Chapter Nineteen

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Enzo stared at me through heavily narrowed eyes, trying to process why I was in his bedroom standing over his bed at night. He looked around bewildered and only through the illuminating moonlight could I see his eyes as they travelled to the door and then, back to me.

I gulped, watching as water dripped from his wet hair down the bare skin of his chest, rolling over it slowly like film until the tiny consistent drops disappeared into the towel that was hanging low on his hips. His muscles were taut and his chest was wide and pronounced, twice the size of mine and a part of me just wanted to reach out and touch it. Instead, I just grasped the candle harder.

Enzo held on tighter to his towel and then finally asked the question that I was waiting for since the moment he stepped out of his bathroom and found me here.

"Aoife, what are you doing in my room?" I just stood there and looked at him with my mouth open and then looked at the door before looking at him, both of our gazes held by the dimness of the moon's eyes.

"I..I didn't know that this was your room," was my response.

Enzo said nothing but I felt his eyes not only watch but also deeply scrutinise me as suddenly, my legs felt too heavy to move.

"Don't tell me you sleepwalk now because you look very awake and alert to me," He continued, taking a step forward. He stopped only when he was about a foot away from me. His features contorted into a frown against the night when he again asked, "I asked you a question. What are you doing in my room, Aoife?"

"I was looking for Tinley," I lied, the perfect answer finally coming to my mind. I stared down at the candle in my hand but then brought my gaze back to his when I continued by saying, "I thought this was her room and it was open so I came in," I stuttered but made sure my eyes peered into his when I ended with, "I was hungry,"

Enzo inhaled and more drops from his wet hair fell onto his body which now had odd shapes drawn on it from the dark lighting.

"I should have knocked, I'm sorry," Before I could stop myself, I ran, wanting to escape from this trap which I had basically set for myself but I didn't think it through because I ran right into Enzo, crashing nose-first into his hard chest. He flinched. I groaned.

His chest moved against my face as he exhaled and I just stayed there, feeling his heartbeat against my head. It seemed to accelerate and very slowly, I raised my head up to look up at him. Enzo also looked down at me, not at all amused. Water from his hair dripped onto my face and I blinked. It was cool against my skin. When I opened my eyes, we were still staring into each other's eyes. His pupils seemed to dilate and more and more water dripped onto my face but I only ignored it as I pushed my head further into his chest. Enzo stiffened against me.

But it was only when his eyes glinted a dramatic gold that I jumped away. My unlit candle fell to the ground and I let out a sharp breath.

Enzo also took a drastic step away from me.

Golden eyes. Golden wolf eyes. That black wolf!

Enzo is the huge black wolf! The one that gave me that water lily and helped me out when I was lost! That's why that wolf was so big and its eyes were gold because the wolf was an Alpha! Raven, how could you have been so stupid? How did you never link that very obvious dot?

So Enzo gave me two flowers?

"I'm really sorry, Alpha. I think that I should leave now," I said, leaning down to pick up the candle but Enzo held his palm out to stop me and then he did something that shocked me. He rushed over to the door and locked it.

I stood there in awe and confusion. Why would he lock the door? I mean I don't mind but I...

"Calm down," He said, holding on to the towel that hung on his hips. "Don't be scared. I won't hurt you. I just have to talk to you but if anyone finds you in my room, then the consequences would be devastating. I think it goes without saying that you shouldn't be here, especially at this time,"

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