Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Aoife, could you please get Tinley?" Indigo asked me as she held my arm softly. "I'm really busy today but her grandaunt's looking for her and asked me to get her. I searched a few places but she's not there so could you call her from the room. I think she's asleep or something because I can't link her,"

"Sure," I told Indigo, throwing a sweet smile at her as I ventured up the stairs to find Tinley. I was wearing an all-blue tunic and loose-fitting pants today. The tunic paused mid-calves. I loved the way the pale baby blue colour was so delicate against my skin. I liked the soft colour. Back home, I favoured only vibrant colours like bright red and of course black but this pack has made me take a liking to blue.

I guess you never know what might suit you until you try it!

My shawl hung off my shoulders elegantly, it's embroidery nothing short of gorgeous. Apparently, Erica had ordered more clothes to be made for me and right now, I really appreciated that gesture. Even my hair was perfectly styled today thanks to Indigo's magical fingers and to top it all off, I wore the crescent earrings which Erica had gifted me. Honestly, I was going off borrowed items but I didn't care. At least I looked good in them. Better than most girls in this pack anyway.

When I got to the archway that led up to the third floor where Tinley's room was alongside Enzo's, Erica's and all the others in the Alpha family or with special positions, my eyes caught Jude who was coming down the stairs. When he crossed me, he did something very ballsy.

He pulled off my shawl.

Before I could react, my shawl had been tugged off of me and was lying bare on the floor. When I reached down to take it, Jude's hands clasped over mine boldly. He slowly took both my hand as well as my shawl in his hands. Then, he was looking at me, his gaze predatory as he draped the shawl back over my shoulders. Every inch of my skin crawled when his long fingers purposely brushed over the arch of my clavicles and then he placed his hand on my shoulder.

It took everything in me not to throw his hands off. This idiot had a death wish, it seemed. I was more than ready to fulfil that very wish.

"You should be more careful, little bird," Jude said with a smirk plastered across his large lips. Lips that would be busted if he didn't watch his hands.

"And you should be more respectful, sir," I finally threw his hands off of my shoulder, meeting his darkened gaze with my stern ones. He seemed to enjoy what I did because he smiled wider and held his hands up in the air in an exaggerated show of peace.

"Ah! My brother-in-law's favourite little guest has extended her boldness towards me. I'm humbled," he responded with a shake of his head, the glint in his eyes filled with cruel intent and I wanted to gouge out his eyes.

I ignored his poor attempt.

"And I'll continue to extend that very boldness until you learn how to behave with women," I was the one who moved into his space this time. He eyed me expectantly like a baby expecting a teddy or in this case, an idiot expecting a kiss. "Jude, I'll only tell you this once so listen to me carefully," I leaned into his ear and ran a finger across his cheek. "I am no Willow. Touch me one more time with your wretched hands and you won't have any more hands,"

His eyes widened ever so slightly when I scratched the skin of his cheek with my nail and drew blood. He could do nothing but tuck his lips into each other as he reached up to feel his injured cheek.

"Now run along and find your wife. She may appreciate those sinful hands of yours but I'll roast them and give them as offering to the moon if you don't get the fuck out of my face right now!" I shoved him and his eyebrows rose furiously as he stumbled backwards. One more shove and I could have sent him tumbling down the stairs to his death but I decided against it. It wasn't time to show my true colours yet.

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