Chapter Thirty Two

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Her name was Leilani.

She was beautiful.

As I descended down the stairs with Enzo and Tinley, I was enthralled by the woman standing at the base of the stairs. When she turned, she stole my breath away. Her green eyes were so light that they looked unnatural. They were a unique shade of mint green which I doubted I had ever come across before.

Her head of light coloured blonde hair fell in perfect ringlets down her back until they stopped below her ass. She seemed to have hair poking out of everywhere on her head. Her skin glowed and her lips were the glossiest of pinks that I had ever seen. She was dressed in a large white shirt that was tucked into a long blue skirt that did nothing but compliment her physique, giving her an air of elegance. When she smiled up at Enzo, I lost my mind.

I didn't expect his fiancée to look like this. I had seen alot of beautiful women but never like this.

Then she saw me and her smile tightened almost instantly.

"Leilani," Enzo greeted as he arrived at the bottom of the stairs. I stood beside him.

"Enzo," she greeted back and her voice was as soft as daisies. My eye began to twitch while Tinley came to stand by my side.

"How was your journey?" Enzo asked and seemingly out of nowhere, Ronan emerged from the other side, his eyes going wide when he took in Leilani.

"Pleasant enough," Leilani responded as she stared between me and Enzo, questions engulfing her soft gaze. When she couldn't hold her tongue anymore, she asked; "who are you, if I may ask?"

"Sister!" Indigo's happy cry rang through the room as she ran into Leilani's arms and gave her a tight hug.


Then it made sense to me.

"My sister has hair just like yours. Not as thick but really long. Her hair is gorgeous."

Indigo had once told me about her sister when she was brushing out my curly hair on the feast of the full moon but I had taken no interest in her words. Now that very sister who had curly blonde hair just like mine at the moment was standing right in front of me. And she was Enzo's fiancée. Enzo's betrothed and I wanted nothing more than to cut all of her perfect looking curly hair off for pulling it off way better than me.

When Indigo and Leilani parted, Indigo threw her arms over Leilani. Apart from the fact that both of them were slim, they looked nothing alike. I wouldn't even think they were cousins much less sisters. Where Indigo's eyes were a very dark blue with an indigo tint around the rims (hence her name), Leilani's was a very pale mint green. Where Leilani's hair was a very light blonde wrapped up in numerous curly ringlets, Indigo's was dark auburn and only slightly wavy. They had no resemblance except for height and figure.

"Aoife, this is Indigo's sister, Leilani. She's Enzo's fiancée," I don't know who's neck snapped towards Tinley faster; mine or Enzo's but whosever it was, Tinley stopped talking instantly.

I only assumed that Enzo must have told her the most polite 'shut up' he could manage through their link because if there's one thing I have noticed about Tinley, it was that a part of her was scared of Enzo. I don't know if it was because she deeply respected him or because he had given her a reason to fear him.

"Leilani, this is Aoife. She's my guest," Enzo continued with the introductions, taking over from Tinley. I just stood there silent, unsure if we were supposed to shake hands or say something.

"You're not from our pack?" Leilani asked me and I shook my head. She looked at me like she had more questions to ask but she didn't. Instead, she directed her attention towards Enzo, once more. "If you're not too busy, I was hoping we could talk about something important,"

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