Chapter Fifteen

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As I pulled at a strand of my hair, I was lost on what to do. In the history of my whole life, I had never had hair this dry or unmanageable before. It was a twisted, unmanageable mess and I didn't know what exactly to do with it. The more I brushed it, the worse it looked. I groaned, completely frustrated as my cheeks heated themselves.

Nessa! Cursed be Nessa! That witch!

My hair looked like a puffed out pineapple and I wanted to cry. This curly hair was just not working! It was not working at all.

There was a knock on the bathroom door and I turned.

"Aoife, are you okay?" Indigo asked and I opened the door.

"No! no, I'm not!" I announced as I opened the door and Indigo's eyes went wider when she saw my hair. "I look so bad and I don't even know what to do about it,"

I cry out pushing all my hair back and walking past Indigo to the drawers to search for a hat or something.

"I can fix it," Indigo said and then she rushed out of the room while I continued to search for the hat. This hair was a nightmare. It was like a blown-out puff with everything entangled in a single knot.

When Indigo returned, she had a small jar and a comb in her hands. She told me to sit down and then worked magic through my hair, explaining that her sister also had curly hair like mine but hers was not as thick but really long. Of course.

"Fleur, you mean?" I asked Indigo.

"No, Fleur isn't my sister. She's only my cousin. You haven't met my sister yet," Indigo explained and then she told me she was done. When I looked at my hair in the bathroom mirror, Indigo had managed to smoothen it out into two perfect pigtails.

I looked just like a school girl!

Anyway, it was still way better than whatever it was before.

"Take this," Indigo said, handing over to me a large white garment and I understood why. Tinley had previously told me that in their pack, the mandatory shift due to the full moon was a special occasion and so everyone wore white garments. When the full moon would dawn upon us, the white garments would shed and rip, signifying a new moon and change that came with it. It all sounded so cliche to me.

There was, of course, a rule that no one could shift indoors and everyone was rushing to get ready because, after the mandatory shift, there was supposed to be a huge dinner, a feast of some sort to celebrate this day.

Guy's honestly, we get a new moon every fucking month, you guys honestly don't need to be so dramatic about it. It's not that special.

I smiled at Indigo, not knowing what else to do and she left the room. By the time I was dressed and came downstairs, the moon was almost full. I could feel the way my veins pulsated with renewed intensity by the second, each stronger than the last

When I came out of the mansion, there was howling everywhere and I didn't know why but I expected to see Indigo, Tinley or someone else that I knew. I also wanted to find Enzo. I think the full moon was the biggest excuse to be naked if anything and I was curious as to how this conservative pack handled nudity. I mean in my pack, it really wasn't a big deal.

Then I realised that these guys don't have electricity and as soon as I realised that I also noticed that there was so single flicker of any lamp. It was pitched darkness. Usually, people had a lamp when they went outdoors but I guess that for the sake of this oh so important mandatory shift, darkness was the rule.

My feet felt the wet grass at the same time that the howls intensified, the moon above me growing to its glory. It glowed and I stared at it, suddenly being aware of an intense feeling that I had honestly never felt so intense before. I don't know why I never really paid attention to the moon before today but looking up at her, I felt like a despaired soul who had lost its fragile lover. I wanted to reach up for it, to touch it.

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