Chapter Forty One

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When Enzo's hands slid down my side onto my hips, I didn't protest. Waking up from the daze that was sleep, I felt his hot breath against my neck and shudders trailed down my spine.

I brought my fingers to cup his face as his lips began to kiss the skin on my neck feverently. The hold on my hip was tighter and I moaned out, not wanting him to stop. He didn't.

When he brought his lips to mine, I kissed them greedily, happy that this moment finally came. I have wanted to do this for so long. When he pulled away, I stared into Enzo's eyes. They were darkened with lust. He pulled me into the kiss once more.

As the kiss deepened, I found myself straddling him. I broke away from the kiss to pull my chemise off of myself. Enzo tossed it away without a second thought and took hold of the back of my head to pull me down back to the kiss.

We kept kissing until suddenly, a sharp pain ripple through me. I pulled away and stared down at Enzo. Enzo's eyes were completely golden by this point but my fingers felt wet. When I looked down, there was blood everywhere.

Enzo sat up as I watched him continuously plunge my dagger into me. My eyes widened in shock. Enzo's lips reached my ears as he kissed my cheeks.

"You always lied to me, always deceived me but I told you from day one Raven - I am no fool,"

I screamed so loudly, thrashing around fiercely as fear pierced through me. A hand cupped my cheeks and I kept shouting. Then the hand clapped over my mouth.

"Ssh, it's just a nightmare. Calm down," I heard Enzo's voice and I opened my eyes.

I was breathing heavily. Every inch of my skin was covered in sweat, so much so that my chemise had become drenched in it. When I reached down to my belly, there was nothing. No dagger, no feeling of blood. It was too dark for me to see and confirm that I wasn't covered in blood.

I sat up and Enzo sat beside me, his hands were over my shoulders as a show of support. I inhaled harshly and he reached for a glass of water beside the bed. He lifted the glass to my lips. I drank it so fast, it was like my life depended on it.

"Are you okay?" Enzo said beside me as he rubbed my back through my chemise and pushed my hair behind my ear.

All I could think about was the dagger that he had plunged through my belly and my chemise stained red. All I could focus on was the hate in his eyes as he stabbed me.

"Aoife, it was just a nightmare. Calm down," I shook my head and Enzo pulled my face up to meet his. His eyes were soft as he stroked my temples with both of his hands. "You're safe,"

"I-I-," I started but words were stuck in my throat.

"Try to go back to sleep," Enzo said and I held on to his arms and shook my head.

In the dream, Enzo had so much hate for me in his eyes. Would that be my fate when he finds out that I'm not Aoife? When he finds out that my real name is Raven and that I'm an Assassin? That I only got close to him to steal from him for my own selfish interest? Would he hate me?

"Aoife, calm down. Just try to sleep. Come," Enzo pulled me into him. He tucked my head beneath his chin and my face faced his chest. He had both of his arms wrapped around me and pulled the blanket over us.

"I'm scared," I said honestly because I was. I didn't want Enzo to hate me. The thought itself hurt me more than it should have.

"That you'll die?" He asked. I shook my head against him. "Then of what?"

"That I'll lose you,"

It was complete silence after that. All I heard was Enzo breathing. All I felt was his body pressed against mine as more heat seeped into me. I took my hand to his chest. His heart beat was so steady against me. I moved closer into Enzo. I wanted him to hold me harder. I wanted him to hold me until I couldn't breathe.

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