Chapter Forty Nine

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I reached out to touch Enzo to prove to myself that whatever I thought that I was smelling was all a hallucination, was all my imagination. This was not actually happening.

Electricity pulsed beneath the pads of my fingers as I touched Enzo. He felt it too but didn't seem anywhere near stunned. I pulled away completely trying to deal with this shock.

Enzo's scent had invaded me so quickly, it was like my senses were suddenly heightened like I took a drug just having him near me. I had never in my life felt this way before even during the few times I was high. My eyes glowed and my skin pulsated like no man's business. My senses reached a new high and I wanted nothing than to reach out and wrap myself around Enzo.

For obvious reasons, I didn't do that.

"How long have you known?" I screamed out as more tears fell down my face. Of everything, everything, this was one thing which I was not prepared to ever happened.

"Since the moment I first laid eyes on you, Raven," Enzo said honestly and I shook my head, unable to think, unable to process anything. I was completely taken aback.

It all made so much sense now. That's why Enzo slept with me. That's why he had sex with me without any second thoughts of letting me be his first. Because he knew that I was his mate. That's why he indulged the fucking life out of me. That's why he had no morals when it came to me because in Enzo's head, I was his.

That's why he was so willing to mark me. Because in his head, he had all the rights to do so. In his head, the moon made me for him so he wasn't going against any rules by marking or mating me.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I turned away. This was all too much. In what world was it possible that Alpha Enzo was my mate? In what world was it possible that I fell in love with and made love to my mate and had no fucking clue yet he knew all along and said nothing.

As if he could read my mind, he interrupted my thoughts by saying, "In my defence, I thought that you knew all along,"

It was my turn to look angry. It was my turn to have eyes filled with hatred. It was my turn to have negative emotions, to demand answers and to feel wronged.

"You think I would have done all of this to you if I knew, Enzo?" I screamed at him. Did he really know me so little?

"To be honest, Raven, the only thing I know about you for a fact is that you are very self-prioritising. The fact that I am your mate won't stop you from throwing your dagger in my back if you felt like it was what you needed to do to survive. When it comes down to it, you care only about yourself and you wrap it up in a pretty bow and name it 'survival',"

That stung. That stung deeply.

"I want the whole story now! The truth and nothing but that from beginning till now," I demanded through heated skin. Despite the wind from the woods, I felt hot. I was burning up in disbelief.

Enzo and Kai stared between themselves then Enzo started to speak.

"Children from the Alpha line of my pack and Arian's pack have a gift. On our eighteenth birthday, we are able to get a glimpse into the future to see how our mates look like. I saw you for the first time when I was eighteen. I still remember describing your hair to my mama as darker than night,"

I stared down at my hair which now towered down me so much that I felt like it was physically weighing me down. It was heavier than I had ever felt it to be before, thicker. I wondered if the myths were actually true and it had something to do with me being mated to the Alpha of this specific pack.

"When I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were my mate but I wasn't sure about it because I felt nothing with you which I was told that I was supposed to feel with a mate. Your eyes and hair were different but I also understood that you wore a mate bond ring so I couldn't rule the possibility of you being my mate out,"

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