early today." your mother replies as she glanced at the clock. 

You finished your lunch and waited on the steps. You heard the sound of your floo powder from your fireplace and ran to the living room. There was your father, dusting himself off. 
"Dad!" you yell as you go to give him a hug. "Hello, sweetheart." your father smiles and gives you a tight hug. "We had finished the album early, so I got off early." your father says as your mother, brother, and Weasley twins enter the room.
Your father was the manager of the wizard band called Weird Sisters. Your father was always recognized when you'd go out in public and people always asked for an autograph, free tickets, or a picture.
"Hello, dear." your mother greeted, giving your father a kiss. "Dad, guess what?" you say, reaching for you pocket. "What?" your father knelt down to your level. You took out your letter and showed it to him. "I got my letter!" you squeal. "That's great, sweetheart." your father said, giving you a bright smile. "Mum said we could go to Diagon Alley to get my things as soon as you got home."
"All right. Let me change first, then we can go."
"-Wait!" you say. "I want to open the letter in front of you first."
"Go ahead, darling." you father smiles.

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