Chapter Forty Eight

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As I broke into Enzo's private room which held his piano, I held my breath. I could still go back. I could still change my mind but no. I had made up my mind and no matter the consequences, I had to stick with it.

I felt like Enzo lingered on me like second skin as I sat down on his piano. I could still smell him on me despite my rushed bath. I could still feel him on me, in me and I felt sore and treacherous. Enzo didn't deserve this but I was stuck.

I lifted the piano lid. The stone was always right in front of my face. I was just too preoccupied to understand.

"This piece holds the keys to my heart,"

I brought myself back to the day before as Enzo was teaching me. I closed my eyes and played, trying my best to get the piece perfectly. Trying my best to repeat after him.

I wasn't able to.

I pulled my fingers away and exhaled. Enzo told me to feel. Maybe that was what I needed to do.

Again - I brought my fingers to the keyboard but this time, I let my moments with Enzo fill and intoxicate my head. I let myself remember how he caressed me, how he touched me and how I left him while he slept thinking I was still in his arms. How he was still sleeping now.

The music strung together like twine, perfect and precise at all of its points. Then - finally, I got the tune. I played the piece but nothing happened. I waited - still, nothing and I exhaled gruffly as I leaned against the piano.

"Three times for goodluck. More times for the feeling,"

I perked up instantly when Enzo's voice came to me. It couldn't be... I straightened my back and began to play. I closed my eyes and thought of Enzo as he kissed me. The irony remained how the very emotions Enzo invoked in me was the fuel I had to use in order to succeed in betraying him.

I played the piece once. By the time I played it twice, my fingers became unsteady because of how nervous I felt. When I played it the third time, I was breathing erratically because I knew that if I messed it up at this point, I would have to start over.

I didn't mess it up.

When I released my fingers after playing it the third time, I felt my lower jaw tremble. The emotions in the piece knocked the wind right out of me.

It wasn't until I opened my eyes that I nearly fell out of my seat. Four piano keys at the edge of the piano had lifted up like a lid. I found my mouth open as I rushed to the end because I couldn't believe that my hunch was right. When I looked into it, there was a small glass box just staring right at me.

Inside this glass box was a stone so blue, it reflected off light.

I gasped as I pulled it out and then pushed the four keys down. It didn't budge so I played the piece once more and the keys went down automatically.

I had done it. Some way, some how, I had managed to find the elusive stone. I stared at it, unable to believe that Enzo's piece was a literal combination. That man was indeed a genius.

The stone was gorgeous. I almost died of hypothermia because of this stone. And now, it was resting safely in my hands.

I hid it in my shawl and rushed out of the room, needing to put my next phase of the plan into action.

When I made it to Enzo's actual office, I was wary but I needed to use the phone. I picked it up and dialed the number I needed to dial. The number I had stolen off of Enzo some weeks ago and now knew by heart but no one answered.

Finally, after a third ring, someone answered.

"Hello?" The voice was groggy on the other end.

"Hello, it's Raven here. I'm calling because I have something that you want probably more than you want me,"

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