Chapter Forty Four

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"Fuck the moon," I whispered underneath my breath.

"Is Enzo sleeping with you?"

This was the second person today that was accusing me and Enzo of having a sexual relationship. At this point, we might as well be because what the fuck? Did they all know something that I didn't?

"Excuse me?" I turned around instantly as I patted out the last bit of tears from my eyes. Leilani stood there, tall and unafraid despite the rubbish that just spilled out of her mouth.

"I know that you heard me, Aoife," Leilani replied unapologetically. Isn't she ashamed of herself?

"Well, I don't owe you any explanations. Direct your questions towards Enzo. Not me," I told her. This was ridiculous. I wasn't going to explain myself to this flowerhead. Whether Enzo was sleeping with me or not, I didn't owe her anything.

"He's my fiancé, Aoife! He's always giving you preferential treatment over everyone and won't listen to any word against you. Why is that so if you're not giving yourself to him?" Leilani stood firmly on her accusation and I wanted to explode into her. This was not the right time to annoy me.

"Don't you feel any ounce of shame, Leilani?" I walked towards her until I stood before her then I took hold of the golden locket on her neck.

Inside the locker was Enzo's photo because this pack had yet another weird custom. Once two wolves get engaged, the girl wears a small golden locket with a picture of her betrothed on her neck. Her locket was a small oval shaped one.

Leilani stared at me cautiously. It was like as if she was afraid that I would rip it off of her neck. I was tempted to. Instead, I opened it. Enzo's photo was there, as expected. I shook my head.

"You throw the word 'fiancé' around so much that I'm struggling to believe that you are truly Enzo's elder brother's true mate,"

Leilani went pale instantly. An emotion invaded her unnatural green eyes as she staggered backwards, only stopped when the locket that was still in my hand held her in place like a dog on a leash.

"Poor Rhys, he must be tossing and turning in his grave right now watching his beloved mate chase his youngest brother so adamantly. So passionately," I didn't miss the tears that welled up in Leilani's eyes as she snatched her locket out of my hands.

"You have no right!" She screamed at me and I saw her hands shake. "You have no right to mention Rhys! No right!"

"Did I hit a nerve?"

Leilani shook her head and inhaled deeply. Her face became as red as a tomato and she looked like she was struggling to breathe.

"Do you think that this is easy for me?" Leilani huffed at me, a tear coming down her cheek which she quickly wipes off.

"Well, you certainly don't make it look hard, Leilani, that's a given," I crossed my arms over my chest. Her tears didn't move me. I was telling the truth. Enzo was supposed to be her brother-in-law not her beloved. She didn't get to act like this was normal. It wasn't.

"Rhys is dead because of Enzo. Do you know how much I have had to compromise for this match to work?"

"Leilani, cut the crap. If you really cared about Rhys, you wouldn't be marrying his baby brother, Enzo,"

There was dead silence. The silence was so heavy that I could hear the hands of the clocks move. Leilani stared at me, fighting back tears.

"I may not have known Rhys but I do know that he wouldn't want you to replace him with his brother and I'm tired of everyone acting like it's normal that you are," I continued.

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