Chapter Fifty Five

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I wished that my skin didn't respond to Enzo. I wished that my senses didn't respond to Enzo. I wished that no part of me responded to him but it did. His hand on my skin released intense pleasure from somewhere deep inside me. I had to close my eyes to regain my composure before finally attempting to speak to him.

"We have absolutely nothing to talk about, Enzo," I retaliated. What could Enzo and I possibly have to speak about? Our chapter was closed.

Enzo pulled me into him suddenly, causing my cosmo to nearly spill and then he looked right into my eyes. My knees were weak. I just stared into his dark eyes like old times, a warmth sinking into my skin as I looked at it. I never wanted to stop looking. Ever.

"We have alot to talk about," Enzo insisted and I shook my head away, breaking the spell that I had swore he put me under.

"We don't have anything to talk about, Enzo," I stood firm on my ground and pulled my arm out of his reach. Enzo sighed.

"Just listen to me,"

"I don't want to," I fled away from him as quickly as I could manage. I didn't know what Enzo had to say but to be honest, I didn't want to know either. I was sure that whatever it was, it would devastate me.

When I pulled Taylor to tell him that I needed to leave, he looked at me like a bat out of hell. Ronan just gave me a knowing, taunting look. There was no way in hell that Ronan didn't know Enzo was my mate. He enjoyed this too much to not know.

As I sat in the car with Taylor, he sighed heavily, obviously annoyed.

"Are you okay?" He pushed for a conversation and I shook my head and looked out of the window. He only tapped his hand against the steering wheel. "Rochelle, is there something which I should know because I feel like you're hiding something from me. How do you know those guys? Why do you seem so agitated around them?"

I considered telling Taylor the truth but didn't know how to start. I didn't know where to even start. I couldn't tell Taylor that I was Enzo's mate because then he would break off our relationship instantly out of fear of getting involved. I couldn't tell him that Enzo and I had history either because I just didn't want to open that pandora's box.

This relationship was still casual. I didn't need to let out my closely guarded secrets when I wasn't sure about the future. Taylor could dump me tomorrow and have my secrets with him. This relationship wasn't stable yet. I wasn't ready to bare myself yet.

"I don't want to talk about them, Taylor," I shut the conversation down and watched as Taylor hit his head against the steering wheel in utter frustration.

"Rochelle, it's been almost three months and I know nothing about you except that your name is Rochelle Umber, you're from the Shadow Night Pack and you're awesome at playing musical instruments. I've respected your boundaries and have tried to not push you but you need to give me something to work off of here. I feel like you purposely keep me in the dark about your life and it's becoming unsettling,"

I wished I knew what to answer to that. I didn't. He was right but I didn't know how to tell the truth. The layers to me were so complex that probably the only people in existence who could accept it was either from the world I used to be; an Assassin or my mate and I didn't have alot of luck with the latter.

"I'll tell you at the right time. Now, please just don't push me,"

The drive back home was awkward and silent. Taylor said no words to me as he dropped me off to my home. He didn't even kiss me goodnight but the worst part was I was happy that he didn't because I wasn't sure I could genuinely even bring myself to kiss him back.

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