Chapter Seven

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My back imprints itself against the bed head as I stare at the man who is looking right at me.

He sits with a black book and pen in his hands. He closes it as he looks at me, his black eyes staring right into mine. It causes me to feel nervous especially when he tilts his head ever so slightly. His eyes don't leave mine. They shine brightly like two dark tunnels leading to hell or heaven, either one I don't care but they make me want to go there that's for sure. Wherever there is.

When he doesn't stop staring, I gulp, not knowing what to expect.

His features change instantly and he sits up straighter.

"Good morning," he greets out of the blue and a piece of his perfectly curled brown hair falls delightfully over his eyes. He pushes it back and I stare at his hair, mesmerised by it. It's a crown of curls, everything melting into spirals atop his head, over his ears and a little above his shoulders and I can't stop myself from looking at it. I can't stop my lips from parting either.

He assumes I want to speak so he waits. When I don't, he continues.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," He apologises and I don't know what to say to that because indeed, he did startle me but do I mind? No. Should he know that though? I don't think so.

So instead, I ask, "Who are you and where is Tinley?"

I look around in search of Tinley who I had met yesterday but she isn't in this room obviously. The room is brightly illuminated by the sun and I see it clearer now - the ancient sea-green wallpaper, the chest at the end of the room, the table and the chair this man sits on. He is in a large white shirt that covers him from his neck up to his wrist and is tucked into black pants.

Before he can answer, the door swings open.

We both turn.

Tinley walks in with a girl and both of them seem surprised to see this man sitting in the chair right next to me. In the daylight, Tinley's features look softer. Her face is smaller and her hazel eyes glisten. She's in a blue and white striped dress today. It's a simple dress that as usual reaches her ankles but has a long line of vertical buttons going down the middle of it. She also wears a long white sleeved shirt inside the dress as the dress serves as somewhat of a pinafore.

The girl next to her, however, wears loose black pants that cusp at her ankles and a long white tunic top. She also has a medial row of buttons going down the length of the tunic and the sleeve stops at her wrist of course but it's not tight, instead, it is loose. She also has a long black shawl over her shoulders that covers her neck and falls behind to the back of her thighs.

This pack wears the weirdest clothes I've ever seen and why is no one in any bright colours? All I see is blue, white and black.

Tinley, the girl and this man don't say anything, instead, they just look at each other but their faces contort in different ways like they are having a conversation. This must have been what Nessa warned me about. Now, watching it play in front of me, I am more creeped out if anything.

Before I have the chance to think any deeper, Tinley and the girl nod then leave. The man turns back to me when I close the door.

"Why did Tinley leave?" I question, confused and I look from the door to this man.

"I asked her to leave," He answers and I make my eyes go wider on purpose.

"How did you do that?" I ask a question I already know the answer to with a higher-pitched voice and suddenly, my bones start to ache again.

He eyes me cautiously but doesn't answer.

It unnerves me.

"How and why did you do that?" I ask again, louder this time as I push my question to him. I scream when I ask, "who even are you?"

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