Chapter Forty Seven

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This chapter is rated 'Mature' and is really explicit so trend wisely, I think. Basically, you can skip it if you're uncomfortable.

Song of the Chapter: Turning Page by Sleeping At Last.

Enzo trapped me between his door and his naked chest and I felt all the oxygen leave my lungs as his lips found the spot he had almost marked a week ago.

"You don't get to do this, Enzo," I said honestly as my voice came out in hitched breathing.

"Do what?" Enzo pulled away from me.

I turned now so that my back was the one that was against the door. I leaned against it, feeling the indescribable urge to collapse.

"Up until several minutes ago, you were going to mark her despite loving me even though you knew that she was cheating on you, Enzo!" I fought back as I slammed my head back against the door. "You don't get to make me a rebound and pretend like you marrying Leilani didn't almost happen!"

"She wasn't cheating on me our whole relationship. She cheated on me today. It's different. Also, I never loved her. How can you be a rebound when I love only you and never loved her?" As Enzo asked this question, he went away from me and deeper into his bedroom, having his back to me. The farther away from me that he went, the more desperate I became to pull him in.

"How do I know that you never loved her?" I threw back something I had been curious about for so long, it caused me to ride in circles whenever I thought about it.

Enzo's face snapped towards me instantly and his eyes looked hurt, like the statement was a slap on his face.

"What part of I love you do you not understand? Do I need to say it in a different language for it to sink into your head that I fucking love you?" Enzo threw a fist in the air and I gasped because he swore. I had never heard him swear before. He hated swearing.

"Maybe you are confused about your feelings, Aoife but I am not confused about mine!"

"Then why were you willing to mark her?" I screamed as I rushed to Enzo. "Why were you willing to marry her? To touch her? To act like everything was alright?"

"Because you are not willing to be with me!" He screamed back but not as loudly as me and I punched his chest.

"You were going to have sex with her tonight and you are telling me that you love me?" I slammed my rounded palms again and again at his chest.

"Why do you care so much? You don't even want to be with me, Aoife! Why do you care if I'm with her or whoever?"

"Because I love you too, you idiot!" I shoved him. He didn't budge as usual and I pressed my palms over my face. "I don't want you to touch anyone else. I want you to touch only me. I want you to kiss only me. I don't want your mark on anyone else's neck. I want it on mine but I'm afraid of the consequences of you marking me so I didn't let you. I'm so selfish that I want to have you only to myself!"

"Yet, I want you to be happy. I want you to be fulfilled and I don't know if I can ever do that for you so I decided to be selfless and it blew up in my face!" I turned away from Enzo but he was on my tail. I couldn't believe all that I had just vomited out of my mouth.

"So, what do you want, Aoife?" Enzo asked me and I sighed in frustration.

I want you, Enzo. Only you.

"I don't know, Enzo," I lied. I couldn't have Enzo. "All I know is that I want you to be happy even if it kills me inside,"

"Why would it kill you inside, Aoife?" Enzo's hands came over my shoulders and as usual, I couldn't think because he was so close to me. The room felt so hot all of a sudden.

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