Chapter Forty Five

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The Present....

Tomorrow is Enzo's wedding.

Tomorrow is the full moon.

Today was the pre-wedding ritual. Leilani had to do some weird stuff where she was submerged in milk. Among other rituals. Throughout her ritual, her eyes lingered on me. They lingered so firmly that my skin crawled and eventually, I couldn't stop myself and I left.

"Willow," I pulled Willow into a corner.

"Yea?" Willow answered. She was carrying a basket of pink rose petals for Leilani's bathing ritual.

"How's our plan coming along?" I whispered against her. The little witch smiled sinisterly.

"Perfectly," Willow rubbed my shoulder. "Don't worry, this wedding won't hold. Leave it to me,"

"If this wedding happens, I'll kill you," I threatened her. She smiled back.

"It won't happen. But for now, I need to go," Willow skirted away from me and I was left in the hallway.

I stood outside Enzo's piano room for a long time. I was reluctant to go in. I was reluctant to do this. I was reluctant to face him. He was playing his piano. I heard it.

Finally, I knocked and let myself in.

Enzo sat there playing as passionately as ever. It was that same tune which I was dying to replicate on the harp. I had some experience with the piano. If I listened closely enough, I could try to figure out the keys which he was playing.

"Aoife," Enzo said my name but didn't stop playing.

"Enzo," I greeted back as I walked towards him. He just kept playing. I sat next to him on his piano. "Tomorrow is your wedding,"

"That, it is," He stated, not even turning to acknowledge me and the last time we were alone swam into mind.

He had almost marked me and for some reason, those marks are still on my skin. They hadn't fully healed despite being superficial. Probably because he's Alpha so maybe he has some venom in his fangs or something.

I placed my fingers on the piano keys. Enzo didn't stop. His fingers were hammering away at the piano, so fast that I couldn't keep up then suddenly, my piano lessons from the past swarmed into my mind. I inhaled and started to play.

First a 'C - C Major' combination then I kept playing. My eyes closed as I listened to Enzo as well as moved my fingers trying to recall piano pieces and chords that I had learnt when I was eight. Somehow, the combination of all these things brought out something in me and my fingers started moving.

I was so lost in what I was doing that I stopped looking at Enzo's fingers as they played and instead, focused on myself. My eyes shut themselves as my fingers went faster and faster until all I was doing was playing and breathing. I opened my mouth to help myself breathe better.

I just kept going and going as all my childhood memories returned. The way I would hammer away at the piano after I had mastered the chords. The way I waited until my dad wasn't home to play away at my harp. It was only me and my instruments until my father took them away from me when I was thirteen. I missed my flute although it was the one instrument I wasn't so good at.

I remembered my mother, how she would always listen to me play even though in all honesty, I sucked at first but she always made me feel like I was the best instrumentalist in the world. She told me that my hands had magic in them and I believed her. I still do.

It wasn't until I felt tears fall onto my skirt that I realised that I was the only one playing. Enzo had stopped. When I stopped moving my fingers, there was no music. Just silence.

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