Chapter Six

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Three Years Earlier...

"Jonathan!" I called out to one of my trainers as I ran to catch up with him before he left the training complex. He turned and despite being covered in sweat from head to toe, I shot him my best smile.

"Raven, how may I assist you?" He asked looking at me while I just tightened the bandages around my hands.

I leaned against the door. "How's my request coming along?"

Jonathan's eyes darted away from mine instantly and towards the complex. My friends were still training amongst themselves. Some of them landed perfect hits against the punching bag. Others missed.

"Jonathan!" I called out to him once more and he sighed.

"He doesn't want to meet you, Raven," Jonathan stated, his gaze now imploring mine. I squinted my eyes and set my hand on my hip.

"Did you even tell him about me, Jo?" I prodded.

"Why would the Leader want to meet you, Raven? You're still pretty new to the Assassins' and you haven't even completed any remarkable jobs, yet," I clenched my fist despite how much it ached.

"I graduated top of the trainees in my batch and I've completed every fucking job you guys threw at me since then!" I take my fingers to tap against his chest. He pushes it away. "I want to meet our boss, this so-called leader, Mak. I want to meet him!"

"Why?" He questions me through narrowed eyes. "Why do you want to meet him so badly?"

I tug on my ponytail. "That's my business. Just please do me this favour, Jo. Please,"

I stared into his eyes longingly, my fingers finding the top of his chest as I stared into his black irises which seemed to soften as his pupils dilated. Immediately, he nodded.

"I'll see what I can do, Raven but I can't promise you anything," I grinned, wanting to leap for joy as I felt my skin start to glow. Everyone was here so I held myself back and instead, settled for a light squeeze of his hand. He squeezed mine back.

At this point, I don't care who I need to kiss up to but I'll meet this Leader, Mak and I'll bargain my freedom, whatever the cost.

The Present...

My face was wet. I struggled to open my eyes as irritation set in deeply due to the weird sensation that repeatedly engulfed my face. Again and again, something that felt like a wet towel went over my face. The wetness caused me to twitch and when I finally managed to open my eyes, I jumped.

There were people surrounding me. It was a semi-circle of people that had formed around me, all of them bright-eyed and curious. They were covered from neck to toe in mainly white clothes and I wanted to scream, a part of me afraid, unsure and completely uncertain. Then, I heard a sound next to me. When I turned, there was a dog and I wiped my face, realising why my face was wet. The dog had licked me. It started to bark at me, running away from me and getting lost in the sea of people that surrounded me.

I sat up, feeling grass tickle my legs and everyone watched me cautiously, hiding behind themselves as if afraid to come close to me, to touch me, most likely afraid that I might bite them. Well, they should be I guess.

Suddenly, my head hurt a lot and I doubled over, groaning out in intense pain. I lifted my hand to rub my head. Two females came towards me but before they could say anything, I fell to the ground again.

It all went black.


My whole body hurt. It hurt a lot. I could feel the tingling sensation from my feet all the way up to my neck and a part of me began to shake, the quivers feeling nothing less than overwhelming. When I tried to open my eyes, my eye muscles hurt and I groaned out in pain.

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