Chapter Thirty Four

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The Present....

"Raven, oh Raven," I felt something tickle my nose and when I opened my eyes and looked up, I almost had a heart attack. It was Nessa tilted forward staring me dead in the eyes as long silver hair glided over my face.

I tried to speak but I couldn't. Everywhere around me was engulfed in darkNess. I could see nothing, except for Nessa's terrifying silver eyes.

"I'm glad that you're not dead," she stated in an irritated voice as she took her finger to my lips. The smell of the accrylic nail polish was strong. Her nails were painted jet black, of course. "I had to summon all of my energy to fucking save you. If you had died on me, I wouldn't have let you leave this realm so easily,"

"I-" Again, I struggled to speak as everything was hitched in my throat which seemed to be constricting further and further.

"Don't speak! Save your damned energy for Enzo cause you have alot of explaining to do on that end," I didn't understand what she meant. In fact, none of what she was saying made any sense. It made no sense at all. Save me? "I warned you to be careful with that nuisance Enzo, but what did you do? you went and fell in love with him like the idiot that you are,"

"He's an Alpha. Just because he gifts you with his attention doesn't mean that you're the only one he's making feel special. He's a male. Use your moon-damned brain," she growled and her finger stuck harder against my lips shushing me to the point of pain. "I don't have much time with you and you don't have much time either,"

My next breath had no air in it. I was suffocating and Nessa looked distressed. Fear curled around every inch of me.

"You have until the next Full Moon to finish everything and get that stone otherwise I will finish you. Enough of your love affair. Get to work," She came closer to me as my vision started to blur. "I want that stone by the next full moon, Raven otherwise my wrath will be worse than any broken heart that you can ever imagine,"

It felt like all the life was slipping out of me. I shut my eyes, unable to take any more oxygen into my lungs. I wanted to trash around but my reflexes weren't working. They were lost on me.

"The next full moon, Aoife. Time is ticking,"

Suddenly, my eyes fluttered open but I wasn't where ever the hell I was before. Nessa didn't seem to be anywhere in sight either and relief greeted me. When I looked around, all I saw was the dim light of a candle from across the room. I felt sweat run down my chin and wetness cling to every inch of my skin.

"Aoife?" I heard someone call out to me and when I painfully turned my neck to look, it was Tinley. Every single part of me felt stiff. No, let me rephrase that; every single part of me hurt like fucking hell. "You're awake?"

"Yeah," I responded to Tinley whose eyes seemed to be lighting up in joy. My voice came out low and coarse. I tried to sit up but let out a shriek from the deepest part of my soul as pain rippled through me. The thin white sheet that covered me fell to my thighs. I had a white cloth wrapped around my chest like a bandage and it dug tightly into my boobs.

"Are you okay?" Tinley rushed to me with a glass of water and supported my head as I drank from it.

I shook my head to indicate 'no'. Every single part of me ached mercilessly. I nearly choked on the water and coughed out painfully then fell back onto the bed.

"Wh-what....ha-happen-happened?" I managed to ask as I laid back on the bed. Tinley brought an extra pillow to prop up my head properly.

I was running and then I....witches. There were witches, six of them and they trapped me.

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