Chapter Fifty One

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A/N: At the end of this chapter, I'll reveal the cover for Kai's book. Please check it out! Thanks!

To say that my mouth dropped would have been an understatement. Whatever Enzo just said, I only needed to look at Nessa to know that Enzo wasn't lying.

The glow in Nessa's silver eyes was gone. Her shadows disappeared into thin air. Enzo was telling the truth and Nessa knew it. I was only be-fumbled.

Nessa was Alpha Arian's mate? How?

"That man has been looking for his mate everywhere. He will be so happy when I finally break the news to him of your identity. What an icing on the cake that you are also a witch. He hates girls who have no witch lineage in them. It's his biggest fear to be mated to a non-witch. You should do fine for his tastes," Enzo rambled, knowing full well that he had gotten Nessa's weakness. She looked at him blankly but her now dull eyes said alot.

"You will tell Arian, nothing!" She screamed at Enzo.

"What magic did you use to hide your face from him and his seers? He came to me one day to find his mate. I saw your face but was too angry at the man to tell him. I think you couldn't hide from me because of the moon but how did you hide from Arian? He doesn't even know how you look like which is nearly impossible," Enzo thought out loud and the longer he did, the more uneasy Nessa looked.

So this was her weakness.

Where I was mated to the most powerful and conservative Alpha in existence, she was mated to the strongest witch in the world whose pack she fled. Is this why she fled? To avoid Arian?

"How I managed to hide myself from him does not matter, Enzo. You will not say a word to him,"

"And why not?" Enzo chuckled at her. "Imagine the debt Arian would owe me if I tell him who exactly you are. I wouldn't have to worry about witches like you trying to steal my ancestral stone or sacred flowers anymore,"

"Your cousin would be dead if you did that. I vow this to you,"

Enzo raised his hand in the air to stop her.

"Don't threaten me, witch. Kill Tinley and Adonis will destroy you. And when Arian finds out that you have been purposely hiding from him, he won't take so kindly to you either. It will hurt me to lose my cousin, yes but you, just like your friend Raven will never be free. At least Raven just has to worry about me and what I'm going to do to her,"

Enzo pulled me out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around me. The minute the hum of the bond started, I shook wildly then Enzo kissed me on the head in show. I shut my eyes as he pulled my hair back from behind and leaned down to kiss the point where he almost marked me before. The two points that still had his canines indented as a never healing wound. When he kissed it, warmth travelled over every inch of my skin. He lifted his head and set his chin on my shoulder to speak to Nessa.

"Raven has just me to worry about, and very worried she is, I can feel it but you will be in Raven's place with Arian and then have Adonis on your neck. That pack has even more primitive laws than us. From what I suspect, Adonis will demand you in place of Tinley from Arian and since you killed Tinley, Arian will have no choice but to give you to Adonis just to avoid the war that Adonis will wage against him if he decides to protect you which he won't. The man is more self-prioritising than Raven is," Another kiss found its way onto my cheek as Enzo wrapped his arm around my waist, trapping me against him.

"You are from that pack, Freya," That was Nessa's witch name which I hadn't heard in a very, very long time. "You know about Adonis and his evil family. Imagine what all of them will do to you once Adonis claims you as retribution for his dead mate? I don't need to remind you of the horrors of the rituals you witches perform in that barbaric pack of yours,"

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