Your First Quidditch Game Play

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The days at Hogwarts started to cool down. It was cool enough to start wearing scarfs.
You continued Quidditch practice as normal. You would try to take your mind off the Nimbus 2001s the other players were using. You made sure to conentrate on where the quaffle was going instead of how fast the other players were zooming around the field. 

One day, Deedee showed up to practice, volunteering to be a fill in for any of the beaters who'd get injured during the game. Flint accepted her onto the team, but she didn't get a new Nimbus. You told her about how the other team members got a new Nimbus because his father was bought his way in on the team. Deedee was disgusted at that and was rather appreciative of the fact she didn't get a new Nimbus either, because she (unlike Draco) had a quidditch talent. You'd watch Draco (uh, I mean Malfoy...) train. He wasn't good at catching the snitch, but he was decent keeping up with it. 

A game was coming soon, going against Gryffindor. You didn't want to play this match, but you had too. And you had to do your best or else Flint would kick you off the team....

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was the day of your first match. You were feeling nervous. All your friends (even the ones in Gryffindor) told you you were gonna do great and wished you luck.
"Don't block too many rings, Y/N," Fred told you as you were walking towards the Quiditch tent. "Yeah sure," you say sarcastically.

you changed into your Quidditch Slytherin Robes, put your hair up into a  ponytail (unless your hair is too short).

You mount  your broom with the other Slytherin member and zoom off into the sky.You were behind since they had faster brooms than you, but you still managed to catch up to your team. "Welcome to the first Quidditch game of the season." Lee said over the PA We have two new members joining the field today. Y/N Blackbird as the new Slytherin Keeper and Draco Malfoy as the new seeker."
People from Slytherin cheered. You nervously flew to your place by the rings. Madam Hooch approached the field with the balls. She got out the Quaffle. "The Quaffle is being released." Lee narrated. She threw the Quaffle in the air. "And the game begins."
You drew a breath as you saw one of the chasers on your team grab the quaffle and make a goal. 

Whenever Gryffindor tried to make a goal, you'd block it easily. 
Whenever Angelina or Katie would try to make a goal, you'd enter their minds.
"She's good for a second year."
"Come on, cut us some slack and let us get a goal."

You managed to "accidently" miss blocking three goals.  But, Slytherin would just make three more goals. You started to count on Harry for finding that snitch.
"Another goal for Slytherin! They lead Gryffindor ninety to thirty!" Lee narrated. "Y/N Blackbird is performing well for her first game. But, will she miss another goal and try and let Gryffindor win?"
You rolled your eyes at Lee. You and him were friends, but sometimes he can be a little irritating. 

You watched the game from the hoops. You then saw something weird. A bludger threw across Harry's face and hit Oliver's broom, knocking him down. It then started to chase Harry. You then saw Malfoy and Harry chase after the snitch. Since Draco had the new broom he was in the lead. You then saw them disappear under the bleachers. After half a minute, you see Draco fall off his broom and land in a split. You couldn't handle that and you screamed in laughter. You then Harry and falling off his broom as well. But, something appeared in his hand. 
"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee exclaimed. 

You smiled in satisfaction and flew down. You made your way towards Harry, who was still dodging the bludger. Hermione took out her wand and encanted the spell "Finite incantatem!" and the bludger disintegrated.
"Thank you." Harry said.
"Are you okay?" Hermione asked, approaching him.
"No, I think my- I think my arm's broken." Harry said as he sat up, holding his wrist close to his chest.
"Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straight away." Lockheart said.
"No, not you," Harry said, panicking. You shook your head in agreement.
"Oh, poor boy doesn't know what he's saying." Lockheart pressed. "Now, this... won't hurt a bit," he lifted Harry's sleeve. "Brackium emendo!" 
A light glowed from the wand and Harry's wrisr went limp. You along with some of the others groaned at how disgusting it looked.
"Ah, yes, well, ha, that can sometimes happen, um, butuh, the point is, uh,..."
He bent Harry's hand back, making it touch his wrist. Groans got louder amongst the group. " can no longer feel any pain, and, heh- very clearly, the bones are not broken."
"-Broken?" Hagrid exclaimed. "There's no bones left!"
" Much more flexible, though." Lockheart said.
"You idiot." you mutter under your breath. 

You followed the Gryffindor team to the hospital wing. You passed by a groaning Malfoy. "Stop being a drama queen, Malfoy." you said. "Shut up, Blackbird! I think I broke something." Draco whined. "You mean besides promising the Slytherin team success in their games? Well, you're wrong there."
You could hear the Weasley twins snicker in the backround. Draco gave you an angry look. You turned your back and walked towards the bed Harry was in.  

Madam Pomfrey entered the wing. She heard Draco's groaning. "Oh, Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss, you can go. Out of my way. Out of my way!" 
Students made way for her so she could approach Harry. "Should've been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat- but growing them back..." Madam Pomfrey said in an irritated tone.
"You will be able to, won't you?" Hermione asked.
"Oh, I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business," she said, pouring a clear liquid into a glass. Harry drank, spat it out and groaned. "Well, what do you expect? Pumpkin juice?"

You snickered at Harry as he took another swig of the skele-grow and tried his hardest not to spit it out again. 

"Hey, you were pretty good out there, Y/N." Fred spoke as you walked out of the hospital wing. "Thanks." you reply with a smile back to the Weasley twin. "If we had you as our keeper we'd never lose one game." George commented. You snickered at his comment. "I don't care about winning. I just find the game in general fun."
"Wanna come up to the common room and celebrate with us?" Fred asked. "Sure, just let me change out of my robes." you reply. 

you separated from the group of Gryffindors and headed towards the changing tends just outside of the field and changed into normal clothes. 
You headed back inside the castle and headed towards the Gryffindor common room to celebrate with the team, even though your teal lost, you still felt like you won.  

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