Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nine Years Earlier....

"Are you going to tell your parents?" Carrie finally breaks the silence between us as we both ignored the final bell that had rung to indicate the end of our break. My hands shook and Carrie snatched the pregnancy test out of my hands. "Calm down, Roey. The test could be wrong!"

My back fell against the wall of the bathroom as I placed my hand against my forehead. This couldn't be happening to me. My backpack dropped to the floor.

"Carrie, that's the third pregnancy test I've taken. The third positive test," I stated, telling myself more than her. This couldn't be true. It had to be a joke. But three tests couldn't be lying.

"These store-bought tests are wrong sometimes, Roey!" She insisted, dumping the test in the bin before coming back to look at me. "You're fourteen. You were drugged and you had sex just once. Only once, Roey! I refuse to believe that your luck can be that bad!" She pulled my face towards hers as tears welled in her eyes. "I know people that have regular sex and they don't get pregnant. It happened once! Everyone I know is basically having sex! You can't be that unlucky!"

"Carrie!" I cried out, something suddenly got stuck in my throat as my whole body shook with the weight of several different realisations. "Those people use protection! I don't know what the heck happened that night but I'm sure there was no protection involved! My body's been changing too!"

"It's called puberty!" She insisted, squeezing my shoulders as if her life depended on it. Carrie just didn't want this to be true. She couldn't accept that there was a possibility that this could be true. She blamed herself for not trying harder to stop me from attending that cursed party.

Carrie was wrong. My body was different this time. Ever since that unfortunate incident a little over a month back, my body had been changing. I had not gotten my period since then. I could not keep any food down and the smell of fish sent me vomiting straight into the toilet bowl. My areolas had grown darker, my boobs were a bit bigger, more sensitive and I was always tired, always sick especially in the morning. I didn't want to believe it but now, after staring at the third pregnancy test, I couldn't deny it any longer.

I, Rochelle Umber, was pregnant.

"Carrie, we both know that it's not puberty!" I cried out harder, feeling absolutely helpless.

Carrie wiped her tears and then mine.

"What are you going to do?" She clenched her fist. "My mom's a nurse. I can speak to her for you. She can help you take care of it,"

"Carrie!" I gasped loudly, my hands going to my belly. I knew what she was insinuating but I was just too overwhelmed to even think properly. Ever since my assault, I had spent nights upon nights crying myself to sleep, chasing the ghost of Neil's hands away from my skin. Even my mom noticed that I wasn't the same but I didn't have the guts to tell any of my parents what had happened to me. Every time I had considered coming clean to my mom, crying into her hands so she could hold me, I just could never summon the courage.

I was the one who broke the rules that night. Both my parents trusted me to be alone that night and I had broken their trust. I snuck out and disaster struck. If only I had been at home studying instead of at a party drinking then this would have never happened to me. Neil would have never gotten a chance to hurt me. No matter how I look at it, it was all my fault before it was Neil's. I had gotten myself into this mess. Even when I confronted Yvie, the little witch told me that I was hallucinating. Nothing had happened to me. Her cousin had only dropped me off in the bedroom because I was passed out drunk. I didn't know how to react to that blatant lie.

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