Chapter Thirty Six

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I would stop Enzo's wedding to Leilani even if it was the last thing I did on the moon's pleasant earth.

It was a promise which I made to myself. 'Leilani weds Enzo' would never become a reality. Ever. I wouldn't let it. No, never. My name wasn't Raven if I ever let him place a moon forsaken mark on her neck. Much less her on his. The thought itself boiled my blood.

I wandered through the hall thinking about how I would find that damned stone and stop their wedding all by the next full moon which was something like three weeks away? All that Willow told me three days ago still floated around in my head and I was confused. This game had so many players beyond just me and Nessa trying to manipulate Enzo's mind.

Enzo and I had both been ignoring each other since that incident in my room. In fact, apart from at breakfast and dinner, I never even saw him. He was probably too busy with his beloved. Too bad for her, I was done whining and finally decided that it was time to put an end to their romance. All I was gaining by ignoring Enzo was wasting time which I simply didn't have.

Alpha Enzo wasn't like the others. He actually ignored me back and I hated it. I hated it with every fibre in my being.

I had searched for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found so I had my suspicions about where he was. The minute I heard the tune, I knew that as usual, I was right. Of course I was. When wasn't I?

It was the same tune that Enzo hammered away at the piano in his secret hidden away piano room. I didn't even bother to knock. I just walked in and stood there as he played. I watched him but he didn't notice me. His hair bounced everywhere and once again, I was mesmerised. Something like a trance fell upon me.

Whenever Enzo played, it was beautiful. The way he got lost in the music, in himself, how everything stopped to matter. It was just Enzo, his piano and the beautiful music which they made together. He reminded me of myself when I used to play the harp but still I don't think that I could be compared to Enzo.

When the music stopped, I had goosebumps running all over my skin. Enzo inhaled and pushed his hair back while I stared at his back. His curly hair was messy today and formed a curve over his upper back. His clothes were perfectly ironed as usual.

"Why are you watching me, Aoife?" Enzo said out of nowhere and I jumped because I was actually stupid enough to think that he hadn't noticed me. He didn't turn around instead he just stared down at his grand piano.

"You also watch me while we eat so I guess that now, you can say that we're even," I responded as I leaned against the door, shutting the both of us in as it closed from my weight.

"Do you need something, Aoife?" He went straight to the point.

"Yea, an explanation," I countered.

"Whatever for?" Enzo retorted as he turned towards me instantly.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked.

Enzo exhaled and leaned against his piano. I walked deeper into the room. He looked at me directly but said nothing, just stared.

"I thought that you realised by now that I'm not a witch. So what's the problem now?" I crossed my hands over my chest. Enzo kept looking at me. "So what, your wife-to-be is here and now I'm not interesting enough to you, anymore?"

Enzo's eyes scrunched together as if taken aback. Then he sat forward.

"Leave Leilani out of this. It's not about her at all," when he said this, I rolled my eyes at him and my jaw tightened. It was about her. Everything was about her.

As if he could read my thoughts, he continued.

"Aoife, I opened up to you about my family. About my brother, Aoife. About my parents, Ayla, my insecurity with Erica. I told you everything and what did you do? You ran away!" He was referring to when I left after seeing Leilani. When he stared me straight in the eyes, I saw anger flash through them. I felt something run down my spine but then it disappeared as quickly as I felt it.

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