Chapter Eighteen Part II

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Warning: there's matured language featured in this chapter!

The Present.....

I took my candle and wore my Mary Jane shoes, not wanting to dwell on my past memories that have in one way or the other tormented me for the past four days.

I'll never forget the first time I had sex with Mak, or like I preferred to call him, the faceless man. It was an experience that I could simply never describe, never explain or never get anyone to even understand. He literally fucked my brains out and our encounters didn't end at that single afternoon in my bedroom. It continued on religiously for years. I initiated a game that I simply wasn't ready for because I wanted something. That something I wanted, I knew would take time just like I know that what I need from Enzo would also take time.

Powerful men or men in positions of power don't just give you what you want on a platter of gold. They aren't built that way. They are built to resist!

Eventually, I got exactly what I wanted but that didn't stop the passionate yet brutal nights in that man's bed. For the life of me, he just didn't know how to be gentle with a girl. It was impossible for him. And he kept me for years as his mistress because I was the only girl that for some reason, he didn't risk seriously or permanently damaging from his sexual barbarism. For some reason, my body was built to take all that roughness and savagery. In fact, it even went as far as liking it.

I remember how I was always bedridden for at least a day after any form of intercourse with Mak or how he wouldn't meet me when I had a mission for fear of foiling it by leaving countless bruises over my skin or leaving me unable to walk properly for a few days. Eventually, my body adapted to being so brutalised and it would heal itself faster or numb itself to the pain.

How my skin remained flawless and without scars was only the moon's miracle. Mak would leave every part of me lined with bruises upon bruises but I would always wake up by the fourth or fifth day and my skin would have completely healed itself, looking even better than before he touched me. Mak always commented on this so-called phenomenon, this so-called glow of my skin. Then, of course, he would touch me again and the cycle would go on.

This went on for three years. Three years of being the mistress of the very man whose scent always sent chills down my spine and threatened to crush it. A man who no matter how many times I slept with him or how much he lavished on me because of the fact that I was his mistress, every time his eyes found mine, deep fear grew within my heart. He was calculative and unpredictable and was only intrigued by me because I kept him on his toes with my mind games and daring attitude and also he could do whatever he wanted with my body and my body was just built to take it so he never had to worry or focus on badly hurting me.

Apart from the fact that I betrayed him and his organisation by leaving, we did have good times. For one, he is the only person I ever actually enjoyed having sex with. Everyone else other than him was too vanilla and boring for my tastes. Even when they were rough, they lacked the zest and passion that actually made me as eager as I was with Mak to jump into his bed. He made me forget. He made me forget a lot. Only one other person ever actually made me forget like that.

And the moon knew I had a lot of things that I truly needed to forget.

But the fact I could never actually remember Mak's face after our encounters always threw me off course. It was like I had to always relearn his face. I remembered his mannerisms, how his ring looked like, his voice and his smell. I even remembered his clothes but I never remembered his face. In fact, from the few people who had seen him that I had spoken to, they also said that they never remembered his face either.

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