Chapter Thirty Five - Part I

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Willow's lips contorted together sinisterly.

"Well, come in then," She said as she stepped away to let me in. I walked into her room wondering what I had just gotten myself into. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea afterall.

Her room was simple. Simple furniture which favoured light blue everywhere. Her blankets were light blue. She had a light blue furry animal. Her carpet was light blue. She shut the door behind me. I felt overwhelmed by the colour of blue. She also had a window that overlooked the yard like I did.

"I heard about your encounter with the witches. How are you?" She asked and I looked at her pointedly.

"Alive," I deadpanned.

"Everyone here thinks that you're a witch," Willow continued as she walked over and sat on her bed. Her black shawl hung over her shoulders, reaching till her calves over her black tunic.

"What do you think?" Was my question.

Willow raised her shoulders in a shrug as she reached for her hair brush on her side table. "I know better than to think something so stupid. You're not a witch, Aoife,"

"How are you so sure about that? What if I am?" I asked while she started to brush her long straight brown hair from the ends.

"What do you want, Aoife? What made you come to the realisation that we may both be of mutual benefit to each other?"

"You once said that you can help me. I'm asking if that offer is still on the table, Willow?" I leaned against her cupboard as my own black tunic pinched into my skin. Her cupboard creaked against my weight.

"You met Leilani didn't you? And then you must have realised that Enzo falling in love with you despite your pretty face isn't as easy as you once anticipated it would be," She kept brushing her hair and I wanted to take that brush out of her hands and hit her with it. She didn't need to rub salt on injury.

Why was everyone so obsessed with putting the fact that Enzo sort of deceived me in my face? Everywhere I turned, someone was telling me how I got slapped in the face with his fiancée. I was really getting sick of it now.

"Are you just going to insult me or do you actually want to help me?" I asked sharply. She dropped the brush and started to braid her hair.

"I want to help you, Aoife. I owe you one. I wasn't joking. I really want to get out of here. Preferably, before my mate finds me and ties me to this pack for life. Also, it's getting crazier and now that Leilani's back, things are only going to get worse from here on out. I don't know what pack you are from but I want to go there. Wherever there is because anything at this point is better than being here," She tied a rubber band at the bottom of her braid and threw it over her shoulder.

"I want your help, Willow but the thing is, I just can't bring myself to trust you," I stated directly. There was something about Willow. Something about her. I could never put a finger on it exactly but my instincts didn't sit too right with her. They never have and I don't think that they ever will either.

She was willing to betray her entire family for a stranger she knew nothing about. I wasn't an idiot. She had to have a catch beyond what she was telling me. I just hadn't figured out what it was yet. Either that or her godmother sent her to lure me. Irregardless, I was going to milk Willow for all she was worth because she was definitely worth something and working alone hadn't yielded me much of anything so far. Infact, it hadn't yielded me anything at all. So now, I would trap Willow in her own web in such a way that she'll understand the difference between a child playing with toys and a woman planning schemes.

"I don't know what you want me to say in order to get you to trust me, Aoife. To be honest, it's all up to you. I could throw you little trinkets here and there but still, the choice is yours because I can't force you to trust me and I won't do it either," She threw her hands up in the air in defeat and placed the brush by her bedside table.

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