Chapter Thirty Eight

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That wasn't a name which I had been called by in weeks. I lost feeling in all of my fingers when I heard that name from her lips. I stood there petrified as Tinley's eyes became fierce with accusation.

"Or should I call you Rochelle? I'm quite confused about the identity which you go by these days as it seems you have several," Tinley continued and I stood stuck in one place as adrenaline shot through me.

When my eyes found the things in her hands, I understood. She had the copy of the newspaper where Alpha Kai had me wanted which had my face plastered over it in her left hand and my second dagger in her right.

"When I first saw this, I wasn't so sure it was you," she looked down at the newspaper and looked between the picture of me in my true form to me right now.  "But after all of your hexes, I have no doubt that a witch must have manipulated your appearance. Because I can understand the hair colour change but not the eyes,"

She was referring to the fact that in my true form, my hair was as black as night and my eyes, the bluest of blues. So blue in fact that it made people cry just staring into them. She kept glancing between my photo in the newspaper clipping and my eyes.

"If I hadn't found this dagger, I wouldn't have been convinced," Tinley breathed out in an exasperated breath as she clutched to the heel of my dagger.

"Where did you get that?" I said as I took a step towards her. How the fuck is this happening right now? How?

Tinley lifted a hand in the air to stop me, pointing my very own dagger at me.

"One more step from you and I swear by the moon that I'll link Enzo and he'll be here quicker than you can imagine," She threatened me and I knew that she wasn't bluffing.

"What are you even doing here? You're a criminal!" She yelled at me and I pulled my shawl off of my neck. "You kill people, men for a living,"

It was in the moment when she let her guard down that I made my move. I pulled the hair clip off of my hair and threw it with perfect precision at her eyes. She stumbled backwards unexpectedly and I pulled the vial out of my bra as quickly as I could manage. I threw more than half of the vial's content at her before rushing to her. My dagger was at her feet, having fallen when she stumbled backwards. I reclaimed my dagger, pulled Tinley into my arms and then positioned the dagger against her neck.

I whispered into her ears from behind when I said, "I kill women too. They are just not my preference,"

Tinley shook like a leaf within my grip. She tried to struggle loose but I positioned the dagger so tightly at her neck that she stilled out of fear.

"Why isn't my link working?" She screamed out. I smiled internally, relieved. At least that witch Willow did one thing right.

"You're not very smart, are you?" I taunted. "You came to confront an assassin alone?"

"I wasn't sure. Like I said, if I hadn't found your dagger, I wouldn't even be convinced. Your eyes are very different from the picture," Her words came out rushed and tensed, like word vomit. She was scared.

"Ssh, ssh. Keep your voice low," I prodded, positioning the dagger firmer against her neck. All of her muscles tensed as her neck fell back into the hook of mine. "Don't think for a second that I will even hesitate to kill you,"

"Please let me go," she pleaded and I felt her tears slide down. They irritated my cheek.

"Now why the fuck would I do that? Do I seem stupid to you?" I scowled into her ears. "You shouldn't have been nosy. You should have stayed in your place and hated me from afar but see, you decided to play the heroine and now, I'm treating your fuck up because Tinley, you really fucked up this time,"

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