Chapter Twenty Five

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S/N: I imagine Enzo's front room to look like this picture to an extent.

I walked with Enzo to the foyer because he insisted despite my fears as to who that Alpha might be. If it was Kayla then I was screwed. If it was Kai then I was dead. Either way, my odds didn't seem too good so I steadied the hilt of my dagger beneath my pinafore making it easily accessible in case I might need to use it. I suspected that I just might.

My pulse quickened, the adrenaline that surged through my veins due to anxiety caused my senses to become sharper. I wished that I could slip away from Enzo but I couldn't. If I did, he would become suspicious. So despite knowing that I risked everything, I followed closely behind the man who possibly led my slaughter.

I only relaxed when the person who stood in the middle of Enzo's foyer was in no way familiar to me. Except he looked exactly like me if I were to be a male. Well, me right now. Not me in reality. Not the real me.

In the middle of Enzo's foyer stood a blonde-haired, green-eyed teenage boy whose hair fell across his eyes gracefully. He reminded me of someone. He smiled widely when he saw Enzo and I just stared at him, happy to see someone who is dressed normally for once.

Wow! The wonders of this pack! Now, normal clothes seemed like an absolute luxury to me!

"Where's your father?" is all Enzo greets the boy with causing him to frown deeply and then I notice a few of the maids leave quickly. I understood that Enzo must have dismissed them. I stood behind Enzo.

"Enzo! when did you become so serious, brother?" The boy said through his frown, shaking his head to hint at great disappointment. Brother? "We haven't met in so many years yet you greet me so coldly? I'm hurt,"

"I became serious when I became Alpha, Ronan. Which is something you are here to learn," Enzo looks over Ronan's shoulders and stares at Ronan's army green suitcase before bringing his gaze back to the boy I now identify as Ronan who by the look of things seems to be an Alpha-born. "Where's your father, Ronan?"

Ronan crosses his arms in an exaggerated fashion. "He had to run. He's dropping off my pain in the ass perfect baby sister at her glamorous, prissy all-girls boarding school. You know, the ones that are better than five-star hotels? I asked him whether or not he wanted to meet you but as you know, to my father only his little perfect Princess Safia comes first,"

Prissy boarding schools like five-star hotels? Ah! I know those! Only the Crystal Heart pack had those kinds of schools! They were extremely elegant because everyone in that pack basically bathed in money. My mother wanted to send me there but my father refused because he was too afraid that being away from home would corrupt my morals. The irony was that being at home was exactly what corrupted my morals. I didn't understand how an all-girls school would corrupt my morals but I understood that what he truly meant was that if I was gone then not only could he not control every fucking aspect of my life anymore but his relationship with his mate would go south really fast because those two forced me into the unfortunate position of being the anchor for their toxic relationship.

Yet, I knew people from my pack that attended the Crystal Heart Pack's exquisite boarding schools. They were apparently heaven on earth. On suites as bedrooms bathed in gold, silver, diamonds and everything divine. Extracurricular activities that made anyone a prodigy in whatever they picked be it polo, synchronised swimming, fencing, shooting, culinary arts, horse riding, golf, gymnastics, tennis and many more. Their schools were a living dream and whoever attended them came back with impeccable manners and several new found skills. I won't lie, even I wished I had attended one of those schools where their uniforms cost more than our car. As much as I love my pack, the Crystal heart pack was the way forward if you wanted to live in luxury. And you know me and luxury!

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