Chapter Forty

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A/N: Below is the picture of the night chemise that Raven/Aoife is wearing. I'm too lazy to describe it so just look at the pictures. Basically, there's a lace string at the top and a medial row of buttons below that, running down the centre. It's supposed to have a long white neck shawl also but obviously, I couldn't find photos with that so leave it to your imagination.

 It's supposed to have a long white neck shawl also but obviously, I couldn't find photos with that so leave it to your imagination

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Now, enjoy

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Now, enjoy.....

Enzo's dark eyes scanned me and then they bulged out. Before I knew it, he had lifted me into his arms and shut the door behind us.

His room was dark. Only a little candle by the bedside lit the room while I cradled my neck against Enzo's chest because he was warm. He was so warm. It brought me so much comfort. I needed warmth.

Enzo touched my cheek and then my lips. I only snuggled into him, needing the heat.

"What happened to you, Aoife? You are ice cold!" He exclaimed and then placed me on his bed. Enzo wrapped all his blankets around me and then got up. I held on to his hand and pleaded with him not to leave.

"Please, don't leave me," I cried out, feeling colder again now that his body heat was gone. Enzo looked down at me with deep concern.

"You need a healer. I think that you have hypothermia," He explained, caressing my hand and I let the warm feeling sink in.

"No, please," I pleaded again. "Everyone here already thinks that I am a witch. They all waste no time in pointing at it. If you call a healer for me then it will never end,"

Enzo moved closer into me on the side of his bed. He stared down at my hands and face then moved to caress my cheeks.

"What happened to you?" He asked me. His caress was so soft. I shook my head, pretending that I didn't know what had happened. "Aoife, don't lie to me, please. What did you do?"

I shook my head and croaked out, "nothing,"

Enzo hung his head low and squeezed my hand tighter. His curly hair spilled forward.

"You were in my mother's pond, weren't you?" He confronted me with the truth and my mind stopped working.

I had no clue how to lie my way out of this one, what to say, so instead, I just agreed and nodded. Enzo sealed his eyes shut.

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