Chapter Thirty Seven

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Note: PLEASE go back to read CHAPTER THIRTY SIX if you haven't.

Wattpad glitched on me the last time and so my update wasn't sent out no matter how many times I unpublished and re-published the chapter. So I think that most of you didn't see that chapter update or it didn't load.

So PLEASE go back to that chapter before this one if you haven't read that yet. Or just go back to check JUST IN CASE.


"I was coming to call you," Leilani started explaining. Well, more like started lying but oh well.

Enzo opened the door wide for her to come in.

"Leilani, you were standing there for a while listening. I smelt you the moment you came. Don't lie to me, please," Enzo told her sharply. He wasn't having it.

Leilani just looked between me and him. Her eyes were still black. Enzo looked directly at her and tilted his chin towards her. I could feel the air shift. "Your gaze,"

Leilani's eyes turned back to their natural pale green instantly. And her eyes looked down.

"Better," Enzo stated and then he took a step aside. "Are you coming in or you just want to stand outside and eavesdrop?"

Leilani shook her head and I could see how deeply she flushed. Her face was getting increasingly red.

"I-" she stopped herself from completing her sentence, probably only wanting to defend herself. Then she entered into the room. Enzo closed it behind her. "Ronan was searching for you. He fell off a tree so his ribs are hurting again,"

"Then why didn't you ask your sister or my cousin to link me if it was so urgent?" Enzo responded and Leilani simply pushed her curly blonde hair behind her ear.

She wanted an excuse to meet you, obviously.

"It's Indigo's birthday in two days. They went to the seamstress to get her dress," she explained and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. Its a mansion for crying out loud. You could get anyone to link him.

"And why didn't you go with them?" Enzo asked and Leilani stared up at him like a fucking deer in headlights. Her fingers started to play with each other. I didn't expect her to be so nervous around him. "You haven't been here in a while. I thought that you'd like to see the pack or something,"

"I didn't feel like it," She answered honestly.

Enzo nodded.

Leilani looked at me. I stared right back. I had no reason not to. She looked like she wanted to say something but was reluctant because Enzo was here. She looked from him to me while Enzo just looked straight at her.

"Anything else?" He asked and Leilani shook her head.

"Ronan's in alot of pain though. You should probably take a look or send a healer to him. His ribs haven't fully healed from," she paused to look at me, "last time."

"He's Alphaborn, he can handle it," was Enzo's response. "But I'll go nonetheless,"

Enzo looked at me and said, "If you don't mind then lets go. I don't like anyone being in here,"

I nodded and stood up. Enzo, Leilani and I walked out of the room and then after locking the door, Enzo left, nodding at us both in a polite goodbye. Leilani and I were left together in the hallway.

"Will you come for Indigo's birthday party?" Leilani asked me out of the blue and I nodded my head not understanding why the girl who just threatened me with her gaze some few moments ago was now speaking to me like we were friends. When I turned away from her, she again began to speak.

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