Chapter Fifty Seven

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This is the final chapter of this book. The synopsis of the sequel to this book will be out. Then the next books are out right after, you can check it out! Both Raven's Light as well as The DarkNess in the Night [Kai's book] are out now!

Song for the chapter: Last Time I Say Sorry by Kane Brown & John Legend.

When I woke up, the sun was assaulting my face and I groaned wildly. My limbs felt groggy as I sat up and when I checked, I pulled my hair from behind, it was slightly knotted.

When I looked over, Enzo wasn't there and if not that I felt a little throbbing below and the sheets were wrapped over my naked body, I would have doubted that I had actually spent the night with him.

I pulled the bedsheet tighter over myself and walked out of the bedroom. When I got to the joint living room and kitchen, the smell of breakfast overtook the apartment and when I looked over, Enzo was cooking.

I walked over to him. He was flipping sausages when I sat down on the dinning chair of the island.

"Good morning," Enzo greeted me before setting down a plate filled with waffles, an omlette and sausages before me. "I figured you might be hungry when you woke up so I made you some breakfast,"

I wished I had concealed my blush better but I didn't. No guy had ever cooked for me before. This was an actual first.

"Thank you," I told him as I went over to the sink to wash my hand then grabbed a knife and fork. "You cook?"

"You don't?" Was the retaliation as Enzo reached for his own knife and fork.

I shook my head. Or else you counted boiling water and pouring it into instant box ramen, I didn't know the first thing about cooking.

"You've been on your own a long time, how don't you know how to cook?" Enzo enquired as he dug into his sausages. His hair was wet and I understood that he had showered. Even in other's pack, he still respected his culture and never sat down to a meal without taking a shower first.

"I never needed the skill until now. When I was an Assassin, I had a personal chef assigned to me to make sure I never strayed away from my diet. Every single thing I ate was counted. And as for now, I just don't know where to start from," it was true. I took a bite of the waffles alongside the omelette and it tasted divine. "How did you learn? In your pack, there were chefs to feed you and everyone in the mansion,"

"I lived alone for a bit, remember?" He was referring to when he lived in this very pack for about three years or four. I forgot the specifics. "I learnt how to cook during that time because my father was very stingy with money and so my allowance was very less. I couldn't afford to eat out too often and I've always had a very rabid appetite so I needed to cook my own food because I don't get full easily,"

I nodded and then I ate more. My stomach started making funny noises as I fed it. Enzo went over to pour a glass of milk and hand it over to me. I drank it. I didn't even remember the last time that I drank milk.

"How do you feel now?" Enzo asked me and I nearly choked on my milk. He went back to eating his sausages.

"I'm fine, Enzo," I told him because I was. I wasn't as hysterical as I was yesterday. "Taylor was meant to find out one day. I just wish it had been on my own terms,"

"I wasn't asking about him. Albeit painful, you're not his mate so he'll get over it. I meant I know that I hurt you last night. How does your body feel now?" Enzo looked at me when he said that and I felt my cheeks deepen to a red tint.

"I'm better. Don't worry. You didn't break me or anything. It's just been a while since I slept with anyone. My body tensed up for some reason. I don't know why," I confessed. What was the point of lying? Last night was a disaster by my standards. "Please don't make anymore virgin jokes, Enzo. It's not about that,"

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