Chapter Twenty Eight

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"His what?" I let out a small sound as my hand dropped from the doorknob. I turned.

"His brother," Ronan repeated, his lips set in a cheeky smile that I wanted nothing more than to slap off.

"Enzo doesn't have a brother," I stated.

"Is that what he told you?" Ronan deadpanned, his eyebrows raised in a question.

Enzo couldn't possibly have a brother. I have been here for almost two months now. If Enzo had a brother, I would have gotten to know that by now, wouldn't I? It seems to be a very significant detail, if you ask me.

"You're lying," I repeated, firmer this time but Ronan's gaze was steady and so was his stance. Either he was a pathological liar, he was telling the truth or my Assassin body language reading skills were failing me.

Ronan only held out the cigarette from across the room for me to take. "Have another smoke and we'll find out but I assure you, honey, Ronan is a man of many atrocities but he is not a man of lies,"

Reluctantly and with my fists clenched against my tunic, I strode over and took the cigarette. Ronan lit it for me and I took a puff.

"Speak!" I drawled as I suspended the item between my fingers. It reminded me of the first time that I smoked. I was seventeen and grieving.

Ronan grinned wickedly, very happy with himself.

"Well, Enzo's brother Rhys-"

The door slammed open and both Ronan and I jumped. The air shifted instantly as a powerful essence infiltrated the room. Ronan dropped the cigarette. I gulped when I saw Enzo standing there with golden eyes zoned in on the daring cigarette in my hands. His angry gaze seemed to burn my fingers and before long, I had dropped my own cigarette onto the ashtray unable to carry its weight any longer.

Ronan paled instantly, looking like he'd seen a ghost.

"B-brother, I thought that you had pack duties and would be gone for the day," was the only explanation Ronan wasted his useless undeserved oxygen to utter.

"What is this?" Enzo bellowed and took a step into the room, slamming the door so hard that I swore it rippled through not only the entire house but also the entire pack. I was surprised when the door didn't fly off of its hinges.

Ronan looked from Enzo to me to the cigarette and back to Enzo. I squeezed my shawl.

"I could smell this poison from half a mile away! So tell me, what's this doing in my pack?" Enzo strode towards Ronan and his eyes were glowing wildly, a vein on his forehead peeking through beneath his tamed curls. He was furious. I was trapped. "I told you that no form of substances was allowed here, Ronan. So tell me, what's this?!"

Enzo was directly in front of Ronan and Ronan shook like a leaf. For once, Mr chatterbox was as silent as a grave. Even I felt fear slither across my spine as I looked up at Enzo. He was no longer calm. He was livid and looked like he was about to rip Ronan to pieces.

Without warning, I moved between the pair but not once did Enzo's eyes flicker downwards to me. It remained steady against Ronan not even bothering to acknowledge me. If eyes could kill, Ronan would be ashes by now. Ronan felt like he was about to collapse against me as he placed his hand against my back.

"Aoife, move," an order, not a request. I didn't like to be ordered. Even by an Alpha.

"No Enzo. Calm down. He's just a kid," I gave the only excuse I knew best because that was the truth. The fact. Ronan was indeed just a kid. A spoilt, pampered kid but still a kid. He didn't understand the concept of consequences yet and I didn't think that Enzo ripping him to shreds was going to teach him anything either.

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