Pack Fashion

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So I realised that it would be hard for me to explain the clothing choices in Enzo's pack. Like to describe it well enough for you to get the picture of how they dress there.

The girls I mean.

The boys outfit are more basic and singular so description won't be a problem. It's basically a large shirt and pants for the boys.

So below, I'll post the female fashion for Enzo's pack - The Blue Moon pack.

So I was inspired by two main fashion styles -
1. Old English/Lolita Western style
2. Pakistani/Indian Eastern style

I just wanted this pack to be different, I guess and I can't see them wearing any other thing. Also note that despite the pictures below, the clothes are loosely fitted and usually cover their chest and until at least three inches above the wrist.

Then there are only three colours allowed for the adults: blue, white and black. (Again, despite what you might see in the pictures)

P.s. yes I know that white and black aren't colours but instead, shades. Anyway.

So without further a due, here are the pictures.

The Old English/Lolita Western Style

The Old English/Lolita Western Style

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The Pakistani/Indian Eastern Style

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The Pakistani/Indian Eastern Style

The Pakistani/Indian Eastern Style

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These are Mary Jane shoes in case you were wondering

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These are Mary Jane shoes in case you were wondering.

I want to thank my good friend Oh_chuks for helping me with compiling these photos into grids.

What do you think of this pack's fashion?

Also please go to the next chapter to continue the story. Thank you!

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