Chapter Thirty Five - Part II

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"Tinley's also really on to you. You need to be careful with her," Willow said out of the blue as she continued her tale.

I let out an angry exhale. Tinley, Tinley, Tinley. She was slowly becoming a problem. She was playing with fire and she had no idea that I burned. I burned very badly. And I wouldn't hesitate to remove her if I needed to. I never hesitated.

"I don't understand what her problem is. She confronted me and told me to stay away from Enzo. Are her and Leilani best friends or something? Why is she so invested in Enzo's life?" I questioned and Willow let out a low laugh then squeezed my shoulder. I wanted to slap her hand away. We weren't friends.

"It's nothing like that. She's just one of those people who is really obsessed with justice. She feels like the rules shouldn't be bent for anyone when it isn't being bent for her," Again, Willow had lost me.

"What do you mean?" I prodded.

"Tinley has a mate. He's not exactly ideal but Enzo is currently in the way of their love story. I mean that literally," my brows furrowed together in further confusion.

"I didn't know that she found her mate," Tinley had never mentioned anything about having found her own mate. Yeah, she talked here and there about mates in general but she never spoke about hers. All I knew about her and mates was that she idealised the bond.

"You don't know anything," Willow resounded and pulled her hand away from my shoulder. Her words stung a little. She was starting to sound alot like Nessa. No one fucking spoke here. How am I supposed to know anything? I'm not a mind reader.

"Her mate is from Arian's pack. He's a witch but he's not just any witch. He's the son of one of the founding witch families in that pack. A family that deeply opposes Enzo and our pack. Very deeply. Long story short, it will be over Enzo's dead body that he will ever let Tinley unite with her mate. As caring as Enzo is, he'll never put his desires or anyone else's over the best interest of this pack,"

Another shocker that had my jaw nearly on the floor. Why didn't I come to Willow sooner? Things in this pack just seem to be getting more and more twisted. I don't even know where to start uncovering anything from. Nessa, where the fuck did you send me to?

"Tinley is pretty jaded about that because she's one of those girls who grew up dreaming about her mate like most other girls here. The reality of her mate bond is a tragedy and not one which either Enzo, Erica or any sane person in this pack would ever let Tinley live out. If she goes to that guy, this pack is doomed. Tinley is doomed but she doesn't understand any of this. So as we speak, they're actively searching for a potential mate for her to arrange her marriage. They want a mark on her neck as soon as possible. Something to permanently bind her to this pack besides her family. Tinley has tried to run away several times but Enzo always catches her,"

"So Tinley feels like if she can't be with her mate then why should Enzo be allowed to have you? Even as a mistress, Tinley will never support Enzo keeping you. She's very vocal about it behind Enzo's back. She's bitter about his hold over her because he's Alpha and her guardian. Enzo doesn't even want to hear one word in Tinley's mate's favour. He won't have it,"

"Mistress?" I interrupted her, once again not understanding. Why would Enzo keep a mistress if he would have a mate? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

"Alphas of this pack can keep an official mistress after having their mate. Enzo's father kept several at different time periods. Everyone knew that Rhys would also keep one despite loving Leilani. He just had those type of wandering eyes. It was something that deeply bothered Leilani because she knew that when Rhys would take a mistress because Rhys would definitely keep a mistress then she wouldn't be able to stop him. As for Enzo, no one knows. Since he became an Alpha, he hasn't shown an interest in any female, not even gorgeous Leilani until you," Willow's knowing eyes lingered on me longer than I liked.

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