Chapter Fifty

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Above is Nessa fan art. Sort of what I think she looks like... Also, at the end of the chapter, please read the author's note for a special announcement ❤️🖤

I never thought that a day would come where I would be stuck between two of the strongest Alphas.

Both hated me. Both wanted to kill me and both had been with me.

I would be lying if I said that I knew which between the pair of them was the lesser evil. I didn't. The only thing which I was certain of at the moment was that freedom wasn't written anywhere in my destiny.

Neither would Alpha Kai ever set me free if Enzo agreed to hand me over to him nor would Enzo. With the way he held on to my arm, I understood that letting me go was definitely not in any of the plans that his hurt ego and probably heart had conjured up for me. I would pay for my sins. Either one of these two Alphas would make dead sure that I would pay.

The fact that they were right now arguing over whose ownership I fell under was a clue as to where my destiny was heading.... in a ditch because either believed I was their possession to take revenge from. And the worst part was that I couldn't even say that either of them were even wrong. Especially not Enzo.

Enzo held on to my arm so tightly that I stopped having any feeling in my fingers. I screamed out but Enzo was solely focused on Kai while I fought in vain to pry his hand off of mine. Enzo was strong. Enzo was too strong. I never really understood it until now.

"Enzo, you're hurting me!" I screamed out. Enzo looked to me, for the first time taking his eyes off of Kai. His eyes were the fiercest of golds when he stared down at his hand hijacking my arm.

He let go.

When I pulled up my sleeve to see my arm, my whole arm was white from a lack of blood flow and the part where Enzo held was red. It was starting to form an ugly red bruise and the area hurt. My whole hand was numb and cramped up as I moved it. I felt Enzo's eyes burn against my bruised skin causing a ticklish feeling to overwhelm the area then he looked away.

Enzo once again turned to Kai.

"You owe me a favour, Kai," Enzo said out of the blue, tired of arguing with Kai. I understood him. In my three years with Kai, winning an argument with the man was impossible. When he realised that he was on the losing end, he changed the topic.

"Enzo, you're not seriously going to waste my one chance to pay you back on Raven, are you?" Kai asked in disbelief. "Enzo, think logically,"

"You owe me a favour. I'm collecting it. I want her freedom from you as payment. You won't look for her, come anywhere near her except I'm there or try to harm or kill her, directly or indirectly. You will have no contact with her whatsoever or else I authorise it,"

Alpha Kai's eyes flashed with so much hate at me. The tilt of his jaw showed how hard he was containing his emotions.

"The biggest mistake I ever made in my life Raven was to underestimate you. Enzo is one of the most unforgiving people I know but still he wants you despite all that you have done to him. I don't understand the magic you cast on him but I'm bewildered by it,"

I looked up at Enzo. His jaw was clenched. Kai didn't understand. Enzo wasn't fighting for me because he loved me. I saw it in Enzo's eyes that this fight wasn't about love. It had absolutely nothing to do with it. It was about punishment. I had tried to make a fool out of the most powerful Alpha, that too while being his true mate. Mate bond or not, he was not going to ever forgive that.

"Enzo, she's yours. I relinquish my claim on her but on the condition that she never sets foot on my pack again. The day she sets her foot on my pack again, that day, I will forget my promise to you. If you accept my term then she's yours to keep," Alpha Kai's eyes remained steady on mine.

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