Chapter Ten

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I gulped as his eyes zoned in on mine with so much dominance that if I wasn't so shocked, I would have looked away. I felt around on the grass for an object just incase the wolf tried to attack me. I didn't find anything. My dagger was with me, between my thighs to be exact but it was complicated to reach for it with these clothes especially now that I was flat on my ass on the ground.

It came closer, looking down at me and I could only look up at it. This is the biggest fucking werewolf I've ever encountered in my life. Is this the normal size of wolves in this pack? Its fur was black but its eyes were gold and it stared down at me with an eerie superiority. I wanted to run away. I don't like fighting in wolf form. I really don't like fighting in wolf form. If it comes any closer then I'll use the last of my poison in my assassin's ring.

Suddenly, it moved away from me and I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding. I tried to stand up but the wolf turned to me again, so I sat back down with urgency. I didn't like the way the wet grass soaked into my clothes. I kept watching the wolf with alertness.

It hadn't attacked me yet.

The large black wolf went towards the pond. I pulled my knees up closer to my chest as I tried to wipe something off my hands. I didn't know if I should get up, shift or just sit there and stare. I decided to sit there. If it saw that I was harmless then it wouldn't hurt me or think that I was an intruder because it must have tried to mind link me and realised that it didn't work. The problem is that I can't attack this wolf because if I do then people might realise that I'm dangerous and not the harmless amnesiac I'm trying to portray.

The wolf turned back to face me. When it did, my eyes widened at what was in its mouth.

It placed my shawl in front of me, bending low and using its nose to push it closer to me.

Reluctantly, I reached for it.

"Thank you," I said, looking at the wolf. The shawl was wet from falling into the pond so I only held it in my hand. I didn't wear it. The wolf nodded and turned away. I decided it was time for me to stand up so, with strained effort, I did.

The wolf appeared before me again but this time, what it placed in front of me had my lips parting in surprise. It was the beautiful pink water lily that I was reaching for when I slipped, fell and had somewhat of a freak accident.

Before I had time to respond, the large black wolf again turned away but this time, it left, disappearing out of sight.

Out of sight, out of mind, I guess.

I squeezed the water out of my wet shawl and folded it before leaning forward to reach for the beautiful water lily. It was so gorgeous and a part of me wished that I had thanked the wolf but the other wondered why he gave me this. It probably saw me reaching for it, I thought.

I lifted the water lily up to my nose to smell it and the smell was fresh. I liked it. It was unlike anything I had ever smelt before and it made me want to keep sniffing it. The more I sniffed, the more I felt the need to sniff whilst the vibrant pink plant only peaked upwards.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice from behind me and I turned suddenly, slightly startled. it was a girl whose bright hazel eyes was set ablaze with what I could only describe at anger as they zoned in on the water lily in my hand.

"I asked you what you think you are doing?" The girl repeated in a sharp tone that made me want to slap her. No one talks to me like that. Ever. Well except Mak but he was my boss so.

"Nothing," I replied, not knowing what else to say as I stared at the shorter girl whose hands on her hips made me feel confused if anything.

"Why do you have that in your hands?" She raised her voice at me, her large blue shirt swaying ever so slightly. I looked down at the water lily in my hands.

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